【应用笔记】使用HP3070测试系统进行在系统编程(Using the HP 3070 Tester for In-System Programming)
使用HP3070测试系统进行在系统编程(Using the HP 3070 Tester for In-System Programming)
In-system programming has become a mainstream feature in
programmable logic devices (PLDs), offering system designers and test
engineers significant cost benefits by integrating PLDs into board-level
testing. These benefits include reduced inventory of pre-programmed
devices, lower costs, fewer devices damaged by handling, and increased
flexibility in engineering changes. Altera provides software and device
support that integrates in-system programmability (ISP) into existing test
flows for the HP 3070 system (ISP is occasionally referred to as “on-board
programming”). This application note discusses how to use the HP 3070
test system to achieve faster programming times for Altera ISP-capable
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【应用笔记】使用HP3070测试系统进行在系统编程(Using the HP 3070 Tester for In-System Programming)
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