1/1 1 跳转至页
44b0,IIS,ing 关于44b0的IIS功能,郁闷ing....

OS的Tick中断频率默认设置为100Hz,但是播放声音时因为必须根据声音的采样频率修改CPU的主频(并且PLLCON的设置不符合44b0手册的条件,否则无法通过分频得到播放声音所需的频率),因此播放声音时的Tick中断频率是不确定的。 答 1: IIS的测试代码,给有意测试的朋友友情提供/******************************************************************************
Copyright (c) 2006 by RockOS.
All rights reserved.
This software is supported by the Rock Software Workroom only.
Any bugs please contact the author with e-mail or QQ:
E-mail : baobaoba520@yahoo.com.cn
QQ : 59681888
File name : iis.c
Description : IIS management for ITSN44b0x.
Author : sunxinqiu
History :
2006-12-31 first release.
#include "os.h"
Function : STATUS init_iis()
Params : N/A
Return : OS_SUCCESS.
Description : init IIS sound.
STATUS init_iis()
/* The IISCON register:
* Bit 8: L/R channel index (RO).
* Bit 7: Transmit FIFO ready flag (RO).
* Bit 6: Receive FIFO ready flag (RO).
* Bit 5: Transmit DMA service request enable (1 - enable)
* Bit 4: Receive DMA service request enable (0 - disable)
* Bit 3: Transmit channel idle command (0 - IISLRCK is generated).
* Bit 2: Receive channel idle command(0 - IISLRCK is generated)
* Bit 1: IIS prescaler enable (0 - prescaler disable).
* Bit 0: IIS interface stop/start(0 - stop, 1 - start).
rIISCON=0x00; /* stop IIS if it is playing.*/
return OS_SUCCESS;
Function : STATUS iis_play ()
Params : numChannels - number of channels.
: sampleRate - the sampling rate for this wave.
: byteRate - the bytes rate for this wave.
: bitsPerSample - number of bits per sample for this wave.
: psamples - the samples for this wave.
: sampleSize - size of the samples (in bytes).
Return : OS_SUCCESS for IIS playing successfully, else OS_FAIL.
Description : play the wave data as specified wave type.
STATUS iis_play (uint32_t numChannels,
uint32_t sampleRate,
uint32_t byteRate,
uint32_t bitsPerSample,
void * psamples,
uint32_t sampleSize)
int i;
int errflag;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t pllcon;
uint16_t val;
if ((numChannels != 1) && (numChannels != 2))
OS_error("iis_play(): %d channel wave is not supported, only 1 or 2 channel is valid.\n");
return OS_FAIL;
if ((bitsPerSample != 8) && (bitsPerSample != 16))
OS_error("iis_play(): sample width %d is not supported, only 8 or 16 is valid.\n", bitsPerSample);
return OS_FAIL;
pllcon = rPLLCON; /* we must change the MCLK of the CPU, save it first. */
OS_printf("Wave channels : %d\n", numChannels);
OS_printf("Sample Rate : %d\n", sampleRate);
OS_printf("byteRate : %d\n", byteRate);
OS_printf("bitsPerSample : %d\n", bitsPerSample);
OS_printf("sampleSize : %d\n", sampleSize);
/* config all registers according the sampling frequancy. */
errflag = 0;
case 22050:
/* change MCLK to 45158400Hz (45151515Hz accurately). */
setMCLK(0x69, 0x17, 0);
rIISMOD = 0x81; /* Master, Tx-mode, Low for Left, IIS compatible, 8bit(*), MCLK=256fs, SCLK=32fs*/
rIISPSR = 0x33; /* prescaler_A = prescaler_B = 8. */
rIISFCON = 0x200; /* Tx FIFO enable, Rx FIFO disable. */
rIISCON = 0x02; /* Tx-DMA disable, Rx-DMA disable, Prescaler enable, start IIS play. */
case 44100:
/* change MCLK to 45158400Hz (45151515Hz accurately). */
