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2012-04-14 23:21:21     打赏
USB,即通用串行总线,是一种无需人工配置和打开机箱安装的计算机外设连接标准。 USB在1995年推出,用于取代了串口,并口,鼠标和键盘接口。 



The LeCroy Conquest™ USB Protocol Analyzer System provides comprehensive USB analysis features at an extraordinary price point. Comprehensive USB device level decoding makes it easy to understand and debug transactions occurring at the system level. Designed for easy setup with time saving features like predefined trigger settings, the Conquest is equally suited for both first-time and advanced users.

LeCroy has developed six generations of its industry leading USB protocol verification system since the introduction of USB in 1995. Each successive generation of the LeCroy USB analyzer family has built upon the previous knowledge and expertise. Today, LeCroy offers a broad range of USB test systems with unprecedented functionality, accuracy and user friendliness. The enormous cost of discovering problems after a product is released far outweighs the investment in LeCroy's de-facto standard USB analysis tools. Their use improves the speed and efficiency of the debug, test and verification for USB semiconductor, device, and software vendors. Analyzers or bus "sniffers" also play an essential role in avoiding costly interoperability problems by allowing developers to verify compliance with the USB specification.

Consistent with the growing popularity of digital media, the USB-IF announced USB 3.0 in late 2007 targeting 10X the current USB bandwidth by utilizing two additional high-speed differential pairs for "SuperSpeed" transfer mode. The USB 3.0 specification was released in late 2008 and commercial products began shipping in late 2009. LeCroy has pioneered the development of verifications systems for this new technology. The only company that offers a complete line of USB 3.0 test solutions covering transmitter test to protocol test, and every step in between, LeCroy helps developers achieve their goals of performance, quality, reliability and time-to-market for SuperSpeed technology.

USB Technology Overview:

USB, or Universal Serial Bus, is a connectivity standard that enables computer peripherals and consumer electronics to be connected to a computer without reconfiguring the system or opening the computer box to install interface cards. The USB 1.0 specification was introduced in January 1996. The original USB 1.0 specification had a data transfer rate of 12 Mbit/s The first widely used version of USB was 1.1, which was released in September 1998. It provided 12 Mbps data rate for higher-speed devices such as disk drives, and a lower 1.5 Mbps rate for low bandwidth devices such as joysticks. USB 2.0 specification was released in April 2000 and was ratified by the USB-IF at the end of 2001 to develop a higher data transfer rate, with the resulting specification achieving 480 Mbit/s

USB today provides a fast, bi-directional, low-cost, serial interface that offers easy connectivity to PCs. A hallmark for USB operation has been the ability for the host to automatically recognize devices as they are attached and install the appropriate drivers. With features such as backward compatibility with previous devices and hot "plug-ability", USB has become the de-facto standard interface for various consumer and PC peripheral devices. The USB standard allows up to 127 devices connected to a Host System. USB designates low, full, high-speed connectivity between devices compatible with the 2.0 specification. Most full speed devices include lower bandwidth mice, keyboards, printers, and joysticks. The use of high speed USB has exploded with the rapid growth in digital media in the consumer electronics market including media players, digital cameras, external storage and smart phones.

SuperSpeed USB is designator for links operating at the 5 GHz frequency and compatible with the USB 3.0 specification. SuperSpeed USB provides a high performance connection topology for applications that utilize larger files or require higher bandwidth. SuperSpeed USB is backward compatible with USB 2.0, resulting in a seamless transition process for the end user. SuperSpeed USB offers a compelling opportunity for digital imaging and media device vendors to migrate their designs to higher performance USB 3.0 capable interface.

NEC/Renesas was the first chip vendor to introduce host controllers for USB 3.0 (5/18/2009). The first motherboards featuring USB 3.0 ports from Asus and Gigabyte followed in late 2009. In the first half of 2010, dozens of SuperSpeed devices began shipping as vendors rushed to deliver solutions using the 5Gbps signaling speed of USB 3.0. Expect mass adoption into high-bandwidth applications in late 2010.

Why USB?

From its emergence in 1995 as a low-cost connection interface for keyboards and mice, USB has steadily expanded its presence in computing and consumer electronics to become the most popular peripheral interconnect in history. USB continues to be dominant for the following reasons:

  • Mature, proven technology
  • Backward-compatible and low cost
  • Easy plug and play operation
  • Data transfer speeds suitable for a variety of applications

As evidenced by USB popularity, several extensions of the technology have been introduced to try and capitalize on its installed base/ popularity. An example of this extension, which is supported and approved by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), is USB On-The-Go (OTG). Designed to allow portable computing devices, such as cell phones and digital cameras, the ability to connect to other USB devices as either a host or peripheral, OTG promises improved interoperability for an enormous number of USB enabled devices.

In addition, there are now dozens of USB device classes addressing everything from health care systems to isochronous video applications. Mass storage remains one of the most popular USB applications as consumers have embraced all types of digital media. The T10 committee has now finalized USB Attached SCSI (UAS) protocol which enables several significant improvements over legacy mass storage protocols including command queuing and streamed IO. Of particular interest is the new battery charging specification which provides a standard mechanism allowing devices to draw current in excess of the USB specification when connected to wall chargers or fast charging host controllers. In addition to the traditional data interchange application, the battery charging specification has solidified USB's dominant role as the interface of choice in the portable electronics market.

