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iar,release iar 2.2 编译release版时出错,请教大虾们

2006-09-17 18:14:16     打赏
iar,release iar 2.2 编译release版时出错,请教大虾们

关键词: release     编译     版时     出错     请教     大虾    

2006-12-22 22:43:00     打赏
问 Building configuration: gas - Release
Error[e16]: Segment DATA16_Z (size: 0xb9 align: 0x1) is too long for segment definition. At least 0x38 more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the
segment placement command "-Z(DATA)DATA16_I,DATA16_Z,DATA16_N,HEAP+_HEAP_SIZE=0200-0280", where at the moment of placement the available memory
ranges were "CODE:200-280"

请问该怎么做,是不是有什么设置可以该,还是别的什么,谢谢! 1: 定义太长,超出范围(B9H=182>80H=128)。 2: 我定义了一个结构体最大了104bytes,没有再大的了,还有,"-Z(DATA)DATA16_I,DATA16_Z,DATA16_N,HEAP+_HEAP_SIZE=0200-0300”是系统自定义的,如下:
// The following segments are defined in this linker command file:
// Data read/write segments (RAM)
// ==============================
// segment address range usage
// ------- ------------- --------------------------
// DATA16_I 0200-0300 Initialized variables
// DATA16_Z 0200-0300 Zero initialized variables
// DATA16_N 0200-0300 Uninitialized variables
// CSTACK 0200-0300 Run-time stack/auto variables
// HEAP 0200-0300 The heap used by malloc and free in DLIB

请问张工,应该怎么处理?谢谢 3: 变量太多的缘故吧! 4: 对,对!!

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