setMCLK(0x8d, 0x1f, 0);
rIISMOD = 0x85; /* Master, Tx-mode, Low for Left, IIS compatible, 8bit(*), MCLK=384fs, SCLK=32fs*/
rIISPSR = 0x11; /* prescaler_A = prescaler_B = 4. */
rIISFCON = 0x200; /* Tx FIFO enable, Rx FIFO disable. */
rIISCON = 0x02; /* Tx-DMA disable, Rx-DMA disable, Prescaler enable, start IIS play. */
errflag = 1;
if (errflag != 0)
rPLLCON = pllcon;
OS_error("iis_play(): sample frequancy %dHz is not support!!!\n", sampleRate);
return OS_FAIL;
/* config the IISMOD according the sample width. */
errflag = 0;
case 8:
rIISMOD &= ~(1<<3); /* bit3 = 0, 8-bits sample data.*/
/* play sound wave now. */
rIISCON |= 1; /* start play. */
offset = 0;
while (offset < sampleSize)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) /* IIS has 16-bytes FIFO buffer. */
*rIISFIF = (uint16_t)((uint8_t *)psamples)[offset];
case 16:
rIISMOD |= (1<<3); /* bit3 = 1, 16-bits sample data.*/
/* play sound wave now. */
rIISCON |= 1; /* start play. */
offset = 0;
while (offset < sampleSize)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) /* IIS has 16-bytes FIFO buffer. */
val = uint16_l2h(((uint16_t *)psamples)[offset]);
*rIISFIF = uint16_l2h(((uint16_t *)psamples)[offset]);
errflag = 1;
rIISCON &= ~1; /* stop IIS. */
rPLLCON = pllcon; /* restore the CPU's MCLK. */
return OS_SUCCESS;
答 2: 播放*.wav文件的入口代码/******************************************************************************
Copyright (c) 2006 by RockOS.
All rights reserved.
This software is supported by the Rock Software Workroom only.
Any bugs please contact the author with e-mail or QQ:
E-mail : baobaoba520@yahoo.com.cn
QQ : 59681888
File name : wave.c
Description : play *.wav sound file, writing for ITSN44b0x.
Author : sunxinqiu
History :
2006-12-31 first release.
#include "os.h"
#include "wave.h"
Global var : HSEM g_waveSem;
Description : a mutex for play wave sound one by one.
HSEM g_waveSem;
Global var : extern uint32_t welcome;
Description : this is a wave sound file descriped by a .s file.
extern uint32_t welcome;
Function : STATUS wave_init(void)
Params : N/A
Return : OS_SUCCESS, or OS_FAIL if error.
Description : init wave sound task.
STATUS wave_init()
TASK_INFO taskInfo;
/* create wave semaphore. */
g_waveSem = semCreate(OS_SEM_COMMON, 0, "waveSem");
/* create wave task. */
taskInfo.priority = 10;
strcpy (&taskInfo.name[0], "tWave");
taskInfo.taskEntry = tWaveEntry;
taskInfo.pData = NULL;
taskInfo.msgQSize = 0;
taskInfo.mutexQSize = DEFAULT_MUTEX_Q_SIZE;
taskInfo.stackSize = DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
taskInfo.option = OPT_TASK_LOCK;
/* register shell command. */
regShellCmd(wavplay, "wavplay", "play welcome to RockOS wave.");
return OS_SUCCESS;
Function : void tWaveEntry (void * p)
Params : p - not used.
Return : N/A
Description : entry for wave sound demo task.
void tWaveEntry (void * p)
while (1)
semTake(g_waveSem, OS_WAIT_FOR_EVER);
play_wav((void *)&welcome);
Function : int wavplay(int argc, char * argv[])
Params : argc - the argument count (including command name).
: argv - the arguments (argv[0] is the command name)
Return : always 0.
