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模拟示波器 TEK 2467B
模拟示波器 TEK 2467B
400MHz/4通道/2 mV/1ns
详细参数(PDF文件) [看PDF文件需安装软件Adobe Reader]
High Writing Speed Oscilloscope
See waveform behavior as it happens. The portable 2467B is set apart from other oscilloscopes with its 4ns/Div visual writing speed, a sweep speed of 500 ps/Div., and 20 ps Time Interval Resolution.
400 MHz bandwidth, single-shot and repetitive
4 channels with 1 ns rise time
2 mV at 400 MHz sensitivity
On-board capture to digitize, store and recall waveforms, or analyze on a PC
Input: switchable between 1 MΩ and 50 Ω
Auto Setup, Set-Up Sequencing and Cursor After Delay
关键词: 模拟 示波器 2467B
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