【应用笔记】升级Nios处理器系统到Nios II处理器(Upgrading Nios Processor Systems to the Nios II Processor)
本文档的目的是:指导你将一个现存使用Nios嵌入式处理器的嵌入式系统迁移到Nios II处理器。
The purpose of this document is to guide you through the process of
migrating to the Nios? II CPU in an existing embedded system with the
Nios embedded processor. This document discusses all necessary
hardware and software changes to use the Nios II CPU, as well as
optional changes that can be made to further enhance system
performance and functionality.an350.pdf
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【应用笔记】升级Nios处理器系统到Nios II处理器(Upgrading Nios Processor Systems to the Nios II Pro
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