Description : shell command for playing wave sound.
int wavplay(int argc, char * argv[])
return 0;
Function : BOOL iswave (void * pbuff)
Params : pbuff - a buffer, always the first some bytes from a file.
Return : OS_TRUE, or OS_FAILSE if pbuff is not a wave buffer.
Description : to judge a buffer is, or is not a wave buffer.
BOOL iswave (void * pbuff)
BOOL nret;
RIFF_HEADER * priff;
nret = OS_TRUE;
priff = (RIFF_HEADER *)pbuff;
if ((priff->riffId[0] != 'R')
||(priff->riffId[1] != 'I')
||(priff->riffId[2] != 'F')
||(priff->riffId[3] != 'F'))
nret = OS_FALSE;
if (nret == OS_TRUE)
if ((priff->format[0] != 'W')
||(priff->format[1] != 'A')
||(priff->format[2] != 'V')
||(priff->format[3] != 'E'))
nret = OS_FALSE;
return nret;
Function : STATUS play_wav(void * pwave)
Params : pWave - the wave buffer.
Return : OS_SUCCESS when starting play, or OS_FAIL if it's not a .wav file
Description : play a buffer which save the .wav sound file.
STATUS play_wav(void * pwave)
RIFF_HEADER * priff;
SUBCHUNK * psubchunk;
FMT_CHUNK * pfmt;
DATA_CHUNK * pdata;
priff = (RIFF_HEADER *)pwave;
if (iswave(priff) != OS_TRUE)
OS_error("play_wav(): not a valid wave sound.\n");
return OS_FAIL;
/* find the "fmt" subchunk, it is mandatory for wave file. */
pfmt = NULL;
psubchunk = (SUBCHUNK *)((uint8_t *)pwave + sizeof(RIFF_HEADER));
while ((void *)psubchunk < (void *)((uint8_t *)priff + priff->riffSize + 8))
if ((psubchunk->name[0] = 'f')
&&(psubchunk->name[1] = 'm')
&&(psubchunk->name[2] = 't'))
pfmt = (FMT_CHUNK *)psubchunk;
psubchunk = (SUBCHUNK *)((uint8_t *)psubchunk + psubchunk->subchunkSize + 8);
if (pfmt == NULL)
OS_error("play_wave(): mandatory subchunk 'fmt' not found, wave file invalid!\n");
return OS_FAIL;
/* find the "data" subchunk, it is mandatory for wave file (man sound). */
pdata = NULL;
psubchunk = (SUBCHUNK *)((uint8_t *)pfmt + sizeof(FMT_CHUNK));
while ((void *)psubchunk < (void *)((uint8_t *)priff + priff->riffSize + 8))
if ((psubchunk->name[0] = 'd')
&&(psubchunk->name[1] = 'a')
&&(psubchunk->name[2] = 't')
&&(psubchunk->name[3] = 'a'))
pdata = (DATA_CHUNK *)psubchunk;
psubchunk = (SUBCHUNK *)((uint8_t *)psubchunk + psubchunk->subchunkSize + 8);
if (pdata == NULL)
OS_error("play_wave(): mandatory subchunk 'data' not found, wave file invalid!\n");
return OS_FAIL;
if (pfmt->audioFormat != WAVE_MS_FORMAT_PCM)
OS_error("play_wave(): only support Microsoft Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) wave file!\n"
"This wave format (0x%04x) CAN't played!!\n", uint16_l2h(pfmt->audioFormat));
return OS_FAIL;
return OS_SUCCESS;
答 3: wave.c的头文件/******************************************************************************
Copyright (c) 2006 by RockOS.
All rights reserved.
This software is supported by the Rock Software Workroom only.
Any bugs please contact the author with e-mail or QQ:
E-mail : baobaoba520@yahoo.com.cn
QQ : 59681888
File name : wave.h
Description : sound wave file format, for RockOS.
Author : sunxinqiu
History :
2006-12-31 first release.
