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【应用笔记】AN328:Stratix II、Stratix II GX、and Arria GX器件和DDR2 SDRAM的接口(AN 328: Interf

2012-05-26 15:17:26     打赏
【应用笔记】AN328:Stratix II、Stratix II GX、and Arria GX器件和DDR2 SDRAM的接口(AN 328: Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM with Stratix II, Stratix II GX, and Arria GX Devices)
本应用笔记提供关于DDR2和Stratix® II、Stratix II GX和Arria® GX接口的信息
This application note provides information about interfacing DDR2 SDRAM with Stratix® II,
Stratix II GX, and Arria® GX devices. It includes details about supported modes and
guidelines for designing with these devices and describes Altera’s recommended design
flow for implementing a DDR2 SDRAM memory interface on a Stratix II, Stratix II GX, or
Arria GX FPGA. an328.pdf

关键词: 应用     笔记     AN328     Stratix     Arria    

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