ERROR:Xst:2035 - Port <clk> has illegal connections. This port is connected to an input buffer and other components.
Input Buffer:
XST - "ERROR:Xst:2035 - Port <signal> has illegal connection. Port is connected to input buffer and following ports Port <pin> of instance <instance> with type <typename>"问答编号# | 22658 |
型号 | XST General |
最后更新日期 | 2007-04-11 00:00:00.0 |
记录状态 | Active |
关键词 | XST, IBUF, OBUF, netlist |
Keywords: XST, IBUF, OBUF, netlist
When attempting to instantiate a netlist, the following error occurs in XST:
"ERROR:Xst:2035 - Port <signal> has illegal connection. Port is connected to input buffer and following ports:
Port <pin> of instance <instance> with type FDCEC"
This error will occur if the instantiated netlist contains I/O ports. There are two ways to fix this error:
1. Generate the instantiated netlist without I/O ports.
2. Instruct XST not to add I/O Buffers.
Please refer to the XST User Guide on how to disable the automatic I/O Buffer insertion.
于是我找到XST User Guide文档,按照文档所说的禁掉自动I/O Buffer insertion 功能。具体做法
选中synthesize,然后process->properties->Xilinx Specific Options,把add I/O buffer 的勾去掉。
ERROR:NgdBuild:924 - input pad net 'clk' is driving non-buffer primitives
字面意思是说输 入信号clk未经buffer就用来驱动其他primitives 了,这个primitives 估计指的是我们用做输出的pad 。字面意思不难理解,可是怎么修改呢。
在我们的这个例子中,clk有两个load,一个是直接到输出端的test pin,另一个是到内部PLL作为源时钟来产生系统内部时钟。连接PLL时,输入信号先要连接到内部buffer以产生较强的驱动能力,从而保证时钟的时 序质量。但是由于输入信号的另一分支不经过任何电路就直接连接到了输出pad ,所以存在一种可能,即连接buffer的分支会被短路,从而失去预期的效果。正因为如此,ISE给出了错误警告。
理解这一点以后,解决办法就有了。比如选择CLK经过PLL后无相位差的时钟输出作为test pin,可以达到同样效果,当然会有1个clock的延迟,但是对于时钟信号,这是观察不到的。
另外,如果CLK没有驱动PLL,只有输出到test pin这一个load,那么上述的错误警告就应该不会产生了。