#ifndef __WAVE_H__
#define __WAVE_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/* wave file code. */
WAVE_MS_FORMAT_PCM = 0x0001, /* microsoft PCM format. */
WAVE_IBM_FORMAT_MULAW = 0x0101, /* IBM IBM mu-law format. */
WAVE_IBM_FORMAT_ALAW = 0x0102, /* IBM a-law format. */
WAVE_IBM_FORMAT_ADPCM = 0x0103 /* IBM AVC Adaptive Differential PCM format. */
/* RIFF header fields: */
typedef struct
char riffId[4]; /* "RIFF" */
uint32_t riffSize; /* euqal to file size - 8.*/
char format[4]; /* "WAVE "*/
typedef struct
char name[4]; /* subchunk name. */
uint32_t subchunkSize; /* subchunk size (excluding the name and len fields). */
uint8_t data[1];
/* "fmt" chunk fields: */
typedef struct
char fmtId[4]; /* "fmt" */
uint32_t fmtSize; /* 0x00000010 for WAVE file. */
uint16_t audioFormat; /* 0x0001 for PCM file. */
uint16_t numChannels; /* 1 for Mono, 2 for Stereo. */
uint32_t sampleRate; /* 8000, 44100 etc.*/
uint32_t byteRate; /* = sampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample / 8 */
uint16_t blockAlign; /* = numChannels * BitsPerSample / 8 */
uint16_t bitsPerSample; /* 8, 16, etc. */
/* "data" chunk fields: */
typedef struct
char dataId[4]; /* "data" */
uint32_t dataSize; /* = numSamples * numChannels * bitsPerSample / 8 */
uint8_t data[1];
STATUS wave_init(void);
void tWaveEntry (void * p);
int wavplay(int argc, char * argv[]);
BOOL iswave (void * pbuff);
STATUS play_wav(void * pwave);
#ifdef __cplusplus
答 4: 要设成DMA模式把下面寄存器改成DMA模式:
rIISCON = 0x02; /* Tx-DMA disable, Rx-DMA disable, Prescaler enable, start IIS play. */
OS的Tick中断频率默认设置为100Hz,但是播放声音时因为必须根据声音的采样频率修改CPU的主频(并且PLLCON的设置不符合44b0手册的条件,否则无法通过分频得到播放声音所需的频率),因此播放声音时的Tick中断频率是不确定的。 答 1: IIS的测试代码,给有意测试的朋友友情提供/******************************************************************************
Copyright (c) 2006 by RockOS.
All rights reserved.
This software is supported by the Rock Software Workroom only.
Any bugs please contact the author with e-mail or QQ:
E-mail : baobaoba520@yahoo.com.cn
QQ : 59681888
File name : iis.c
Description : IIS management for ITSN44b0x.
Author : sunxinqiu
History :
2006-12-31 first release.
#include "os.h"
Function : STATUS init_iis()
Params : N/A
Return : OS_SUCCESS.
Description : init IIS sound.
STATUS init_iis()
/* The IISCON register:
* Bit 8: L/R channel index (RO).
* Bit 7: Transmit FIFO ready flag (RO).
* Bit 6: Receive FIFO ready flag (RO).
* Bit 5: Transmit DMA service request enable (1 - enable)
* Bit 4: Receive DMA service request enable (0 - disable)
* Bit 3: Transmit channel idle command (0 - IISLRCK is generated).
* Bit 2: Receive channel idle command(0 - IISLRCK is generated)
* Bit 1: IIS prescaler enable (0 - prescaler disable).
* Bit 0: IIS interface stop/start(0 - stop, 1 - start).
rIISCON=0x00; /* stop IIS if it is playing.*/
return OS_SUCCESS;
Function : STATUS iis_play ()
Params : numChannels - number of channels.
: sampleRate - the sampling rate for this wave.
: byteRate - the bytes rate for this wave.
: bitsPerSample - number of bits per sample for this wave.
: psamples - the samples for this wave.
: sampleSize - size of the samples (in bytes).
