Interfacing the 1-Wire Master (DS1WM) to an ARM7 Processor
关键词: 1-Wire, 1-wire communication, 1 wire master, DS1WM, software, C Code, ANSI C, ARM7, ARM7 processor
Abstract: This application note provides the reader with information concerning how to interface the Maxim 1-Wire® Master (DS1WM) to an ARM7 processor. Both hardware and software concerns are addressed, including block diagrams and sample ANSI C code to enable communication between the 1-Wire Master ARM7 processor over the Maxim 1-Wire communication protocol. Software routines for initialization of the ARM7 and common 1-Wire commands are provided and therefore can be used on any Maxim device that communicates using the 1-Wire protocol
Interfacing the 1-Wire Master (DS1WM) to an ARM7 Processor.pdf
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