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TCP,IP,uip,2200 学习TCP/IP,想把uip弄到2200的板子上,弄了2天也不成!

2006-09-17 18:14:16     打赏
TCP,IP,uip,2200 学习TCP/IP,想把uip弄到2200的板子上,弄了2天也不成!

关键词: 学习     想把     弄到     板子     弄了     不成    

2006-12-22 22:43:00     打赏
问   请弄过的兄弟指点一下,需要注意些什么?
谢谢! 1: 搞过的兄弟说一下吧? 2: 8019的驱动对不对啊?8019的驱动对不对啊?

8019的远程DMA设置成8位还是16位啊? 3: DMA为16位,板上2210的A1接到8019的A0上的 4: 8019驱动的问题看看能不能读写寄存器 5: 读写寄存器的函数都是周工用的   我试了一下,在8019初始化函数中,每写一次寄存器后,就读相应寄存器,将读出的数用串口送出来,但是读出的和写进的不一样,我想周工的函数不会有问题的,不知道怎么回事? 6: dma改成8位也不行,读出来的都是0x04;郁闷  7: 读写和初始化函数void  WriteToNet(uint8 ADDR_16,uint8 WRITEDATA)
    (*((volatile unsigned short *) NET_BASE_ADDR+ADDR_16))    =WRITEDATA;

uint8  ReadFromNet(uint8 ADDR_16)
  uint8 temp;
temp=(*((volatile unsigned short *)NET_BASE_ADDR+ADDR_16));//0x83400000
    return (temp);
void etherdev_init()  
    uint8  i;
    uint8  j;
    //PINSEL0 = 0x00000005;        // 设置所有管脚连接GPIO
    //PINSEL1 = 0x00000000;
      1.Reg00命令寄存器: CR,命令寄存器,地址偏移量00H,为一个字节
      位:  7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
      名字: PS1 PS0 RD2 RD1 RD0 TXP STA STP
      RD2,RD1,RD0: 这3个位代表要执行的功能。
      0   0   1 : 读网卡内存
      0   1   0 : 写网卡内存
      0   1   1 : 发送网卡数据包
      1   *   * : 完成或结束DMA的读写操作
      STA,STP:    这两个位用来启动命令或停止命令
      1   0         启动命令
      0   1         停止命令
    WriteToNet(0x00,0x21);   //使芯片处于停止模式,这时进行寄存器设置
    } //延时10毫秒,确保芯片进入停止模式
    WriteToNet(0x0a,0x00);   //清rbcr0
    WriteToNet(0x0b,0x00);   //清rbcr1
    WriteToNet(0x0c, 0xe0);  //RCR,监视模式,不接收数据包
    WriteToNet(0x0d, 0xe2);  //TCR,loop back模式
    WriteToNet(0x01,0x4c);        //PSTART=0X4C
    WriteToNet(0x02,0x80);        //PSTOP=0X80
    WriteToNet(0x03,0x4c);      //bnry=0x4c;
    WriteToNet(0x04,0x40);  //TPSR,发送起始页寄存器
    WriteToNet(0x07,0xff);  //清除所有中断标志位,中断状态寄存器
    WriteToNet(0x0f,0x11);  //中断屏蔽寄存器清0,禁止中断
    WriteToNet(0x0e,0xca);  // 数据配置寄存器,8位dma方式 16 0xcb
    WriteToNet(0x07,0x4d);  //curr=0x4d
    WriteToNet(0x00,0x22);  //这时让芯片开始工作
    SetMacID();  //将芯片物理地址写入到MAR寄存器
    WriteToNet(0x0c,0xcc);  //将芯片设置成正常模式,跟外部网络连接
    WriteToNet(0x00,0x22);  //启动芯片开始工作
    WriteToNet(0x07,0xff);  //清除所有中断标志位
8: re改成这样,试试:

void  WriteToNet(uint8 ADDR_16,uint8 WRITEDATA)
  (*((volatile unsigned short *) NET_BASE_ADDR+(ADDR_16<<1)))    =WRITEDATA;

uint8  ReadFromNet(uint8 ADDR_16)
  uint8 temp;
temp=(*((volatile unsigned short *)NET_BASE_ADDR+(ADDR_16<<1)));//0x83400000
    return (temp);

9: 不用这样写吧?我看过汇编的,因为NET_BASE_ADDR是unsigned short型的,所以ADS会把
ADD_16左移一位后再加给NET_BASE_ADDR的的 10: re以下是我改写的,已经成功应用,DMA为8位。你参考一下。

#define NET_BASE_ADDR        0x83400000

/* to prevent call RTLSendPacket() when RTLSendPackt() is already is called, InSending
is used. example when process run in RTLSendPacket() and a interrupt ocurr then call
RTLSendPacket again, then the Register would have changed when interrupt return. */
static BYTE DT_XDATA InSending;