USB Architecture

USB was initially introduced as a host to peripheral interconnect with the goal of putting most of the intelligence on the host-side. The OTG specification added an optional peer-to-peer capability to devices but had limited adoption to date. So the vast majority of USB devices typically fall into 2 categories:

  • Hosts
    • PCs, Macs and laptops
  • Peripherals
    • All devices designed to attach to a host (examples)

The role of the host controller (plus software) is to provide a uniform view of IO systems for all applications software. For the USB IO subsystem in particular, the host manages the dynamic attach and detach of peripherals. It automatically performs the enumeration stage of device initialization which involves communicating with the peripheral to discover the identity of a device driver that it should load, if not already loaded. It also provides device descriptor information that drivers can use enable specific features on the device. Peripherals add functionality to the host system or may be standalone embedded operation. When operating as a USB device, peripherals act are slaves that obey a defined protocol. They must react to requests sent from the host. It's largely the role of PC software to manage device power without user interaction to minimize overall power consumption. The USB 3.0 specification redefines power management to occur at the hardware level with multiple power states designed to reduce power usage across the IO system.

Conquest Pro Protocol Analyzer / Exerciser System

The Conquest Pro provides an all-in-one protocol analysis and exerciser system for a range of USB development applications. In addition to supporting all USB 2.0 bus speeds, this comprehensive test solution includes the easy-to-understand Conquest display of bus traffic, protocol error detection, advanced triggering, traffic generation, plus special timing and DC Compliance measurements. This powerful tool, with an unprecedented array of deep features, is well suited for use by firmware, device, and system engineers in all phases of product development.

System Overview

The Conquest Pro is a multi-function USB 2.0 serial bus analyzer capable of analyzing data transfers of up to 480Mb/s. The Conquest Pro is available with protocol analysis capability only, or it may be configured to capture and analyze data while the exerciser generates traffic on the bus.

In the analyzer mode, the Pro provides one fully non-intrusive recording channel for capture of USB 2.0 traffic, including slower than standard signaling frequencies. OTG traffic capture is fully supported as well. The user is provided with the option to view captured traffic in a Catalyst Trace view, timing view, or both views.

Two modes are provided for operating the analyzer; easy mode and advanced mode. In the easy mode, an extensive list of predefined trigger points are provided, and several convenient filters are available to exclude redundant USB traffic and events. The advanced mode provides a 32-level state sequencer, which allows sophisticated control of the capture and trigger sequence.

Captured USB traffic is displayed in an easy-to-understand Graphical Trace view with collapsible transfer/transaction display to quickly zero in on specific location of the bus traffic. Captured traffic can be saved to various formats, such as binary, text, and NRZI, as well as in Trace view format. An extensive array of USB class decodes is provided for detailed decoding of class-specific transfers. These decodes can be user-edited with Catalyst’s Advanced Script Language (ASL) editor. The ASL editor can also be used to create custom, proprietary decodes.

A detailed statistical report provides instant qualitative and quantitative information on the captured bus traffic, including a fast-search feature whereby the capture instantly jumps to the selected packet or event highlighted in the statistics report.

A data payload report breaks down captured payloads and provides its own statistical summary on this information, including a byte value distribution graph as well as additional quick-search features. Additional features include save-as-text, copy options, quick filters, and various display control and formatting options.

The analyzer can detect and trigger on several different USB protocol errors in real time, along with detection of numerous post-capture protocol errors.

Analyzer Features
  • Protocol error detection
  • Multi-state event triggering
  • Non-standard speed support
  • Time and event counters
  • Transaction/packet/event search and filter functions
  • Payload data report with associated data distribution chart
  • Statistics on packets, events, transactions, transfers, errors, and performance
  • Quick data search
  • Save as text, NRZI, or standard format
  • Export payload or packets/events captured for use by exerciser
  • Upper-level protocol decodes and custom protocol editor interface
  • Over-sampling timing mode
  • 384MB of capture memory
  • In normal recording mode it displays real time performance analysis metrics to help isolate protocol layer problems
  • In performance analyzer mode, throughput, bus utilization and efficiency are monitored in real time
  • Offers special ports for PHY electrical testing including Vbus, Vdroop, inrush, suspend/resume and current measurements (in operating and unconfigured modes)
  • Supports OTG both in protocol capture and device emulation modes
Feature Conquest Standard Conquest Advanced Conquest Pro Conquest Pro  Exerciser
Low Speed (1.5 Mb/s) and Full Speed (12 Mb/s) ? ? ? ?
High Speed (480 Mb/s) ? ? ? ?
Trace Memory Size 128 MB 128 MB 394 MB 394 MB
Upload to Host via USB 2.0 or LAN ? ? ? ?
Global & Raw Bit View ? ? ? ?
View Hex, Decimal or Binary ? ? ? ?
Search on Errors ? ? ? ?
Search within Data Payload ? ? ? ?
Export Text / ASCII / Binary ? ? ? ?
Snapshot Capture ? ? ? ?
Upper-level USB Class Decodes ? ? ? ?
User-defined Decodes ? ? ? ?
Single-level Event Triggering (Easy mode) ? ? ? ?
      Trigger on Protocol Errors ? ? ? ?
      Trigger on Setup / In / Out / Data / Ping ? ? ? ?
Statistical Reports   ? ? ?
Multi-level Event Triggering (Advanced mode)   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Setup Transaction   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Bulk In/Out Transaction   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Interrupt In/Out Transaction   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Isoch In/Out Transaction   ? ? ?
Filter In / Out specific Address / Endpoints   ? ? ?
Trigger on Data Pattern and Length     ? ?
Trigger on Vbus & Operating Current     ? ?
       Event Counters     ? ?
       Event Timers     ? ?
Slow-clock Capability     ? ?
Auto Run (multiple trace capture)     ? ?
Auto detect Speed     ? ?
Performance Analyzer (Easy \  Adv. Option)     ? ?
OTG Analysis     ? ?
Timing Analysis Display     ? ?
Real Time statistics & throughput     ? ?
DC Compliance measurement     ? ?
Exerciser Graphical User Interface (GUI)       ?
Traffic Generation / Host emulation       ?
Simultaneous Transmit and Record       ?
Find Device VID / PID       ?
Device emulation       ?
OTG Device Emulation       ?
Host Exerciser

The host exerciser enables the user to emulate a USB host for purposes of testing a USB device. Traffic generated by the exerciser is captured and displayed by the analyzer, providing a fully self contained test environment. Custom USB transfers and packets can be constructed with an easy-to-use graphical interface. The user can modify packet fields, loop or iterate specified sequences, and control NAK and error retry characteristics. The exerciser is capable of transmitting large data payloads, automatically breaking them into several transactions to generate a single transfer. An array of error generation features is available to test device reaction to illegal and malformed packets, events, or transfers.

