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ADS,SDT ADS编译工程文件,由SDT进行调试!行不行?

答 1:
It is ok.I do this work in this way every day .
because my JTAG does't support AXD.
So I have to do it in this way.
in order to debug the programs in SDT, you should make some configurations . 答 2: 我的jtag也不支持axd,sdt可以,我用s3c4510b 答 3: what configurations should be made?aray2000:Could you tell me some in detail?Thank you very much!
because my JTAG does't support AXD.
So I have to do it in this way.
in order to debug the programs in SDT, you should make some configurations . 答 2: 我的jtag也不支持axd,sdt可以,我用s3c4510b 答 3: what configurations should be made?aray2000:Could you tell me some in detail?Thank you very much!
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