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Avaya IP Softphone
Avaya IP Softphone R5.26 This file contains last minute product information for Avaya IP Softphone. For instructions on using the product, refer to the online help provided with the product. 1. CONTENTS This file is organized into the following sections: 1. Contents This section lists the contents of this README file. 2. About Avaya IP Softphone This section contains further information on using telephony service providers, particularly about configuring and using Avaya IP Softphone Service Provider. 3. Installing Avaya IP Softphone This section describes how to install Avaya IP Softphone onto your PC. 4. Removing Avaya IP Softphone This section describes how to remove Avaya IP Softphone from your PC should this become necessary. 5. Known Problems and Restrictions This section contains information on known problems and/or restrictions with the software. 6. To Get Help This section provides information on getting Help with Avaya IP Softphone. 7. Avaya IP Softphone on the Web This section provides information on getting information about Avaya IP Softphone on the web. 8. Language Support This section provides information on the multiple languages supported in this version of Avaya IP Softphone. 2. ABOUT AVAYA IP SOFTPHONE Avaya IP Softphone is a software package that contains the following components: · Avaya iClarity (allows you to log into your server or telephone; also allows for Voice over IP capabilities) · Avaya IP Service Provider (driver level that interfaces to the Avaya call server via a network connection) · Avaya IP Softphone application (allows you to make calls and answer calls; gives you access to an integral contact directory address book; gives you access to an "LDAP"-compliant public source directory; gives you access to a log of incoming & outgoing calls and incoming & outgoing instant messaging sessions; allows you to create & receive instant messaging sessions and allows tracking of other Avaya IP Softphone contacts) Avaya IP Service Provider is the driver software that controls your telephone. It is required if you want to use Avaya IP Softphone and/or a commercial TAPI application for your telephony needs. The service provider is best compared to a printer driver: you need one to make sure all your applications can talk to the hardware you have. In this case, your "hardware" is the Avaya Call Processing or Avaya Communication Manager server. This version of Avaya IP Softphone is supported on the following operating systems: · Windows XP (Home and Professional) · Windows 2000 Professional Any operating system that is not listed above is NOT supported. 3. INSTALLING AVAYA IP SOFTPHONE To install Avaya IP Softphone, perform the following steps: · Download the software from the Avaya web site (http://avaya.com/support) · Run the downloaded file · Follow the directions provided by the installer 4. REMOVING AVAYA IP SOFTPHONE If desired you can remove Avaya IP Softphone from you PC’s hard disk. 4.1 Accessing the UnInstaller The UnInstaller can be accessed from the Control Panel "Add/Remove Programs" application: · Choose Start -> Settings -> Control Panel · Open "Add or Remove Programs" · Choose "Avaya IP Softphone R5.2 Service Pack 1 Plus" 5. KNOWN PROBLEMS AND RESTRICTIONS You can find a current list of issues on the Avaya Support web site (http://avaya.com/support). The following issues were found. 5.1. Interaction with other Avaya Endpoint Applications Avaya IP Softphone is not compatible with the other Avaya endpoint applications (i.e., Avaya IP Agent and Avaya Softconsole). You should not try to install these applications at the same time. You should always remove one application before installing another. In addition to removing the application (using Control Panel --> Add/Remove Programs), you should also ensure that any configuration information (stored in the Windows Registry) has also been removed. While this configuration information is very useful if you are upgrading from one version of IP Softphone to a newer version, this information can have a detrimental effect on one of the other applications, such as Avaya IP Agent or Avaya Softconsole. 6. TO GET HELP Help on using and/or troubleshooting Avaya IP Softphone is available in the integrated online help system. If you have any questions about or problems with Avaya IP Softphone that are not resolved by the information presented here or in the accompanying documentation, please contact your Authorized Avaya dealer. 7. AVAYA IP SOFTPHONE ON THE WEB To access the most up-to-date information about Avaya IP Softphone (including service packs, troubleshooting information, supported configuration lists [laptops, headsets, speakers, microphones, sound devices, etc.]), go to http://avaya.com/support. 8. LANGUAGE SUPPORT This version of Avaya IP Softphone supports multiple languages. Supported languages include: · English · Chinese · German · Spanish · French · Italian · Japanese · Korean · Portuguese · Russian · Dutch
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