Exerciser Features
  • Automatically spreads large payloads over multiple transactions
  • Record and playback of captured packets and bus events
  • Adjustable bit width of packet fields and other error injection features
  • Automatic retry of failed transactions (fully controllable)
  • Loop selected exerciser sequences or entire sequence
  • Control of host handshakes
  • Replay captured payload data or call pre-defined data blocks
  • One-click auto-build for insertion of complex control transfers
Device Emulation

The device emulation feature simulates standard or non-standard device behavior, which is crucial for testing USB host controllers. An easy-to-use GUI displays device hierarchy for quick configuration or descriptors and other configuration characteristics. Device handshakes are fully controlled, as are all device responses to the host, including pre-programmed errors, payload data, and configuration data.

OTG Exerciser

The Conquest Pro provides complete analysis and exerciser capabilities for OTG. All Details of OTG Sessions are captured and displayed, including HNP and SRP events. The OTG exerciser emulates either the A or B device, including a user-defined traffic sequences, response settings for data line/VBus pulsing, and full suite of error injection functions. Once defined and activated, the device emulator runs independent of other analyzer functions.

Timing Analyzer

The timing analyzer over-samples USB traffic at rates to 1.44GHz and produces a waveform view of the D+ and D- lines to discover various electrically-oriented issues on the bus. Skew, jitter, EOP errors and several other anomalies are quickly identifiable in this mode. Timing captures can optionally be correlated with the protocol view. Triggering the timing analyzer can be done either through the standard analyzer triggers or by direct definition of the states of the D+ and D- lines.

DC Compliance Test Suite

A suite of Automated DC Compliance Tests is provided in both qualitative/quantitative and pass/fail formats, based on up-to-date compliance specifications. For DC current measurements, live values, averages, and peak measurements are graphically displayed. Inrush and VDroop tests are displayed in graph form, with voltage/current measurements displayed over time, along with quantitative and pass/fail displays. The analyzer also provides triggers for both VBus and operating current threshold values.

The DC Compliance Test Suite includes:
  • Operating Current
  • Suspend Current
  • Unconfigured current
  • VBus
  • VDroop
  • Inrush
Protocol Error Detection

The Conquest Pro real-time protocol error detection feature allows the user to detect & trigger on pre-defined protocol violations across all layers of the protocol, in real-time. The user simply selects the error, or errors, to be monitored and executes the capture. Errors detected cause the analyzer to trigger and highlight the error(s) inline with the rest of the packets and events. Once the analyzer is armed with trigger on protocol error(s) it will continue to monitor the bus indefinitely until an error is detected or stopped by the user. Additionally, with every capture, the Conquest Pro software automatically detects and flags more than 20 additional protocol errors.

Performance Analysis

The real-time performance analysis mode provides a graphical "finger-on-the-pulse" indication of bus activity. Metrics include bus utilization, throughput, idle time, average data payload, ACK/NAK ratio and other important characteristics. Custom performance items can be measured by building user-defined performance mathematical expressions

. Performance Characterization

The real-time performance analysis feature can also be operated in conjunction with the exerciser, allowing the user to characterize a design under precisely controlled conditions. For example, the exerciser may be used to loop through an exerciser project of read commands, while the performance analysis utility reports on other useful metrics including average data payload or ACK/NAK ratios.

关键词: 力科     USB2.0     通用     串行     总线     仪器     解决方    

2012-04-14 23:22:14     打赏


The USB Advisor protocol analyzer is a full featured analysis system for those testing USB 2.0 devices. Like LeCroy’s other analyzers, it captures, displays, and analyzes bus traffic using the CATC Trace display software. It automatically highlights protocol errors while displaying a chronological list of packets with full decoding of the upper level USB device classes. 

LeCroy has developed six generations of its industry leading USB protocol verification system since the introduction of USB in 1995. Each successive generation of the LeCroy USB analyzer family has built upon the previous knowledge and expertise. Today, LeCroy offers a broad range of USB test systems with unprecedented functionality, accuracy and user friendliness. The enormous cost of discovering problems after a product is released far outweighs the investment in LeCroy's de-facto standard USB analysis tools. Their use improves the speed and efficiency of the debug, test and verification for USB semiconductor, device, and software vendors. Analyzers or bus "sniffers" also play an essential role in avoiding costly interoperability problems by allowing developers to verify compliance with the USB specification.

Consistent with the growing popularity of digital media, the USB-IF announced USB 3.0 in late 2007 targeting 10X the current USB bandwidth by utilizing two additional high-speed differential pairs for "SuperSpeed" transfer mode. The USB 3.0 specification was released in late 2008 and commercial products began shipping in late 2009. LeCroy has pioneered the development of verifications systems for this new technology. The only company that offers a complete line of USB 3.0 test solutions covering transmitter test to protocol test, and every step in between, LeCroy helps developers achieve their goals of performance, quality, reliability and time-to-market for SuperSpeed technology.

