我在做TFFS文件系统的时候出现如下问题 ,找原因找了快两周了
-> tffsShow()
the baseFlashPtr is ff000000
enter the fllv160Identify
the thisVars->unlockAddr1 is ff002aa8, thisVars->unlockAddr2 is ff001550
the type is 2249
identify ok
0: socket=RFA: type=0x2249, unitSize=0x10000, mediaSize=0x200000
value = 50 = 0x32 = '2'
-> tffsDevFormat()
the baseFlashPtr is ff000000
enter the fllv160Identify
the thisVars->unlockAddr1 is ff002aa8, thisVars->unlockAddr2 is ff001550
the type is 2249
identify ok
data access
Exception current instruction address: 0x00115424
Machine Status Register: 0x0000b032
Data Access Register: 0xff400000
Condition Register: 0x20004042
Data storage interrupt Register: 0x0000b032
1cb678 vxTaskEntry +68 : shell ()
19ecbc shell +190: 19ece8 ()
19eedc shell +3b0: execute ()
19f060 execute +d8 : yyparse ()
1aeff4 yyparse +6fc: 1ad3b8 ()
1ad53c yystart +96c: tffsDevFormat ()
1b2d4c tffsDevFormat +a4 : flCall ()
1b40c4 flCall +264: 1b3644 ()
1b36e0 tffscmpWords +450: flMount ()
1b4c54 flMount +84 : mountFTL ()
1b1e58 mountFTL +a8 : memcpy ()
183a1c memcpy +28 : bcopy ()