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ARM 为什么总找不到ARM内核
买了开发板,安装了ADS1.2,ARMJTAG,可是总是找不到内核,看了ARMJTAG的一段资料,不知道是是么意思,是不是不能上网就安装不成啊?因为我在安装时发现计算机检测不到新的硬件。谢谢各位大哥指教了。资料如下:All Firt,must be sure that your computer have a Ethernet Card.and it works well and have install
The TCP/IP Protocol,NetBEUI protocol,and setup a fix local IP address
And then ,must be sure that,your jtag board works well.before debug,must connect it to the targert borad and the computer`s parallel port.
答 1: 看看你的打印机接口是不是EPP模式 答 2: 有网卡就行。。不需要上网。。
The TCP/IP Protocol,NetBEUI protocol,and setup a fix local IP address
And then ,must be sure that,your jtag board works well.before debug,must connect it to the targert borad and the computer`s parallel port.
答 1: 看看你的打印机接口是不是EPP模式 答 2: 有网卡就行。。不需要上网。。
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