* get the HTTP reauest handle
* @code
* asyn_http_req_t req;
* http_request_t internal_req;
* req.http_request = &internal_req;
* req.req_method = GET;
* internal_req.nhead = internal_req.nbody = 0;
* strcpy(internal_req.url, "http://www.google.cn");
* if (vm_asyn_http_req(&req, http_hook_callback, http_state_callback) == ASYN_HTTP_REQ_ACCEPT_SUCCESS)
* {
* VMINT handle = 0;
* vm_get_asyn_http_req_handle(&req, &handle); // get the HTTP handle
* }
* @endcode
* @param[in] request http request
* @param[out] handle pointer to the buffer that receives the HTTP handle
* @return return code or error code
* @retval VM_GET_AHH_SUCCESS - succeed to get the handle
* @retval VM_GET_AHH_NO_COMM - can not find the HTTP handle
* @retval VM_GET_AHH_ERROR_PARAM - invalid parameter
VMINT vm_get_asyn_http_req_handle(asyn_http_req_t* request, VMINT* handle);
* Add HTTP header, the memory space of name, value should be maintained by application.
* Invoke this interface before vm_asyn_http_req.
* NOTE: length of name and value together should not exceed 400 bytes, otherwise, there may be error.
* @param[in] handle HTTP handle.
* @param[in] name HTTP header name.
* @param[in] value HTTP header value.
* @return Succeed or not.
VMINT vm_http_add_header(VMINT handle, VMCHAR* name, VMCHAR* value);
vm_http_add_header 函数参数中含有handle,又要求在vm_asyn_http_req函数前使用,例子中可以看到,vm_asyn_http_req函数调用后才能得到handle,表示相当疑惑,百般实验没有成功,求指点。
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