/* receive head information */
/*struct RTLReceiveHeader
    BYTE ReceiveStatus;
    BYTE NextPacketStartPage;
    BYTE PacketSizeLow;
    BYTE PacketSizeHigh;
}Head;for some unknown resean Head must be a gloal value. */
static BYTE DT_XDATA Head[4];

* 名称:WriteToNet()
* 功能:把数据写入RTL8019AS
* 入口参数:    ADDR        写入地址
* 出口参数:无
    *((volatile unsigned char *) NET_BASE_ADDR+(ADDR_16<<1))=WRITEDATA;//0x83400000     
* 名称:ReadFromNet()
* 功能:从RTL8019AS把数据读出
* 入口参数:    ADDR        读出地址

  * 出口参数:    READDATA       读出数据
    BYTE temp;
    temp=*((volatile unsigned char *)NET_BASE_ADDR+(ADDR_16<<1));//0x83400000
    return (temp);
**函数原型:    void  page(uchar pagenumber)
**入口参数:?uchar    pagenumber: 要切换的页
**出口参数:        无
**返 回 值:    无      
**说    明:    选择页,可选择0,1,2三页,第四页ne000兼容芯片保留
void RTLPage(BYTE pagenumber)  
    BYTE temp;
    temp=ReadReg(0);//command register
    temp=temp&0x3B ;//注意txp位不能要
    pagenumber=pagenumber <<6;
    temp=temp | pagenumber;
#define page    RTLPage
#define WriteToNet    WriteReg

/* reset rtl8019 and init registers, LocalMacAddr is MAC address */
    BYTE  i;
    BYTE  j;

      1.Reg00命令寄存器: CR,命令寄存器,地址偏移量00H,为一个字节
      位:  7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
      名字: PS1 PS0 RD2 RD1 RD0 TXP STA STP
      RD2,RD1,RD0: 这3个位代表要执行的功能。
      0   0   1 : 读网卡内存
      0   1   0 : 写网卡内存
      0   1   1 : 发送网卡数据包
      1   *   * : 完成或结束DMA的读写操作
      STA,STP:    这两个位用来启动命令或停止命令
      1   0         启动命令
      0   1         停止命令
    WriteToNet(0x00,0x21);   //使芯片处于停止模式,这时进行寄存器设置
    } //延时10毫秒,确保芯片进入停止模式
    WriteToNet(0x0a,0x00);   //清rbcr0
    WriteToNet(0x0b,0x00);   //清rbcr1
    WriteToNet(0x0c, 0xe0);  //RCR,监视模式,不接收数据包
    WriteToNet(0x0d, 0xe2);  //TCR,loop back模式
    WriteToNet(0x01,0x4c);        //PSTART=0X4C
    WriteToNet(0x02,0x80);        //PSTOP=0X80
    WriteToNet(0x03,0x4c);      //bnry=0x4c;
    WriteToNet(0x04,0x40);  //TPSR,发送起始页寄存器
    WriteToNet(0x07,0xff);  //清除所有中断标志位,中断状态寄存器
    WriteToNet(0x0f,0x11);  //中断屏蔽寄存器清0,禁止中断
    WriteToNet(0x0e,0xc8);  // 数据配置寄存器,8位dma方式
    WriteToNet(0x07,0x4d);  //curr=0x4d
    WriteToNet(0x00,0x22);  //这时让芯片开始工作
    WriteToNet(0x0c,0xcc);  //将芯片设置成正常模式,跟外部网络连接
    WriteToNet(0x00,0x22);  //启动芯片开始工作
    WriteToNet(0x07,0xff);  //清除所有中断标志位

/* write buffer to rlt ram */
void RTLWriteRam(WORD address, WORD size, BYTE * buff) REENTRANT_SIG
    BYTE *Endp;
    BYTE PrePage;    /* store page */
    PrePage = ReadReg(CR);
    for(Endp = buff + size; buff < Endp;)
    /* complete dma */

/* read rlt ram data to buffer */
void RTLReadRam(WORD address,WORD size,BYTE DT_XDATA * buff) REENTRANT_MUL
    BYTE DT_XDATA * Endp;
    BYTE PrePage;    /* store page */
    PrePage = ReadReg(CR);
    WriteReg(CR,(0x00 | CR_REMOTE_READ | CR_START_COMMAND));
    for(Endp = buff + size; buff < Endp;)
        *(buff++) = ReadReg(REMOTE_DMA_PORT);
    /* complete dma */
/* call this function to send a packet by RTL8019. packet store in ram
starts at 'buffer' and its size is 'size'. 'size' should not large than
MAX_PACKET_SIZE or the excess data will be discard. */
BOOL RTLSendPacket(void DT_XDATA * buffer,WORD size) REENTRANT_SIG
    BYTE PrePage;
    BYTE LastSendStartPage;        /*上次发送使用的开始页*/
    BYTE CurrSendStartPage;        /*本次发送使用的开始页*/
    /* if send is already running */
    if(InSending == TRUE){
        return FALSE;
        InSending = TRUE;
    /* store page */
    PrePage = ReadReg(CR);
    /* check pakcet size */
    if(size < MIN_PACKET_SIZE)
        size = MIN_PACKET_SIZE;
        if(size > MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
            size = MAX_PACKET_SIZE;

