我用的是自制的JTAG小板。sdt jtag
请教一下,twentyone,你说:Tell me the TAP ID CODE of your cpu. H-JTAG detects cpus based on the TPA ID CODE. If H-JTAG can't detect your cpu automatically. Please kindly tell me the TAP ID CODE and the arm core of your cpu. I will update H-JTAG to support the automaic detection of your cpu。
很笨的问一下HOW TO get my TAP ID CODE ?

我用的是自制的JTAG小板。sdt jtag
请教一下,twentyone,你说:Tell me the TAP ID CODE of your cpu. H-JTAG detects cpus based on the TPA ID CODE. If H-JTAG can't detect your cpu automatically. Please kindly tell me the TAP ID CODE and the arm core of your cpu. I will update H-JTAG to support the automaic detection of your cpu。
很笨的问一下HOW TO get my TAP ID CODE ?

To Jwewn: 谢谢你的支持。我正在打算做ARM926EJ-S支持。我刚看了ARM926EJ-S的文档,我要稍微修改一下程序。不知道你能不能email告诉我你的MSN或者QQ。我的email是:twentyonecn@hotmail.com
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