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uc/OS III 相对于uc/OS II 有哪些改进呢?
Release Date | 1990–1999 | 1999–present | 2009–present |
Preemptive Multitasking | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Maximum number of tasks | 64 | 255 | Unlimited |
Number of tasks at each priority level | 1 | 1 | Unlimited |
Round robin scheduling | No | No | Yes |
Semaphores | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mutual exclusion semaphores | No | Yes | Yes (Nestable) |
Event flags | No | Yes | Yes |
Message mailboxes | Yes | Yes | No (not needed) |
Message queues | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Fixed sized memory management | No | Yes | Yes |
Signal a task without requiring a semaphore | No | No | Yes |
Option to post without scheduling | No | No | Yes |
Send messages to a task without requiring a message queue | No | No | Yes |
Software timers | No | Yes | Yes |
Task suspend/resume | No | Yes | Yes (Nestable) |
Deadlock prevention | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Scalable | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Code footprint | 3K to 8K | 6K to 26K | 6K to 24K |
Data footprint | 1K+ | 1K+ | 1K+ |
ROMable | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Run-time configurable | No | No | Yes |
Compile-time configurable | Yes | Yes | Yes |
ASCII names for each kernel object | No | Yes | Yes |
Pend on multiple objects | No | Yes | Yes |
Task registers | No | Yes | Yes |
Built-in performance measurements | No | Limited | Extensive |
User definable hook functions | No | Yes | Yes |
Time stamps on posts | No | No | Yes |
Built-in kernel awareness support | No | Yes | Yes |
Optimizable scheduler in assembly language | No | No | Yes |
Catch a task that returns | No | No | Yes |
Tick handling at task level | No | No | Yes |
Source code available | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Number of services | ~20 | ~90 | ~70 |
MISRA-C:1998 | No | Yes (except 10 rules) | N/A |
MISRA-C:2004 | No | No | Yes (except 7 rules) |
DO178B Level A and EUROCAE ED-12B | No | Yes | In progress |
Medical FDA pre-market notification (510(k)) and pre-market approval (PMA) | No | Yes | In progress |
SIL3/SIL4 IEC for transportation and nuclear systems | No | Yes | In progress |
IEC-61508 |
No | Yes | In progress |
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