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the goodnew is I create a class for everone upload local files to server. it's so cool huuuu??
here is screen shoot.
here is source:
Download Source
Source include two csharp project, the one is server provider, another is server cons.
And source also include flex demo.
This example is very simple ,but buggy. 'Cos I am hardware designer,I didn't have so much time on my soft design.And all of this is just for fun.
C# Server will listen port 8000,and waiting for client.
Any client connect to server,will be managed by clientManager. In the same time, socket will be push in List.
When flex write bytes to server.
server will get file length first.
Because I write file length use Unsighed Int:
It spend 4 bytes space.So we must handle this in c#.
.and PLS REMEMBER:Buffer only have 8k (8192bytes).So,we must make loop for all bytes uploaded.In C#,We can easily make this by using socket.Available.
I am so glad to everyone modify it.If possible, I'm really happy to recive ur patched file.
Any question ,pls mail me: yx.shawn@gmail.com
源代码中包含C#和FLEX的例子,例子很简单,但可能也会有很多bug.希望大家如果有兴趣,或者方便的话修改后发一份给我.这是一个十分简单的 Flex socket的例子.传说中Flex的bytesArray+Socket会很强大.所以,就试了一下,还不错:-)
Flex ByteArray Socket Csharp C# upload file
关键词: Flex+Socket
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