Return : OS_SUCCESS for IIS playing successfully, else OS_FAIL.
Description : play the wave data as specified wave type.
STATUS iis_play (uint32_t numChannels,
uint32_t sampleRate,
uint32_t byteRate,
uint32_t bitsPerSample,
void * psamples,
uint32_t sampleSize)
int i;
int errflag;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t pllcon;
uint16_t val;
if ((numChannels != 1) && (numChannels != 2))
OS_error("iis_play(): %d channel wave is not supported, only 1 or 2 channel is valid.\n");
return OS_FAIL;
if ((bitsPerSample != 8) && (bitsPerSample != 16))
OS_error("iis_play(): sample width %d is not supported, only 8 or 16 is valid.\n", bitsPerSample);
return OS_FAIL;
pllcon = rPLLCON; /* we must change the MCLK of the CPU, save it first. */
OS_printf("Wave channels : %d\n", numChannels);
OS_printf("Sample Rate : %d\n", sampleRate);
OS_printf("byteRate : %d\n", byteRate);
OS_printf("bitsPerSample : %d\n", bitsPerSample);
OS_printf("sampleSize : %d\n", sampleSize);
/* config all registers according the sampling frequancy. */
errflag = 0;
case 22050:
/* change MCLK to 45158400Hz (45151515Hz accurately). */
setMCLK(0x69, 0x17, 0);
rIISMOD = 0x81; /* Master, Tx-mode, Low for Left, IIS compatible, 8bit(*), MCLK=256fs, SCLK=32fs*/
rIISPSR = 0x33; /* prescaler_A = prescaler_B = 8. */
rIISFCON = 0x200; /* Tx FIFO enable, Rx FIFO disable. */
rIISCON = 0x02; /* Tx-DMA disable, Rx-DMA disable, Prescaler enable, start IIS play. */
case 44100:
/* change MCLK to 45158400Hz (45151515Hz accurately). */
setMCLK(0x8d, 0x1f, 0);
rIISMOD = 0x85; /* Master, Tx-mode, Low for Left, IIS compatible, 8bit(*), MCLK=384fs, SCLK=32fs*/
rIISPSR = 0x11; /* prescaler_A = prescaler_B = 4. */
rIISFCON = 0x200; /* Tx FIFO enable, Rx FIFO disable. */
rIISCON = 0x02; /* Tx-DMA disable, Rx-DMA disable, Prescaler enable, start IIS play. */
errflag = 1;
if (errflag != 0)
rPLLCON = pllcon;
OS_error("iis_play(): sample frequancy %dHz is not support!!!\n", sampleRate);
return OS_FAIL;
/* config the IISMOD according the sample width. */
errflag = 0;
case 8:
rIISMOD &= ~(1<<3); /* bit3 = 0, 8-bits sample data.*/
/* play sound wave now. */
rIISCON |= 1; /* start play. */
offset = 0;
while (offset < sampleSize)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) /* IIS has 16-bytes FIFO buffer. */
*rIISFIF = (uint16_t)((uint8_t *)psamples)[offset];
case 16:
rIISMOD |= (1<<3); /* bit3 = 1, 16-bits sample data.*/
/* play sound wave now. */
rIISCON |= 1; /* start play. */
offset = 0;
while (offset < sampleSize)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) /* IIS has 16-bytes FIFO buffer. */
val = uint16_l2h(((uint16_t *)psamples)[offset]);
*rIISFIF = uint16_l2h(((uint16_t *)psamples)[offset]);
errflag = 1;
rIISCON &= ~1; /* stop IIS. */
rPLLCON = pllcon; /* restore the CPU's MCLK. */
return OS_SUCCESS;
答 2: 播放*.wav文件的入口代码/******************************************************************************
Copyright (c) 2006 by RockOS.
All rights reserved.
This software is supported by the Rock Software Workroom only.
