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Thermochron® Mission Authentication and Security

2012-04-06 22:17:26     打赏
Thermochron® Mission Authentication and Security

关键词: DS1921, Thermochron, Thermochron security, Thermochron Mission Authentication Certificate 

Abstract: The applications for the Thermochron range from shipping monitoring of perishable goods or containers of temperature-sensitive chemicals to process verification. The authenticity of the temperature measurements are important since they could be used to prove shipping mishandling or provide documentation of a correct process control. The Thermochron has several built-in hardware mechanisms that can be utilized to detect tampering of the temperature-gathering mission. Further validation of the mission can be easily added by utilizing the user-programmable memory to hold a Mission Validation Certificate. 

 Thermochron® Mission Authentication and Security.pdf

关键词: Thermochron     Mission     Authe    

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