Using the Raspbian image
apt-getFirstly I got the development tools needed by Qt Creator in the hope it would be less heavy for the Pi to download separately.
- sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools
Then I went for Qt Creator
- sudo apt-get install Qtcreator
I also installed
- sudo apt-get install gcc
- sudo apt-get install xterm
- sudo apt-get install git-core
sudo apt-get install subversion
this gives as a result Qt Creator 2.5 with Qt 4.8.1 32 bit
We can only compile for remote embedded devices and this is not the case here, because we are on the Pi and not remotely accessing it.
I added a gcc toolchain
tools>Options > build & run > tab tool chain > button add
Choose GCC
- Then set compiler path : /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.6
- Debugger : /usr/bin/gdb
- Mkspec : default
To fix this :
- Go to menu help > about plugins
- Uncheck device support > remote linux
- Restart Qt Creator
- Go to tools > options TAB > build & run > Qt versions > add “/usr/bin/qmake-qt4”
It will then show up as a desktop project in the project wizard instead of embedded.
如果出现e: unable to locate package qt creator或E:者未发现软件包qt creator,请尝试sudo apt-get update 和 sudo apt-get upgrade
如果还是有问题,尝试sudo apt-get install qtcreator(小写,因为Linux里面大小写是严格区分的)
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