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This reference guide discusses the features, operation, specifications, and
initialization of the TMS470R1VX 16-channel, multibuffered, 10-bit
analog-to-digital converter (MibADC). The analog converter has 10-bit
sampling, successive approximation register-based architecture. The upper
four bits are converted using a switched capacitor charge redistribution
technique; the lower six bits are derived from a voltage-scaled reference
(resistor string between ADREFHI and ADREFLO). The buffered MibADC
functions in compatibility mode or in buffered mode.
The B1M device has one 10-bit-resolution, sample-and-hold MibADC. Each of the MibADC channels CAN be
converted individually or CAN be grouped by software for sequential conversion sequences. There are three
separate groupings, two of which CAN be triggered by an external event. Each sequence CAN be converted once
when triggered or configured for continuous conversion mode. For more detailed functional information on the
MibADC, see the TMS470R1x Multi-Buffered Analog-to-Digital Converter (MibADC) Reference Guide (literature
number SPNU206).
答 1: 没人有心弄个明白啊?
This reference guide discusses the features, operation, specifications, and
initialization of the TMS470R1VX 16-channel, multibuffered, 10-bit
analog-to-digital converter (MibADC). The analog converter has 10-bit
sampling, successive approximation register-based architecture. The upper
four bits are converted using a switched capacitor charge redistribution
technique; the lower six bits are derived from a voltage-scaled reference
(resistor string between ADREFHI and ADREFLO). The buffered MibADC
functions in compatibility mode or in buffered mode.
The B1M device has one 10-bit-resolution, sample-and-hold MibADC. Each of the MibADC channels CAN be
converted individually or CAN be grouped by software for sequential conversion sequences. There are three
separate groupings, two of which CAN be triggered by an external event. Each sequence CAN be converted once
when triggered or configured for continuous conversion mode. For more detailed functional information on the
MibADC, see the TMS470R1x Multi-Buffered Analog-to-Digital Converter (MibADC) Reference Guide (literature
number SPNU206).
答 1: 没人有心弄个明白啊?
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