【应用笔记】AN 569: 串行数字接口(SDI)惯性同步视频解码器参考设计(SDI Flywheel Video Decoder Reference Design)
本应用笔记描述了基于当前Altera SDI MegaCore功能模块的串行数字接口(SDI)惯性同步视频解码器参考设计。
This application note describes the Serial Digital Interface (SDI) Flywheel Video Decoder
reference design based on the current Altera® SDI MegaCore® function. The SDI flywheel
video decoder is used in video processors to handle real video signal streaming without
noise or interruptions. The SDI flywheel video decoder synchronizes its internally-generated
video timing to the incoming video stream, and provides the horizontal and vertical timings
to the other blocks in the video processor. After synchronizing, the SDI flywheel video
decoder continuously compares its internal timing information with the input video stream.
Whenever a difference occurs, the SDI flywheel video decoder does not immediately
resynchronize with the input video stream, but instead, continues to generate video timing.
The internal timing usually resumes in sync with the SDI flywheel video decoder if the input
video stream contains only a few corrupted data words. If the video stream is switched to a
different source or standard causing the synchronization to go off, the SDI flywheel video
decoder resynchronizes with the incoming video stream.an569.pdf
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【应用笔记】AN 569: 串行数字接口(SDI)惯性同步视频解码器参考设计(SDI Flywheel Video Decoder Reference Desi
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