USB Technology Overview:

USB, or Universal Serial Bus, is a connectivity standard that enables computer peripherals and consumer electronics to be connected to a computer without reconfiguring the system or opening the computer box to install interface cards. The USB 1.0 specification was introduced in January 1996. The original USB 1.0 specification had a data transfer rate of 12 Mbit/s The first widely used version of USB was 1.1, which was released in September 1998. It provided 12 Mbps data rate for higher-speed devices such as disk drives, and a lower 1.5 Mbps rate for low bandwidth devices such as joysticks. USB 2.0 specification was released in April 2000 and was ratified by the USB-IF at the end of 2001 to develop a higher data transfer rate, with the resulting specification achieving 480 Mbit/s

USB today provides a fast, bi-directional, low-cost, serial interface that offers easy connectivity to PCs. A hallmark for USB operation has been the ability for the host to automatically recognize devices as they are attached and install the appropriate drivers. With features such as backward compatibility with previous devices and hot "plug-ability", USB has become the de-facto standard interface for various consumer and PC peripheral devices. The USB standard allows up to 127 devices connected to a Host System. USB designates low, full, high-speed connectivity between devices compatible with the 2.0 specification. Most full speed devices include lower bandwidth mice, keyboards, printers, and joysticks. The use of high speed USB has exploded with the rapid growth in digital media in the consumer electronics market including media players, digital cameras, external storage and smart phones.

SuperSpeed USB is designator for links operating at the 5 GHz frequency and compatible with the USB 3.0 specification. SuperSpeed USB provides a high performance connection topology for applications that utilize larger files or require higher bandwidth. SuperSpeed USB is backward compatible with USB 2.0, resulting in a seamless transition process for the end user. SuperSpeed USB offers a compelling opportunity for digital imaging and media device vendors to migrate their designs to higher performance USB 3.0 capable interface.

NEC/Renesas was the first chip vendor to introduce host controllers for USB 3.0 (5/18/2009). The first motherboards featuring USB 3.0 ports from Asus and Gigabyte followed in late 2009. In the first half of 2010, dozens of SuperSpeed devices began shipping as vendors rushed to deliver solutions using the 5Gbps signaling speed of USB 3.0. Expect mass adoption into high-bandwidth applications in late 2010.

Why USB?

From its emergence in 1995 as a low-cost connection interface for keyboards and mice, USB has steadily expanded its presence in computing and consumer electronics to become the most popular peripheral interconnect in history. USB continues to be dominant for the following reasons:

  • Mature, proven technology
  • Backward-compatible and low cost
  • Easy plug and play operation
  • Data transfer speeds suitable for a variety of applications

As evidenced by USB popularity, several extensions of the technology have been introduced to try and capitalize on its installed base/ popularity. An example of this extension, which is supported and approved by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), is USB On-The-Go (OTG). Designed to allow portable computing devices, such as cell phones and digital cameras, the ability to connect to other USB devices as either a host or peripheral, OTG promises improved interoperability for an enormous number of USB enabled devices.

In addition, there are now dozens of USB device classes addressing everything from health care systems to isochronous video applications. Mass storage remains one of the most popular USB applications as consumers have embraced all types of digital media. The T10 committee has now finalized USB Attached SCSI (UAS) protocol which enables several significant improvements over legacy mass storage protocols including command queuing and streamed IO. Of particular interest is the new battery charging specification which provides a standard mechanism allowing devices to draw current in excess of the USB specification when connected to wall chargers or fast charging host controllers. In addition to the traditional data interchange application, the battery charging specification has solidified USB's dominant role as the interface of choice in the portable electronics market.

USB Architecture

USB was initially introduced as a host to peripheral interconnect with the goal of putting most of the intelligence on the host-side. The OTG specification added an optional peer-to-peer capability to devices but had limited adoption to date. So the vast majority of USB devices typically fall into 2 categories:

  • Hosts
    • PCs, Macs and laptops
  • Peripherals
    • All devices designed to attach to a host (examples)

The role of the host controller (plus software) is to provide a uniform view of IO systems for all applications software. For the USB IO subsystem in particular, the host manages the dynamic attach and detach of peripherals. It automatically performs the enumeration stage of device initialization which involves communicating with the peripheral to discover the identity of a device driver that it should load, if not already loaded. It also provides device descriptor information that drivers can use enable specific features on the device. Peripherals add functionality to the host system or may be standalone embedded operation. When operating as a USB device, peripherals act are slaves that obey a defined protocol. They must react to requests sent from the host. It's largely the role of PC software to manage device power without user interaction to minimize overall power consumption. The USB 3.0 specification redefines power management to occur at the hardware level with multiple power states designed to reduce power usage across the IO system.

USB Advisor? Protocol Analyzer

The USB Advisor? is LeCroy’s ground-breaking All-Speed capable, USB Bus and Protocol Analyzer System. The industry’s first USB 2.0 compliant analyzer, LeCroy’s Advisor offers the powerful features that customers have come to expect from the undisputed leader in USB test and verification tools. It utilizes the de-facto standard CATC Trace software to capture, view and process USB traffic. It provides advanced multi-level triggering, sophisticated viewing and intelligent searching to accurately and efficiently debug and test High (480Mbps), Full (12Mbps) and Low speed (1.5Mbps) USB devices, software, and systems.


Key Features
  • CATC Trace Analysis Software System - Faster interpretation and debug of USB traffic
  • 128 MByte Recording Capacity - Capture long recording sessions for analysis and problem solving
  • Non-intrusive High Impedance Probe - Ensures non-corrupted and uninterrupted data
  • Advanced Triggering - Trigger and filter on both recording channels to easily isolate important traffic, specific errors or data patterns
  • Extensive Decodes - Mass Storage, Bluetooth HCI, Hub, PTP/Still Image, Printer, PictBridge, Media Transfer Protocol (MTP), SCSI Mass Storage, Bluetooth HCI, Human Interface Devices (HID), Cable Based Association Framework, Audio, Communication, Host and Device Wire Adapter.
  • Real-Time Statistics - View bus traffic as it occurs even if a Trace is not being recorded
  • Hardware Filtering - Automatically exclude non-essential and redundant packets from the trace
  • Intelligent Reporting - Automatically report event metrics and flag over 20 common USB protocol errors
  • Sophisticated Viewing - View Packet, Transaction and Transfer layers of the USB protocol
  • Two Recording Channels - Both Classic and high-speed recording channels operate simultaneously making it useful for monitoring hub traffic
  • Detach Device - Operates with the Classic recording channel and automatically disconnect and re-connect the link
  • 3 Year Hardware Warranty - Protect your investment with industry leading warranty
Analyzer Hardware

Offering a unique combination of power and portability, the Advisor is LeCroy’s 4th generation analyzer platform that is equally suited for field or lab environments. The Advisor offers 128MB of physical data recording memory, two recording channels, and a full-speed USB connection to the host PC. The high-speed recording channel is used for monitoring high-speed links. A separate Classic speed recording channel is used to record full-, and low-speed traffic. The USB Advisor allows both Classic and high-speed recording channels to operate simultaneously making it useful for monitoring both upstream and downstream traffic across a hub device.

