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本人是FLASH MP3的初学者,向各位大侠请教
2 FAT 表中为0003或其他数据的,有什么公式可以查开始的数据?
答 1: 怎么没有人理我有没有同道中人,留个联系方式也好啊
QQ 104958515 答 2: 表示当前族是该文件的最后一个族The FAT is an array of up to 65,536 16-bit unsigned integers. The first 2 and last 16 entries in the FAT are reserved. All other elements are of type: index into the FAT array. Each of the non-reserved FAT entries correspond to a cluster on the disk.
FAT index Meaning as index Meaning as value
0x0000 reserved cluster is available
0x0001 reserved undefined
0x0002-0xffef data cluster next cluster in chain is at this index
0xfff0-0xfff6 reserved undefined
0xfff7 reserved bad cluster
0xfff8-0xffff reserved end of the current cluster chain
FAT entries 0x0000 and 0x0001 contain other information, usually 0xfff8 and 0xffff respectively.
The fragment below is from the start of a FAT
FFF8 FFFF 0000 0004 FFFF 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
The fragment above shows a file using clusters 0x0003 & 0x0004.
2 FAT 表中为0003或其他数据的,有什么公式可以查开始的数据?
答 1: 怎么没有人理我有没有同道中人,留个联系方式也好啊
QQ 104958515 答 2: 表示当前族是该文件的最后一个族The FAT is an array of up to 65,536 16-bit unsigned integers. The first 2 and last 16 entries in the FAT are reserved. All other elements are of type: index into the FAT array. Each of the non-reserved FAT entries correspond to a cluster on the disk.
FAT index Meaning as index Meaning as value
0x0000 reserved cluster is available
0x0001 reserved undefined
0x0002-0xffef data cluster next cluster in chain is at this index
0xfff0-0xfff6 reserved undefined
0xfff7 reserved bad cluster
0xfff8-0xffff reserved end of the current cluster chain
FAT entries 0x0000 and 0x0001 contain other information, usually 0xfff8 and 0xffff respectively.
The fragment below is from the start of a FAT
FFF8 FFFF 0000 0004 FFFF 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
The fragment above shows a file using clusters 0x0003 & 0x0004.
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