【应用笔记】AN592:Cyclone IV设计指南(AN 592: Cyclone IV Design Guidelines)
本应用笔记提供了,在使用Cyclone IV器件的设计中,一套易用的指南和一系列需要考虑因素。
This application note provides an easy-to-use set of guidelines and a list of factors to
consider in Cyclone® IV designs. Altera recommends following the guidelines listed
in this application note throughout the design process. Altera® Cyclone IV devices
offerarichcombinationof logic,memory,anddigital signal processing(DSP)with the
lowest power. Cyclone IV devices are ideally suited for cost-sensitive, high-volume
applications, including displays, wireless infrastructure equipment, industrial
Ethernet, broadcast converters, and chip-to-chip bridging. Planning the FPGA and
system early in the design process is crucial to your success.an592.pdf
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