Like other LeCroy tools, the USB Advisor boasts a high-impedance, non-intrusive probe that acts strictly as a "sniffer" and does not re-time or affect amplitude between the host and device. Completely passive in design, the USB Advisor preserves real-world signaling and provides 100% faithful representation of traffic on the bus.

View and Understand USB Protocol

Featuring the highly intuitive CATC Trace? expert analysis software, the LeCroy system trains the eye to understand more information faster. Packets are shown on separate rows with every field labeled and color coded. Errors are identified and highlighted in red. The USB Transfer level can be expanded and collapsed to show all three layers of the USB protocol: Packet, Transaction and Transfer. For more efficient and deeper analysis, users can view Block Transfers at each layer or the actual raw data bits recorded on the line.


The CATC Trace detects and alerts the user to every potential violation at all levels of the protocol layering, from running disparity to the proper sequencing of the handshaking. The proper formation of each packet is checked for validity and compliance to the specification, including the recalculation and checking of CRCs. It also supports vendor specific decoding for developers interested in automatically showing proprietary commands in the trace view. When using USB Advisor’s dual recording channels to simultaneously capture traffic from two USB branches, the software will automatically interleave packets from a single high speed link and a separate classic speed link in a unified display.

Find The Issues Fast

USB Advisor provides many mechanisms to measure and report on USB traffic. The Bus Utilization graphs data and packet length, bus usage by device other statistical data. The Bandwidth calculator automatically calculates the time delta between two points in the trace.

Using the Traffic Summary window, users can evaluate statistical reports at a glance or navigate to individual fields. A user may select Tokens, Data or Handshake at the Packet level, Handshakes at the Transaction level, and Control at the Transfer level, then jump to each occurrence with a single keystroke. Error events are also included in the summary reports.


Powerful Search and Advanced find options allow users to quickly navigate to specific packets, errors and any data type within a trace file. The CATC Trace supports filter and hide commands, to remove irrelevant data from the Trace for efficient viewing.


Sophisticated Triggering

For efficient development of USB systems, an analyzer has to let users extract useful information from a crowded stream of traffic, and accurately identify and selectively record what interests them most. The USB Advisor Analyzer offers hardware triggering to capture real-time events and on-the-fly filtering to preserve memory and pinpoint data of interest. Additionally, with its comprehensive error detection and analysis, users can easily trigger on protocol, CRC or PID errors.

2012-04-14 23:28:29     打赏
Conquest Pro


The Conquest Pro provides advanced USB 2.0 protocol validation capabilities at an exceptional price point. The Pro model combines full function analysis with an integrated exerciser option that allows users to validate protocol behavior and error recovery. In addition to supporting all 2.0 USB bus speeds, the Conquest Pro includes the easy-to-understand display of bus traffic, advanced triggering, OTG support, plus special timing and DC Compliance measurements. 

LeCroy has developed six generations of its industry leading USB protocol verification system since the introduction of USB in 1995. Each successive generation of the LeCroy USB analyzer family has built upon the previous knowledge and expertise. Today, LeCroy offers a broad range of USB test systems with unprecedented functionality, accuracy and user friendliness. The enormous cost of discovering problems after a product is released far outweighs the investment in LeCroy's de-facto standard USB analysis tools. Their use improves the speed and efficiency of the debug, test and verification for USB semiconductor, device, and software vendors. Analyzers or bus "sniffers" also play an essential role in avoiding costly interoperability problems by allowing developers to verify compliance with the USB specification.

Consistent with the growing popularity of digital media, the USB-IF announced USB 3.0 in late 2007 targeting 10X the current USB bandwidth by utilizing two additional high-speed differential pairs for "SuperSpeed" transfer mode. The USB 3.0 specification was released in late 2008 and commercial products began shipping in late 2009. LeCroy has pioneered the development of verifications systems for this new technology. The only company that offers a complete line of USB 3.0 test solutions covering transmitter test to protocol test, and every step in between, LeCroy helps developers achieve their goals of performance, quality, reliability and time-to-market for SuperSpeed technology.

USB Technology Overview:

USB, or Universal Serial Bus, is a connectivity standard that enables computer peripherals and consumer electronics to be connected to a computer without reconfiguring the system or opening the computer box to install interface cards. The USB 1.0 specification was introduced in January 1996. The original USB 1.0 specification had a data transfer rate of 12 Mbit/s The first widely used version of USB was 1.1, which was released in September 1998. It provided 12 Mbps data rate for higher-speed devices such as disk drives, and a lower 1.5 Mbps rate for low bandwidth devices such as joysticks. USB 2.0 specification was released in April 2000 and was ratified by the USB-IF at the end of 2001 to develop a higher data transfer rate, with the resulting specification achieving 480 Mbit/s

USB today provides a fast, bi-directional, low-cost, serial interface that offers easy connectivity to PCs. A hallmark for USB operation has been the ability for the host to automatically recognize devices as they are attached and install the appropriate drivers. With features such as backward compatibility with previous devices and hot "plug-ability", USB has become the de-facto standard interface for various consumer and PC peripheral devices. The USB standard allows up to 127 devices connected to a Host System. USB designates low, full, high-speed connectivity between devices compatible with the 2.0 specification. Most full speed devices include lower bandwidth mice, keyboards, printers, and joysticks. The use of high speed USB has exploded with the rapid growth in digital media in the consumer electronics market including media players, digital cameras, external storage and smart phones.

