【应用笔记】Stratix II器件系统功耗考虑(Stratix II Device System Power Considerations)
Altera采用90nm制程技术开发了Stratix II器件,这项技术可以优化性能和电源。但伴随着90nm器件的引入,新的挑战产生了。
Altera developed Stratix? II devices using a 90-nm process technology
optimized for performance and power. New challenges accompany the
introduction of 90-nm devices. In addition to the usual core power and
I/O power, 90-nm devices dissipate a larger leakage power compared
with previous process technology devices. This leakage power can be a
significant contributor to device power dissipation. To avoid excessive
power leakage, Stratix II devices use low leakage transistor technology
wherever possible to reduce power loss due to standby current. This
application note addresses these items along with a comprehensive
power management strategy.an355.pdf
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【应用笔记】Stratix II器件系统功耗考虑(Stratix II Device System Power Considerations)
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