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在论坛上知道您是vxwork的高手,我自己做了一块snds100的开发板,想在上面运行vxwork,现在能通过网络bootload,但是在配置TGTSVR 时,与目标板连接
TGTSVR (wh@sever): Sat Nov 23 22:36:46 2002
Wind River Systems Target Server: NT/Win95 version
Connecting to target agent... succeeded.
Attaching C++ interface... succeeded.
Attaching coff OMF reader for ARM CPU family... succeeded.
Warning: Target checksum: 0x2703 (computed from 0x1000 to 0x8644c).
Host checksum: 0xd703 (computed from 0x69a420 to 0x71f86c).
Warning: Core file checksums do not match.
Warning: Symbol .stabstr from section of type STYP_REG. Ignored.
Warning: Symbol .stabstr from section of type STYP_REG. Ignored.
Warning: Symbol ..stabstr from section of type STYP_REG. Ignored.
Warning: Symbol ..stabstr from section of type STYP_REG. Ignored.
Warning: Symbol .stabstr from section of type STYP_REG. Ignored.
Warning: Symbol .stabstr from section of type STYP_REG. Ignored.
Warning: Symbol .stabstr from section of type STYP_REG. Ignored.
Warning: Symbol .stabstr from section of type STYP_REG. Ignored.
Warning: Symbol ..stabstr from section of type STYP_REG. Ignored.
关键词: 转发 邮件 w4nghui@hotmail.com

snds100的BSP写得并不是很好,尤其是网络驱动。checksum的问题总也存在,但到现在我还没有发现它有会造成什么重大的问题,据说是在汇编部分没有对齐造成的。 出现“Warning: Symbol .stabstr from section of type STYP_REG. Ignored.”的警告,我想你是用bootable生成的映象吧,是有这个问题,主要是由于符号表造成的,如果用"build"->"Standard BSP Builds"->"vxworks"则不会出现这样的问题。实际上这个问题也不会对你的调试有所影响。
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