电子产品世界 » 论坛首页 » 嵌入式开发 » MCU » 如何在TC357TA中配置CCU6以触发HSPDM?

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2024-07-03 16:17:18     打赏

对于 HSPDM 部分,我将其配置为由 CCU6 触发:
IfxHspdm_setHwRunActiveEdge(g_hspdm, IfxHspdm_HwRunActiveEdge_rising);    IfxHspdm_setHwRunTriggerSource(g_hspdm, IfxHspdm_HwTriggerSource_CCU6);    IfxHspdm_enableHwRun(g_hspdm);
对于 CCU6 而言,看起来 CCU61 的 T13 是通往 HWRUN 的路线:

所以我在这里配置了 CCU6:

    IfxCcu6_Timer_Config timerConfig;    IfxCcu6_Timer_initModuleConfig( timerConfig,  MODULE_CCU61);    /* Configure the T12 timer frequency/period (trigger for T13 timer) and T13 timer frequency/period (trigger     * for ADC). Timer T13 starts counting in single shot mode triggered by a period-match event of the T12 timer.     * The period of the timer T13 represents a delay (from the period-match event of the T12 timer) of the ADC     * trigger event.     */    timerConfig.base.t12Frequency = CCU6_T12_TIMER_FREQ;                /* Timer T12 frequency                      */    timerConfig.base.waitingTime = CCU6_T12_TIMER_PERIOD;               /* waitingTime is the period of T12 timer   */    timerConfig.base.t13Frequency = CCU6_T13_TIMER_FREQ;                /* Timer T13 frequency                      */    timerConfig.base.t13Period = CCU6_T13_TIMER_PERIOD;                 /* Timer T13 period                         */    timerConfig.timer = IfxCcu6_TimerId_t13;                            /* Select the timer, T13 is the master      */    timerConfig.synchronousOperation = FALSE;                           /* Disable synchronous start of the timers  */    timerConfig.trigger.t13InSyncWithT12 = TRUE;                        /* T12 timer starts the T13 timer           */    /* Configure the T13 timer start event */    timerConfig.timer13.t12SyncEvent = IfxCcu6_T13TriggerEvent_onT12Period;    timerConfig.timer13.t12SyncDirection = IfxCcu6_T13TriggerDirection_onT12CountingUp;    /* Apply the configuration to the CCU6 module */    IfxCcu6_Timer_initModule( g_timer,  timerConfig);    //CCU61:COUT63 to HSPDM:HWRUN(0) T13 PWM channel 63    /* Activate the line ServiceRequest_3 to route the T13 period match event trigger to the HSPDM module */    IfxCcu6_enableInterrupt( MODULE_CCU61, IfxCcu6_InterruptSource_t13PeriodMatch);    /* Configure the T13 timer for single shot mode */    IfxCcu6_enableSingleShotMode( MODULE_CCU61, IfxCcu6_TimerId_t13);    IfxCcu6_Timer_start( g_timer);

但是 HSPDM 输出未触发。
我做错了什么? 请帮忙。

关键词: TC357TA     HSPDM     微控制器    

2024-07-03 16:18:03     打赏


#include "IfxHspdm.h"
#include "IfxCcu6_Timer.h"

Ifx_HSPDM* g_hspdm;
Ifx_CCU6_Timer_Config timerConfig;
Ifx_CCU6_Timer timer;

int main(void)
    // Initialize HSPDM
    IfxHspdm_setHwRunActiveEdge(g_hspdm, IfxHspdm_HwRunActiveEdge_rising);
    IfxHspdm_setHwRunTriggerSource(g_hspdm, IfxHspdm_HwTriggerSource_CCU6);

    // Initialize CCU6
    IfxCcu6_Timer_initModuleConfig(&timerConfig, &MODULE_CCU61);
    IfxCcu6_Timer_initModule(&timer, &timerConfig);

    // Configure CCU61
    IfxCcu6_Timer_configureCount(&timer, IfxCcu6_Timer_CountMode_edgeAligned);

    // Wait for the CCU6 to trigger the HSPDM
    while (1)
        // Do something

    return 0;


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