内存设置为RAM = READ_WRITE 0x0400 TO 0x0FFF;内存使用情况:Summary of section sizes per section type:
READ_ONLY (R): EE9 (dec: 3817)
READ_WRITE (R/W): 9B3 (dec: 2483)
NO_INIT (N/I): 160 (dec: 352);
堆栈大小TASK_STK_SIZE 为 64(这个值越大越溢出)。
OS_STK *OSTaskStkInit (void (*task)(void *pd), void *p_arg, OS_STK *ptos, INT16U opt)
INT16U *wstk;
INT8U *bstk;
opt = opt; /* 'opt' is not used, prevent warning */
wstk = (INT16U *)ptos; /* Load stack pointer */
*--wstk = (INT16U)p_arg; /* Simulate call to function with argument */
*--wstk = (INT16U)(((INT32U)task) >> 8); /* Return address. Format: PCH:PCL:PPAGE (cut out PPage) */
*--wstk = (INT16U)0x2222; /* Y Register */
*--wstk = (INT16U)0x1111; /* X Register */
*--wstk = (INT16U)0xBBAA; /* D Register */
bstk = (INT8U *)wstk; /* Convert WORD ptr to BYTE ptr to set CCR */
*--bstk = (0xC0); /* CCR Register (Disable STOP instruction and XIRQ) */
*--bstk = (INT8U)task; /* Save the PPAGE register */
return ((OS_STK *)bstk); /* Return pointer to new top-of-stack */
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