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Dictionary of Networks

Networks are currently one of the fastest growing and most important developments in the computer industry. Not only are more and more PCs becoming parts of networks, but networked PCs are being incorporated into larger enterprise-wide applications so that everyone in a company can access and share data.With the expanding technology of networking comes the terminology to describe it.This Dictionary of Networking provides definitions for all the terms you will encounter when dealing with networks of any type.
Who Should Use This Book?
This book is designed to meet the needs of people who work with networks,communications,and mobile computing systems. Whether you are networking previously unconnected computers or downsizing from a mainframe, this book is for you. And if you are studying for one of the network certification exams, you will find this book to be an essential reference.
Network users of all levels are barraged with an almost bewildering array of terms, abbreviations,and acronyms in books, magazine and newspaper articles, advertisements,and their day-to-day conversations. Jargon is a useful horthand, but it can easily become incomprehensible and unmanageable, even to the most seasoned network administrator.
关键词: Dictionary Networks
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