Any bugs please contact the author with e-mail or QQ:
E-mail : baobaoba520@yahoo.com.cn
QQ : 59681888
File name : wave.c
Description : play *.wav sound file, writing for ITSN44b0x.
Author : sunxinqiu
History :
2006-12-31 first release.
#include "os.h"
#include "wave.h"
Global var : HSEM g_waveSem;
Description : a mutex for play wave sound one by one.
HSEM g_waveSem;
Global var : extern uint32_t welcome;
Description : this is a wave sound file descriped by a .s file.
extern uint32_t welcome;
Function : STATUS wave_init(void)
Params : N/A
Return : OS_SUCCESS, or OS_FAIL if error.
Description : init wave sound task.
STATUS wave_init()
TASK_INFO taskInfo;
/* create wave semaphore. */
g_waveSem = semCreate(OS_SEM_COMMON, 0, "waveSem");
/* create wave task. */
taskInfo.priority = 10;
strcpy (&taskInfo.name[0], "tWave");
taskInfo.taskEntry = tWaveEntry;
taskInfo.pData = NULL;
taskInfo.msgQSize = 0;
taskInfo.mutexQSize = DEFAULT_MUTEX_Q_SIZE;
taskInfo.stackSize = DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
taskInfo.option = OPT_TASK_LOCK;
/* register shell command. */
regShellCmd(wavplay, "wavplay", "play welcome to RockOS wave.");
return OS_SUCCESS;
Function : void tWaveEntry (void * p)
Params : p - not used.
Return : N/A
Description : entry for wave sound demo task.
void tWaveEntry (void * p)
while (1)
semTake(g_waveSem, OS_WAIT_FOR_EVER);
play_wav((void *)&welcome);
Function : int wavplay(int argc, char * argv[])
Params : argc - the argument count (including command name).
: argv - the arguments (argv[0] is the command name)
Return : always 0.
Description : shell command for playing wave sound.
int wavplay(int argc, char * argv[])
return 0;
Function : BOOL iswave (void * pbuff)
Params : pbuff - a buffer, always the first some bytes from a file.
Return : OS_TRUE, or OS_FAILSE if pbuff is not a wave buffer.
Description : to judge a buffer is, or is not a wave buffer.
BOOL iswave (void * pbuff)
BOOL nret;
RIFF_HEADER * priff;
nret = OS_TRUE;
priff = (RIFF_HEADER *)pbuff;
if ((priff->riffId[0] != 'R')
||(priff->riffId[1] != 'I')
||(priff->riffId[2] != 'F')
||(priff->riffId[3] != 'F'))
nret = OS_FALSE;
if (nret == OS_TRUE)
if ((priff->format[0] != 'W')
||(priff->format[1] != 'A')
||(priff->format[2] != 'V')
||(priff->format[3] != 'E'))
nret = OS_FALSE;
return nret;
Function : STATUS play_wav(void * pwave)
Params : pWave - the wave buffer.
Return : OS_SUCCESS when starting play, or OS_FAIL if it's not a .wav file
Description : play a buffer which save the .wav sound file.