    /* write packet to ram */
    LastSendStartPage = ReadReg(TPSR_RPAGE2);
    if(LastSendStartPage == SEND_START_PAGE0)
        CurrSendStartPage = SEND_START_PAGE1;
        CurrSendStartPage = SEND_START_PAGE0;
    RTLWriteRam((WORD)(((WORD)CurrSendStartPage)<<8),size,buffer);        //数据写进发送起始RAM
    /* wait for last time trasmition to complete */
    while((ReadReg(CR) & CR_TXP) == CR_TXP);

    /* write trasmit start page and size */
    WriteReg(TPSR_WPAGE0,CurrSendStartPage);    /* TPSR */                //发送起始地址寄存器置位
    WriteReg(TBCRL_WPAGE0,(BYTE)size);/*low */                    
    WriteReg(TBCRH_WPAGE0,(BYTE)((size>>8)&0x00ff));    /*high*/
    WriteReg(CR,((PrePage&0xC0) | CR_ABORT_COMPLETE_DMA | CR_TXP | CR_START_COMMAND));        
    InSending = FALSE;
    return TRUE;

/* call this function to receive a ethernet packet from RTL8019.
return value:
    NULL: no packet CAN receive yet.
    not NULL:
        a address point to MemHead. This Head contain merory
        Imformation(memory start address, memory end address ...) of
        received packet. Memory is allocated by function 'MemAllocate(WORD size)'.
        a example of struct SMemHead is:

        struct SMemHead
            BOOL used;                        // if in using
            BYTE DT_XDATA *pStart;            // the start address of memory
            BYTE DT_XDATA *pEnd;
        You CAN use your own struct SMemHead and MemAllocat function in your project.        
struct SMemHead DT_XDATA * RTLReceivePacket(void) REENTRANT_SIG
    BYTE curr,bnry;
    WORD address;
    WORD PacketSize;
    struct SMemHead DT_XDATA *MemHead;
    BYTE ii;
    /* if send is running don't crrupt RTL register*/
    if(InSending == TRUE)
        return NULL;
    MemHead = NULL;

    ii=ReadReg(ISR_RPAGE0);        //读取中断状态
    if((ii&0x90)!=0)    //如果复位或益出就重新初试化
        RTLInit(EtherAddr);        //重新初始化
        return NULL;
    bnry = ReadReg(BNRY_RPAGE0);
    curr = ReadReg(CURR_RPAGE1);

    if(curr == 0){
        return NULL;
    if(bnry >= RECEIVE_STOP_PAGE)
        bnry = RECEIVE_START_PAGE;
    /* check if there is packets to read */
    if(bnry == curr){
        return NULL;

     * read a packet
    /* read packet head imformation */
    address = ((WORD)bnry)<<8;
    /* check rsr, if isn't a good packet no read */
    if(Head[0] & RSR_RECEIVE_NO_ERROR)
        /* this is a good packet */

        /* packet size, sub 4 bytes, this 4 byte is MAC checksum */
        PacketSize = ((WORD)Head[3])*256 + Head[2] - 4;    

        /* allocate buffer and read packet into buffer */
        if((MemHead = MemAllocate(PacketSize)) != NULL)
            /* if packet is put from bnry+1 to receive_stop_page and receive
               start page to next packet startpage, that is if bnry+1 > next
               packet start page and next start page != receive_start_page,
               we need read by two times. the first time from bnry+1 to receive
               _stop_page, the second time from receive start page to next packet
            address += 4;
            if(bnry > Head[1] && Head[1] != RECEIVE_START_PAGE)
                RTLReadRam(address,(WORD)((((WORD)RECEIVE_STOP_PAGE)<<8) - address),(BYTE *)MemHead->pStart);    /* read from rtl */
                RTLReadRam((WORD)(((WORD)RECEIVE_START_PAGE)<<8),(WORD)(PacketSize - ((((WORD)RECEIVE_STOP_PAGE)<<8) - address)),
                    (BYTE *)MemHead->pStart + ((((WORD)RECEIVE_STOP_PAGE)<<8) - address));    /* read from rtl */
                RTLReadRam(address,PacketSize,(BYTE *)MemHead->pStart);    /* read from rtl */

    /* reset bnry */
    bnry = Head[1] - 1;
    if(bnry < RECEIVE_START_PAGE)
        bnry = RECEIVE_STOP_PAGE - 1;
    WriteReg(ISR_WPAGE0,0xFF);    /* write FF to clear up all interrupt status */
    return MemHead;
} 11: 谢谢pengyuchun!   我把寄存器的读写函数都和你用的一样了,可还是不行,写进和读出就是不一样,ping都不能实现。我可真够蠢的,真想踹自己两脚,可惜踹不上。 12: 能否把程序email给我?谢谢!

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