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2214,10M,60M,SPI 请问2214外部10M,内部60M,SPI最高时钟能达到多少?
谢谢! 答 1: SPI工作在1.2M没有问题 答 2: 理论上可以到60/8M,超频还能再快 答 3: 但是这段是什么意思SPI Clock Counter Register:
This register controls the frequency of a master's SCK. The register indicates the number of pclk cycles that make up an SPI colck.The value of this register must always be an even number.As a result,bit 0 must always be 0.The value of the register must also always be greater than or equal to 8.Violations of this CAN result in unpredictable behavior.
上面这段话的Pclk是指的是外部时钟吧?即目前大于10M哪个时钟吧? 答 4: 测试阿SPI速度测试阿SPI速度=8M@流水线和指令缓存完全发挥作用时候
谢谢! 答 1: SPI工作在1.2M没有问题 答 2: 理论上可以到60/8M,超频还能再快 答 3: 但是这段是什么意思SPI Clock Counter Register:
This register controls the frequency of a master's SCK. The register indicates the number of pclk cycles that make up an SPI colck.The value of this register must always be an even number.As a result,bit 0 must always be 0.The value of the register must also always be greater than or equal to 8.Violations of this CAN result in unpredictable behavior.
上面这段话的Pclk是指的是外部时钟吧?即目前大于10M哪个时钟吧? 答 4: 测试阿SPI速度测试阿SPI速度=8M@流水线和指令缓存完全发挥作用时候
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