LeCroy's UWBTracer/Trainer is the first fully integrated analyzer - exerciser system designed to verify functionality and interoperability between WiMedia devices. The UWBTracer is a completely non-intrusive analysis tool capable of capturing and decoding Wireless USB traffic transmitted on multiple logical channels within a WiMedia network The UWBTrainer is designed to test compliance and error recovery by allowing users to transmit custom WiMedia packets with low-level control of headers, payload, timing and channels.
Key Features
- Integrated Analyzer / Exerciser configuration allows simultaneous transmit and record in a single system
- Flexible generator API supports sophisticated traffic generation scenarios
- Completely non-intrusive over-the-air recording capability
- Displays hierarchical views of WiMedia and Certified Wireless USB protocol using the CATC Trace?
- Interchangeable RF modules allow swapping of radio front end to add support for future changes in the RF specifications
- Isolate specific areas of interest with real-time triggering on WiMedia frames and encrypted Wireless USB traffic
- Pre-capture filtering excludes non-essential and redundant packets from the trace to focus the analysis effort
- Disk spooling mode provides real-time time display of link and protocol activity
- Traffic Summaries automatically report error rates and protocol level metrics that are linked to trace level detail
- Solve MAC-PHY integration issues with simultaneous MPI tap and RF recording
- Full support for Certified Wireless USB security, including 4-way encryption handshake and USB cable association option
- Supports the latest WiMedia , Certified Wireless USB and WLP/WiNet Specifications
- Export UWBTracer analyzer recordings to exerciser format to quickly re-create test sequences

The exerciser is also based on a plug-in module design that installs in the CATC 5K expandable chassis. The system can operate as a standalone generator; but is generally configured with the companion UWBTracer analyzer module allowing it to simultaneously record and transmit WiMedia packets. When not using the generator module, the exerciser antenna can serve as a 2nd analyzer channel. Packets from each channel are labeled and displayed in a single unified trace. This dual recording capability is useful for monitoring adjacent channel interference and channel selection algorithms.
Exerciser test scenarios can be authored using either a text or graphical interface. In both cases, sophisticated, multi-stage traffic generation scripts can be developed using boolean expressions including IF-THEN logical branching and compound WAIT states. This flexible system is capable of monitoring and responding to changes in the link state to effectively emulate complex device behaviors. A full library of WiMedia platform test scripts including source code is provided allowing developers to adapt the suite for their own specific applications. The analyzer / exerciser combination features exceptional clock accuracy (< 4ppm) allowing the system to transmit and record all packets over-the-air with the unmatched timing precision.
Find the Issues Fast The UWBTracer features LeCroy’s exclusive BusEngine technology which offers real-time triggering to pinpoint specific WiMedia events of interest. This hardware based recording engine is field upgradeable and provides an easy drag-and-drop interface for setting up multilevel triggering. There’s full support for counters, timers and looping within the trigger logic. The analyzer can trigger on protocol errors like length mismatch, aborted frames or FCS errors.
UWBTracer allows on-the-fly pre-capture filtering to remove repetitive events like bus conditions or non-essential data frames. UWBTracer also makes it easy to filter in or out traffic transmitted on specific channels or sent from specific device addresses. Flexible post capture filtering can remove specific packets or individual fields from the display.
Comprehensive search is supported for all WiMedia and wireless USB layers. Additionally, the advanced search capabilities allow users to find specific combinations of protocol events using Boolean search functions.
Real Time Graphical Views Make Debug More Efficient The UWBTracer analysis mode now supports spool-to-disk capture to allow extended recording sessions - for hours or even days. In spooled mode, captured traffic is shown in real-time. The ability to instantly view link status and beacon group occupancy in real-time makes debugging interoperability issues faster and more efficient. State changes can be observed - as they occur - without stopping and restarting the test. Signal strength (RSSI) and Link Quality (LQI) are displayed graphically and error events are also flagged in real-time.
Custom Data Displays for Easier Analysis of Protocol Traffic The UWBTracer analyzer utilizes the CATC Trace? display that is the industry’s de facto standard for wired USB protocol analysis. The UWBTracer software shows packets time-synchronized in separate rows with every field labeled and color-coded. At the WiMedia Layer, it provides a chronological view of frames transmitted by devices. At the Wireless USB transfer layer, the software automatically groups the WiMedia frames that are part of a logical USB transaction and decodes the equivalents for USB Token, Data and Handshake packets.
The UWBTracer includes several graphical displays that show both timing and protocol information synchronized to trace level detail. These graphical views help users improve performance by making it easy to identify marginal timing conditions that may affect throughput.

UWBSpekChek Compliance Suite for pre-testing WiMedia Platform Certification
The UWBTrainer exerciser includes UWBSpekChek ¨C an automated application that allows vendors to pretest devices for WiMedia certification. UWBSpekchek provides a fully integrated environment that manages the LeCroy analyzer/exerciser hardware, loads the appropriate compliance scripts, captures the exchange, and automatically validates the results. UWBSpekChek walks through each test, directing the user to start and stop the DUTs, after each test, it automatically saves the trace and displays pass / fail results. UWBSpekChek itself is built on LeCroy’s published COM interface which provides a complete framework for automating routine testing.
Comprehensive Solution Only LeCroy’s Protocol Solutions Group could anticipate and deliver the innovative features needed by early developers in this emerging wireless market. The UWBTracer’s extensible design provides for future upgrades as the needs of early adopters change and this new communication standard matures. Beginning with qualification of UWB chipsets, to eventual interoperability testing between different WiMedia-based RF devices, the UWBTracer verification system is designed to reduce time-to-market for Certified Wireless USB solutions. LeCroy’s leadership in designing innovative and reliable debug tools for the USB market make the UWBTracer the ideal choice both for migrating existing USB devices to WiMedia as well as developing new device categories using the WiMedia wireless protocol.