SuperSpeed USB is designator for links operating at the 5 GHz frequency and compatible with the USB 3.0 specification. SuperSpeed USB provides a high performance connection topology for applications that utilize larger files or require higher bandwidth. SuperSpeed USB is backward compatible with USB 2.0, resulting in a seamless transition process for the end user. SuperSpeed USB offers a compelling opportunity for digital imaging and media device vendors to migrate their designs to higher performance USB 3.0 capable interface.

NEC/Renesas was the first chip vendor to introduce host controllers for USB 3.0 (5/18/2009). The first motherboards featuring USB 3.0 ports from Asus and Gigabyte followed in late 2009. In the first half of 2010, dozens of SuperSpeed devices began shipping as vendors rushed to deliver solutions using the 5Gbps signaling speed of USB 3.0. Expect mass adoption into high-bandwidth applications in late 2010.

Why USB?

From its emergence in 1995 as a low-cost connection interface for keyboards and mice, USB has steadily expanded its presence in computing and consumer electronics to become the most popular peripheral interconnect in history. USB continues to be dominant for the following reasons:

  • Mature, proven technology
  • Backward-compatible and low cost
  • Easy plug and play operation
  • Data transfer speeds suitable for a variety of applications

As evidenced by USB popularity, several extensions of the technology have been introduced to try and capitalize on its installed base/ popularity. An example of this extension, which is supported and approved by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), is USB On-The-Go (OTG). Designed to allow portable computing devices, such as cell phones and digital cameras, the ability to connect to other USB devices as either a host or peripheral, OTG promises improved interoperability for an enormous number of USB enabled devices.

In addition, there are now dozens of USB device classes addressing everything from health care systems to isochronous video applications. Mass storage remains one of the most popular USB applications as consumers have embraced all types of digital media. The T10 committee has now finalized USB Attached SCSI (UAS) protocol which enables several significant improvements over legacy mass storage protocols including command queuing and streamed IO. Of particular interest is the new battery charging specification which provides a standard mechanism allowing devices to draw current in excess of the USB specification when connected to wall chargers or fast charging host controllers. In addition to the traditional data interchange application, the battery charging specification has solidified USB's dominant role as the interface of choice in the portable electronics market.

USB Architecture

USB was initially introduced as a host to peripheral interconnect with the goal of putting most of the intelligence on the host-side. The OTG specification added an optional peer-to-peer capability to devices but had limited adoption to date. So the vast majority of USB devices typically fall into 2 categories:

  • Hosts
    • PCs, Macs and laptops
  • Peripherals
    • All devices designed to attach to a host (examples)

The role of the host controller (plus software) is to provide a uniform view of IO systems for all applications software. For the USB IO subsystem in particular, the host manages the dynamic attach and detach of peripherals. It automatically performs the enumeration stage of device initialization which involves communicating with the peripheral to discover the identity of a device driver that it should load, if not already loaded. It also provides device descriptor information that drivers can use enable specific features on the device. Peripherals add functionality to the host system or may be standalone embedded operation. When operating as a USB device, peripherals act are slaves that obey a defined protocol. They must react to requests sent from the host. It's largely the role of PC software to manage device power without user interaction to minimize overall power consumption. The USB 3.0 specification redefines power management to occur at the hardware level with multiple power states designed to reduce power usage across the IO system.

Conquest Pro Protocol Analyzer / Exerciser System

The Conquest Pro provides an all-in-one protocol analysis and exerciser system for a range of USB development applications. In addition to supporting all USB 2.0 bus speeds, this comprehensive test solution includes the easy-to-understand Conquest display of bus traffic, protocol error detection, advanced triggering, traffic generation, plus special timing and DC Compliance measurements. This powerful tool, with an unprecedented array of deep features, is well suited for use by firmware, device, and system engineers in all phases of product development.

System Overview

The Conquest Pro is a multi-function USB 2.0 serial bus analyzer capable of analyzing data transfers of up to 480Mb/s. The Conquest Pro is available with protocol analysis capability only, or it may be configured to capture and analyze data while the exerciser generates traffic on the bus.

In the analyzer mode, the Pro provides one fully non-intrusive recording channel for capture of USB 2.0 traffic, including slower than standard signaling frequencies. OTG traffic capture is fully supported as well. The user is provided with the option to view captured traffic in a Catalyst Trace view, timing view, or both views.

Two modes are provided for operating the analyzer; easy mode and advanced mode. In the easy mode, an extensive list of predefined trigger points are provided, and several convenient filters are available to exclude redundant USB traffic and events. The advanced mode provides a 32-level state sequencer, which allows sophisticated control of the capture and trigger sequence.

Captured USB traffic is displayed in an easy-to-understand Graphical Trace view with collapsible transfer/transaction display to quickly zero in on specific location of the bus traffic. Captured traffic can be saved to various formats, such as binary, text, and NRZI, as well as in Trace view format. An extensive array of USB class decodes is provided for detailed decoding of class-specific transfers. These decodes can be user-edited with Catalyst’s Advanced Script Language (ASL) editor. The ASL editor can also be used to create custom, proprietary decodes.

A detailed statistical report provides instant qualitative and quantitative information on the captured bus traffic, including a fast-search feature whereby the capture instantly jumps to the selected packet or event highlighted in the statistics report.

A data payload report breaks down captured payloads and provides its own statistical summary on this information, including a byte value distribution graph as well as additional quick-search features. Additional features include save-as-text, copy options, quick filters, and various display control and formatting options.

