如果有这个的话 #include "vmgfxold.h",比如官方给的demo中的socket以及gps_demo中,出现如下错
k:\microsoft visual studio\vre ide\include\vmgfxold.h(1) : error C2018: unknown character '0xff'
k:\microsoft visual studio\vre ide\include\vmgfxold.h(1) : error C2018: unknown character '0xfe'
k:\microsoft visual studio\vre ide\include\vmgfxold.h(1) : error C2014: preprocessor command must start as first nonwhite space
k:\microsoft visual studio\vre ide\include\vmgfxold.h(114) : fatal error C1020: unexpected #endif
Error executing cl.exe.
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关键词: 有这 个头 文件 vmgfxold.h 老是 报错
#ifndef VMCPT_H_
#define VMCPT_H_
* The graphic interfaces are changed a lot after VRE1.2.5, therefore the
* applications based on the interfaces of older VRE should use this file
* and re-complie for new VRE platform. The file, vmgraph.h, supports the
* development for new platform.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "vmsys.h"
#include "vmgraph.h"
#include "vmlog.h"
/* vmgraph.h*/
void vm_graphic_lock(void);
void vm_graphic_unlock(void);
VMUINT8 * vm_graphic_get_buffer(void);
void vm_graphic_flush_buffer(void);
void vm_initialize_screen_buffer(void);
void vm_finalize_screen_buffer(void);
VMINT vm_graphic_draw_gif(VMUINT8* gif, VMINT gif_len, VMINT x, VMINT y, VMINT width, VMINT height, VMINT frame_index);
VMINT vm_graphic_bitblt(VMINT resid, int x, int y);
void vm_graphic_drawtext(VMINT x, VMINT y, VMWSTR s, VMINT32 length, VMINT color);
void vm_graphic_setpixel(VMINT x, VMINT y, VMINT color);
void vm_graphic_drawline(VMINT x0, VMINT y0, VMINT x1, VMINT y1, VMINT color);
void vm_graphic_drawrect(VMINT x, VMINT y, VMINT width, VMINT height, VMINT color);
void vm_graphic_fillrect(VMINT x, VMINT y, int width, int height, int color);
#define vm_graphic_set_text_clip vm_graphic_set_clip
#define vm_graphic_reset_text_clip vm_graphic_reset_clip
/* vmddraw.h*/
void vm_dd_initialize_clip_rect(void);
void vm_dd_set_clip(VMINT x, VMINT y, VMINT width, VMINT height);
void vm_dd_reset_clip(void);
void vm_dd_blt_all_cutting_frames(VMBYTE *buf, VMBYTE *source_surface, VMINT x_num, VMINT y_num, VMINT width, VMINT height);
void vm_dd_img_flood(VMBYTE *buf, VMINT x_dst, VMINT y_dst,VMBYTE *source_surface, VMINT width, VMINT height, VMINT frame_index);
void vm_dd_copy(VMBYTE *buf, VMINT x_dest, VMINT y_dest, VMBYTE *source_surface, VMINT x_src, VMINT y_src, VMINT width, VMINT height, VMINT frame_index, VMINT direction);
void vm_dd_flood_4_regional(VMBYTE *buf, VMINT x_dst, VMINT y_dst,VMBYTE *source_surface, VMINT width, VMINT height, VMINT frame_index);
VMUINT8* vm_dd_load_image(VMUINT8 *img, VMINT img_len);
struct frame_prop * vm_dd_get_img_property(VMUINT8 *img, VMUINT8 frame_index);
VMINT vm_dd_get_frame_number(VMUINT8 *img);
void vm_dd_clean(VMUINT8* buf, VMUINT16 color16);
void vm_dd_active_layer(VMINT handle);
#define vm_dd_clean_ex vm_dd_clean
#define vm_dd_copy_ex vm_dd_copy
#define vm_dd_setpixel_ex vm_graphic_set_pixel
#define vm_dd_setpixel vm_graphic_set_pixel
#define vm_dd_getpixel_ex vm_graphic_get_pixel
#define vm_dd_getpixel vm_graphic_get_pixel
#define vm_dd_line_ex vm_graphic_line
#define vm_dd_line vm_graphic_line
#define vm_dd_rect_ex vm_graphic_rect
#define vm_dd_rect vm_graphic_rect
#define vm_dd_fillrect_ex vm_graphic_fill_rect
#define vm_dd_fillrect vm_graphic_fill_rect
#define vm_dd_blt_ex vm_graphic_blt
#define vm_dd_blt vm_graphic_blt
#define vm_dd_rotate_ex vm_graphic_rotate
#define vm_dd_rotate vm_graphic_rotate
#define vm_dd_mirror_ex vm_graphic_mirror
#define vm_dd_mirror vm_graphic_mirror
#define vm_dd_blt_with_opacity vm_graphic_blt_ex
/* vmdraw.h*/
#define vm_graph_initialize vm_initialize_screen_buffer
#define vm_graph_finalize vm_finalize_screen_buffer
#define vm_graph_get_buffer vm_graphic_get_buffer
#define vm_graph_flush_buffer vm_graphic_flush_buffer
#define vm_graph_initialize_clip_rect vm_dd_initialize_clip_rect
#define vm_graph_blt_all_cutting_frames vm_dd_blt_all_cutting_frames
#define vm_graph_img_flood vm_dd_img_flood
#define vm_graph_copy vm_dd_copy
#define vm_graph_load_image vm_dd_load_image
#define vm_graph_get_img_property vm_dd_get_img_property
#define vm_graph_get_frame_number vm_dd_get_frame_number
#define vm_graph_clean vm_dd_clean
#define vm_graph_get_bits_per_pixel vm_graphic_get_bits_per_pixel
#define vm_graph_set_clip vm_graphic_reset_clip
#define vm_graph_reset_clip vm_graphic_reset_clip
#define vm_graph_get_screen_width vm_graphic_get_screen_width
#define vm_graph_get_screen_height vm_graphic_get_screen_height
#define vm_graph_get_character_height vm_graphic_get_character_height
#define vm_graph_get_character_width vm_graphic_get_character_width
#define vm_graph_measure_character vm_graphic_measure_character
#define vm_graph_get_string_width vm_graphic_get_string_width
#define vm_graph_set_font vm_graphic_set_font
#define vm_graph_setpixel vm_graphic_set_pixel
#define vm_graph_getpixel vm_graphic_get_pixel
#define vm_graph_line vm_graphic_line
#define vm_graph_rect vm_graphic_rect
#define vm_graph_fillrect vm_graphic_fill_rect
#define vm_graph_blt vm_graphic_blt
#define vm_graph_rotate vm_graphic_rotate
#define vm_graph_mirror vm_graphic_mirror
#define vm_graph_draw_gif vm_graphic_draw_gif
void vm_graph_drawtext(VMINT x, VMINT y, VMWSTR s, VMINT32 length, VMUINT16 color);
void vm_graph_release_surface(VMUINT8 * off_surface);
VMUINT8 * vm_graph_create_custom_buf(VMINT width, VMINT height);
void vm_graph_delete_custom_buf(VMUINT8 * custom_buf);
void vm_graph_move(VMBYTE *screen_buf, VMINT x_dest, VMINT y_dest, VMBYTE *custom_buf, VMINT x_src, VMINT y_src, VMINT width, VMINT height);
#ifdef __cplusplus
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