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Wind river的SPR补丁
tornado发行版本有些bug, 可到windsurf下载相应的补丁
补丁很多, 我头都看晕拉
要进入windsurf, 需要订货时的License number
Software Problem Reports (SPR)
If your TSR is associated with a defect or an enhancement in any Wind River
product, it is linked to an SPR. The support engineer works with Development
Engineering to resolve these SPRs in accordance with guidelines summarized in
the table below.
SPRs track two kinds of software issues:
bugs – defects in the software or documentation.
enhancements – requests for desired features or functions
Customer Support determines if there is an existing SPR for your issue. If you are
reporting a new problem, the support engineer works closely with you to
document the problem’s symptoms, establish the SPR’s priority, identify a test case
(when appropriate), and develop a precise technical description of the problem.
You can use WindSurf to review online information about known SPRs.
关键词: river 补丁
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