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An RF transformer CAN be used to perform a differential-to-single-ended signal conversion, as shown in Figure 20.A
differentially-coupled transformer output provides the optimum distortion performance for output signals whose spectral content lies within the transformer’s pass band. An RF transformer such as the Mini-Circuits T1–1T provides excellent rejection of common-mode distortion (i.e., even-order hARMonics) and noise over a wide frequency range. When IOUTA and IOUTB are terminated to ground with 50 ohm, this configuration provides 0 dBm power to a 50 ohm load on the secondary with a DAC fullscale current of 20 mA. A 2:1 transformer such as the Coilcraft WB2040-PC CAN also be used in a configuration in which IOUTA and IOUTB are terminated to ground with 75 ohm. This configuration improves load matching and increases power to 2 dBm into a 50ohm load on the secondary. Transformers with different impedance ratios may also be used for impedance matching purposes. Note that the transformer provides ac coupling only. The center tap on the primary side of the transformer must be
connected to ACOM to provide the necessary dc current path for both IOUTA and IOUTB. The complementary voltages appearing
at IOUTA and IOUTB (i.e., VOUTA and VOUTB) swing symmetrically around ACOM and should be maintained with the specified
output compliance range of the AD9755. A differential resistor, RDIFF, may be inserted into applications where the output of the transformer is connected to the load, RLOAD, via a passive reconstruction filter or cable. RDIFF is determined by the transformer’s impedance ratio and provides the proper source termination that results in a low VSWR. 答 1: 对了,还有下一级负载的电压怎么计算哦。。。对了,还有一个很重要,就是,所设计的匹配电路,它的负载有多少的电压,我的下一级电路不能过载!
An RF transformer CAN be used to perform a differential-to-single-ended signal conversion, as shown in Figure 20.A
differentially-coupled transformer output provides the optimum distortion performance for output signals whose spectral content lies within the transformer’s pass band. An RF transformer such as the Mini-Circuits T1–1T provides excellent rejection of common-mode distortion (i.e., even-order hARMonics) and noise over a wide frequency range. When IOUTA and IOUTB are terminated to ground with 50 ohm, this configuration provides 0 dBm power to a 50 ohm load on the secondary with a DAC fullscale current of 20 mA. A 2:1 transformer such as the Coilcraft WB2040-PC CAN also be used in a configuration in which IOUTA and IOUTB are terminated to ground with 75 ohm. This configuration improves load matching and increases power to 2 dBm into a 50ohm load on the secondary. Transformers with different impedance ratios may also be used for impedance matching purposes. Note that the transformer provides ac coupling only. The center tap on the primary side of the transformer must be
connected to ACOM to provide the necessary dc current path for both IOUTA and IOUTB. The complementary voltages appearing
at IOUTA and IOUTB (i.e., VOUTA and VOUTB) swing symmetrically around ACOM and should be maintained with the specified
output compliance range of the AD9755. A differential resistor, RDIFF, may be inserted into applications where the output of the transformer is connected to the load, RLOAD, via a passive reconstruction filter or cable. RDIFF is determined by the transformer’s impedance ratio and provides the proper source termination that results in a low VSWR. 答 1: 对了,还有下一级负载的电压怎么计算哦。。。对了,还有一个很重要,就是,所设计的匹配电路,它的负载有多少的电压,我的下一级电路不能过载!
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