The analyzer can detect and trigger on several different USB protocol errors in real time, along with detection of numerous post-capture protocol errors.

Analyzer Features
  • Protocol error detection
  • Multi-state event triggering
  • Non-standard speed support
  • Time and event counters
  • Transaction/packet/event search and filter functions
  • Payload data report with associated data distribution chart
  • Statistics on packets, events, transactions, transfers, errors, and performance
  • Quick data search
  • Save as text, NRZI, or standard format
  • Export payload or packets/events captured for use by exerciser
  • Upper-level protocol decodes and custom protocol editor interface
  • Over-sampling timing mode
  • 384MB of capture memory
  • In normal recording mode it displays real time performance analysis metrics to help isolate protocol layer problems
  • In performance analyzer mode, throughput, bus utilization and efficiency are monitored in real time
  • Offers special ports for PHY electrical testing including Vbus, Vdroop, inrush, suspend/resume and current measurements (in operating and unconfigured modes)
  • Supports OTG both in protocol capture and device emulation modes
Feature Conquest Standard Conquest Advanced Conquest Pro Conquest Pro  Exerciser
Low Speed (1.5 Mb/s) and Full Speed (12 Mb/s) ? ? ? ?
High Speed (480 Mb/s) ? ? ? ?
Trace Memory Size 128 MB 128 MB 394 MB 394 MB
Upload to Host via USB 2.0 or LAN ? ? ? ?
Global & Raw Bit View ? ? ? ?
View Hex, Decimal or Binary ? ? ? ?
Search on Errors ? ? ? ?
Search within Data Payload ? ? ? ?
Export Text / ASCII / Binary ? ? ? ?
Snapshot Capture ? ? ? ?
Upper-level USB Class Decodes ? ? ? ?
User-defined Decodes ? ? ? ?
Single-level Event Triggering (Easy mode) ? ? ? ?
      Trigger on Protocol Errors ? ? ? ?
      Trigger on Setup / In / Out / Data / Ping ? ? ? ?
Statistical Reports   ? ? ?
Multi-level Event Triggering (Advanced mode)   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Setup Transaction   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Bulk In/Out Transaction   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Interrupt In/Out Transaction   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Isoch In/Out Transaction   ? ? ?
Filter In / Out specific Address / Endpoints   ? ? ?
Trigger on Data Pattern and Length     ? ?
Trigger on Vbus & Operating Current     ? ?
       Event Counters     ? ?
       Event Timers     ? ?
Slow-clock Capability     ? ?
Auto Run (multiple trace capture)     ? ?
Auto detect Speed     ? ?
Performance Analyzer (Easy \  Adv. Option)     ? ?
OTG Analysis     ? ?
Timing Analysis Display     ? ?
Real Time statistics & throughput     ? ?
DC Compliance measurement     ? ?
Exerciser Graphical User Interface (GUI)       ?
Traffic Generation / Host emulation       ?
Simultaneous Transmit and Record       ?
Find Device VID / PID       ?
Device emulation       ?
OTG Device Emulation       ?
Host Exerciser

The host exerciser enables the user to emulate a USB host for purposes of testing a USB device. Traffic generated by the exerciser is captured and displayed by the analyzer, providing a fully self contained test environment. Custom USB transfers and packets can be constructed with an easy-to-use graphical interface. The user can modify packet fields, loop or iterate specified sequences, and control NAK and error retry characteristics. The exerciser is capable of transmitting large data payloads, automatically breaking them into several transactions to generate a single transfer. An array of error generation features is available to test device reaction to illegal and malformed packets, events, or transfers.

Exerciser Features
  • Automatically spreads large payloads over multiple transactions
  • Record and playback of captured packets and bus events
  • Adjustable bit width of packet fields and other error injection features
  • Automatic retry of failed transactions (fully controllable)
  • Loop selected exerciser sequences or entire sequence
  • Control of host handshakes
  • Replay captured payload data or call pre-defined data blocks
  • One-click auto-build for insertion of complex control transfers
Device Emulation

The device emulation feature simulates standard or non-standard device behavior, which is crucial for testing USB host controllers. An easy-to-use GUI displays device hierarchy for quick configuration or descriptors and other configuration characteristics. Device handshakes are fully controlled, as are all device responses to the host, including pre-programmed errors, payload data, and configuration data.

OTG Exerciser

The Conquest Pro provides complete analysis and exerciser capabilities for OTG. All Details of OTG Sessions are captured and displayed, including HNP and SRP events. The OTG exerciser emulates either the A or B device, including a user-defined traffic sequences, response settings for data line/VBus pulsing, and full suite of error injection functions. Once defined and activated, the device emulator runs independent of other analyzer functions.

Timing Analyzer

The timing analyzer over-samples USB traffic at rates to 1.44GHz and produces a waveform view of the D+ and D- lines to discover various electrically-oriented issues on the bus. Skew, jitter, EOP errors and several other anomalies are quickly identifiable in this mode. Timing captures can optionally be correlated with the protocol view. Triggering the timing analyzer can be done either through the standard analyzer triggers or by direct definition of the states of the D+ and D- lines.

DC Compliance Test Suite

A suite of Automated DC Compliance Tests is provided in both qualitative/quantitative and pass/fail formats, based on up-to-date compliance specifications. For DC current measurements, live values, averages, and peak measurements are graphically displayed. Inrush and VDroop tests are displayed in graph form, with voltage/current measurements displayed over time, along with quantitative and pass/fail displays. The analyzer also provides triggers for both VBus and operating current threshold values.

