http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=468376&uk=3708539847 ,
这篇文档的名字arm architecture reference manual,ps:英文的!
主要说下,CP15协处理器的register 2:Translation table base。
A translation lookaside buffer (TLB) is a cache that memory management hardware uses to improvevirtual
address translation speed. All current desktop, laptop, and server processors use a TLB to map virtual and
physical address spaces, and it is nearly always present in any hardware which utilizes virtual memory.
The TLB is typically implemented as content-addressable memory (CAM) .
The CAM search key is the virtual address and the search result is a physical address. If the requested ad
dress is present in the TLB, the CAM search yields a match quickly and the retrieved physical address can
be used to access memory. This is called a TLB hit. If the requested address is not in the TLB, it is a miss,
and the translation proceeds by looking up the page table in a process called a page walk. The page walk
is an expensive process, as it involves reading the contents of multiple memory locations and using them
to compute the physical address. After the physical address is determined by the page walk, the virtual a
ddress to physical address mapping is entered into the TLB.
在arm中没有像intel x86中io地址的概念,因为它的物理地址和io地址是统一编址,这样就是用统一的命令来对io口和物理内存进行访问了!!