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MC145152 有没有人用过MC145152的,请帮小弟一下!

Phase Detector Outputs (Pins 7, 8)
These phase detector outputs CAN be combined externally
for a loop–error signal.
If the frequency fV is greater than fR or if the phase of fV is
leading, then error information is provided by ∮V pulsing low.
∮R remains essentially high.
If the frequency fV is less than fR or if the phase of fV is
lagging, then error information is provided by ∮R pulsing low.
fV remains essentially high.
If the frequency of fV = fR and both are in phase, then both
∮V and ∮R remain high except for a small minimum time
period when both pulse low in phase.
但是我得到的却是相反的结果,不知道为什么,有谁能帮助我?谢谢了!!1 答 1: 还用那东东干吗?还用那东东干吗?还不如用国半的LMX2330或LMX2326价格低于8元一片,加个5元的MPU,效果比您那东东好的多(如相噪、频漂),你那东东价格比这方案贵上10多块。
Phase Detector Outputs (Pins 7, 8)
These phase detector outputs CAN be combined externally
for a loop–error signal.
If the frequency fV is greater than fR or if the phase of fV is
leading, then error information is provided by ∮V pulsing low.
∮R remains essentially high.
If the frequency fV is less than fR or if the phase of fV is
lagging, then error information is provided by ∮R pulsing low.
fV remains essentially high.
If the frequency of fV = fR and both are in phase, then both
∮V and ∮R remain high except for a small minimum time
period when both pulse low in phase.
但是我得到的却是相反的结果,不知道为什么,有谁能帮助我?谢谢了!!1 答 1: 还用那东东干吗?还用那东东干吗?还不如用国半的LMX2330或LMX2326价格低于8元一片,加个5元的MPU,效果比您那东东好的多(如相噪、频漂),你那东东价格比这方案贵上10多块。
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