STATUS play_wav(void * pwave)
RIFF_HEADER * priff;
SUBCHUNK * psubchunk;
FMT_CHUNK * pfmt;
DATA_CHUNK * pdata;
priff = (RIFF_HEADER *)pwave;
if (iswave(priff) != OS_TRUE)
OS_error("play_wav(): not a valid wave sound.\n");
return OS_FAIL;
/* find the "fmt" subchunk, it is mandatory for wave file. */
pfmt = NULL;
psubchunk = (SUBCHUNK *)((uint8_t *)pwave + sizeof(RIFF_HEADER));
while ((void *)psubchunk < (void *)((uint8_t *)priff + priff->riffSize + 8))
if ((psubchunk->name[0] = 'f')
&&(psubchunk->name[1] = 'm')
&&(psubchunk->name[2] = 't'))
pfmt = (FMT_CHUNK *)psubchunk;
psubchunk = (SUBCHUNK *)((uint8_t *)psubchunk + psubchunk->subchunkSize + 8);
if (pfmt == NULL)
OS_error("play_wave(): mandatory subchunk 'fmt' not found, wave file invalid!\n");
return OS_FAIL;
/* find the "data" subchunk, it is mandatory for wave file (man sound). */
pdata = NULL;
psubchunk = (SUBCHUNK *)((uint8_t *)pfmt + sizeof(FMT_CHUNK));
while ((void *)psubchunk < (void *)((uint8_t *)priff + priff->riffSize + 8))
if ((psubchunk->name[0] = 'd')
&&(psubchunk->name[1] = 'a')
&&(psubchunk->name[2] = 't')
&&(psubchunk->name[3] = 'a'))
pdata = (DATA_CHUNK *)psubchunk;
psubchunk = (SUBCHUNK *)((uint8_t *)psubchunk + psubchunk->subchunkSize + 8);
if (pdata == NULL)
OS_error("play_wave(): mandatory subchunk 'data' not found, wave file invalid!\n");
return OS_FAIL;
if (pfmt->audioFormat != WAVE_MS_FORMAT_PCM)
OS_error("play_wave(): only support Microsoft Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) wave file!\n"
"This wave format (0x%04x) CAN't played!!\n", uint16_l2h(pfmt->audioFormat));
return OS_FAIL;
return OS_SUCCESS;
答 3: wave.c的头文件/******************************************************************************
Copyright (c) 2006 by RockOS.
All rights reserved.
This software is supported by the Rock Software Workroom only.
Any bugs please contact the author with e-mail or QQ:
E-mail : baobaoba520@yahoo.com.cn
QQ : 59681888
File name : wave.h
Description : sound wave file format, for RockOS.
Author : sunxinqiu
History :
2006-12-31 first release.
#ifndef __WAVE_H__
#define __WAVE_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/* wave file code. */
WAVE_MS_FORMAT_PCM = 0x0001, /* microsoft PCM format. */
WAVE_IBM_FORMAT_MULAW = 0x0101, /* IBM IBM mu-law format. */
WAVE_IBM_FORMAT_ALAW = 0x0102, /* IBM a-law format. */
WAVE_IBM_FORMAT_ADPCM = 0x0103 /* IBM AVC Adaptive Differential PCM format. */
/* RIFF header fields: */
typedef struct
char riffId[4]; /* "RIFF" */
uint32_t riffSize; /* euqal to file size - 8.*/
char format[4]; /* "WAVE "*/
typedef struct
char name[4]; /* subchunk name. */
uint32_t subchunkSize; /* subchunk size (excluding the name and len fields). */
uint8_t data[1];
/* "fmt" chunk fields: */
typedef struct
char fmtId[4]; /* "fmt" */
uint32_t fmtSize; /* 0x00000010 for WAVE file. */
uint16_t audioFormat; /* 0x0001 for PCM file. */
uint16_t numChannels; /* 1 for Mono, 2 for Stereo. */
uint32_t sampleRate; /* 8000, 44100 etc.*/
uint32_t byteRate; /* = sampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample / 8 */
uint16_t blockAlign; /* = numChannels * BitsPerSample / 8 */
uint16_t bitsPerSample; /* 8, 16, etc. */
/* "data" chunk fields: */
typedef struct
char dataId[4]; /* "data" */
uint32_t dataSize; /* = numSamples * numChannels * bitsPerSample / 8 */
uint8_t data[1];
STATUS wave_init(void);
void tWaveEntry (void * p);
int wavplay(int argc, char * argv[]);
BOOL iswave (void * pbuff);
STATUS play_wav(void * pwave);
#ifdef __cplusplus
答 4: 要设成DMA模式把下面寄存器改成DMA模式:
rIISCON = 0x02; /* Tx-DMA disable, Rx-DMA disable, Prescaler enable, start IIS play. */
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