The DC Compliance Test Suite includes:
  • Operating Current
  • Suspend Current
  • Unconfigured current
  • VBus
  • VDroop
  • Inrush
Protocol Error Detection

The Conquest Pro real-time protocol error detection feature allows the user to detect & trigger on pre-defined protocol violations across all layers of the protocol, in real-time. The user simply selects the error, or errors, to be monitored and executes the capture. Errors detected cause the analyzer to trigger and highlight the error(s) inline with the rest of the packets and events. Once the analyzer is armed with trigger on protocol error(s) it will continue to monitor the bus indefinitely until an error is detected or stopped by the user. Additionally, with every capture, the Conquest Pro software automatically detects and flags more than 20 additional protocol errors.

Performance Analysis

The real-time performance analysis mode provides a graphical "finger-on-the-pulse" indication of bus activity. Metrics include bus utilization, throughput, idle time, average data payload, ACK/NAK ratio and other important characteristics. Custom performance items can be measured by building user-defined performance mathematical expressions

. Performance Characterization

The real-time performance analysis feature can also be operated in conjunction with the exerciser, allowing the user to characterize a design under precisely controlled conditions. For example, the exerciser may be used to loop through an exerciser project of read commands, while the performance analysis utility reports on other useful metrics including average data payload or ACK/NAK ratios.

2012-04-15 11:04:08     打赏
Voyager M3i


The Voyager M3 is LeCroy’s 6th generation USB protocol verification platform designed for the next evolution of universal serial bus known as SuperSpeed USB. Leveraging LeCroy’s extensive expertise in high-speed serial data analysis, the Voyager provides 100% accurate protocol capture of both USB 2.0 and 3.0 at data rates up to 5 Gb/s. 

LeCroy has developed six generations of its industry leading USB protocol verification system since the introduction of USB in 1995. Each successive generation of the LeCroy USB analyzer family has built upon the previous knowledge and expertise. Today, LeCroy offers a broad range of USB test systems with unprecedented functionality, accuracy and user friendliness. The enormous cost of discovering problems after a product is released far outweighs the investment in LeCroy's de-facto standard USB analysis tools. Their use improves the speed and efficiency of the debug, test and verification for USB semiconductor, device, and software vendors. Analyzers or bus "sniffers" also play an essential role in avoiding costly interoperability problems by allowing developers to verify compliance with the USB specification.

Consistent with the growing popularity of digital media, the USB-IF announced USB 3.0 in late 2007 targeting 10X the current USB bandwidth by utilizing two additional high-speed differential pairs for "SuperSpeed" transfer mode. The USB 3.0 specification was released in late 2008 and commercial products began shipping in late 2009. LeCroy has pioneered the development of verifications systems for this new technology. The only company that offers a complete line of USB 3.0 test solutions covering transmitter test to protocol test, and every step in between, LeCroy helps developers achieve their goals of performance, quality, reliability and time-to-market for SuperSpeed technology.

USB Technology Overview:

USB, or Universal Serial Bus, is a connectivity standard that enables computer peripherals and consumer electronics to be connected to a computer without reconfiguring the system or opening the computer box to install interface cards. The USB 1.0 specification was introduced in January 1996. The original USB 1.0 specification had a data transfer rate of 12 Mbit/s The first widely used version of USB was 1.1, which was released in September 1998. It provided 12 Mbps data rate for higher-speed devices such as disk drives, and a lower 1.5 Mbps rate for low bandwidth devices such as joysticks. USB 2.0 specification was released in April 2000 and was ratified by the USB-IF at the end of 2001 to develop a higher data transfer rate, with the resulting specification achieving 480 Mbit/s

USB today provides a fast, bi-directional, low-cost, serial interface that offers easy connectivity to PCs. A hallmark for USB operation has been the ability for the host to automatically recognize devices as they are attached and install the appropriate drivers. With features such as backward compatibility with previous devices and hot "plug-ability", USB has become the de-facto standard interface for various consumer and PC peripheral devices. The USB standard allows up to 127 devices connected to a Host System. USB designates low, full, high-speed connectivity between devices compatible with the 2.0 specification. Most full speed devices include lower bandwidth mice, keyboards, printers, and joysticks. The use of high speed USB has exploded with the rapid growth in digital media in the consumer electronics market including media players, digital cameras, external storage and smart phones.

SuperSpeed USB is designator for links operating at the 5 GHz frequency and compatible with the USB 3.0 specification. SuperSpeed USB provides a high performance connection topology for applications that utilize larger files or require higher bandwidth. SuperSpeed USB is backward compatible with USB 2.0, resulting in a seamless transition process for the end user. SuperSpeed USB offers a compelling opportunity for digital imaging and media device vendors to migrate their designs to higher performance USB 3.0 capable interface.

NEC/Renesas was the first chip vendor to introduce host controllers for USB 3.0 (5/18/2009). The first motherboards featuring USB 3.0 ports from Asus and Gigabyte followed in late 2009. In the first half of 2010, dozens of SuperSpeed devices began shipping as vendors rushed to deliver solutions using the 5Gbps signaling speed of USB 3.0. Expect mass adoption into high-bandwidth applications in late 2010.

Why USB?

From its emergence in 1995 as a low-cost connection interface for keyboards and mice, USB has steadily expanded its presence in computing and consumer electronics to become the most popular peripheral interconnect in history. USB continues to be dominant for the following reasons:

  • Mature, proven technology
  • Backward-compatible and low cost
  • Easy plug and play operation
  • Data transfer speeds suitable for a variety of applications

As evidenced by USB popularity, several extensions of the technology have been introduced to try and capitalize on its installed base/ popularity. An example of this extension, which is supported and approved by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), is USB On-The-Go (OTG). Designed to allow portable computing devices, such as cell phones and digital cameras, the ability to connect to other USB devices as either a host or peripheral, OTG promises improved interoperability for an enormous number of USB enabled devices.

In addition, there are now dozens of USB device classes addressing everything from health care systems to isochronous video applications. Mass storage remains one of the most popular USB applications as consumers have embraced all types of digital media. The T10 committee has now finalized USB Attached SCSI (UAS) protocol which enables several significant improvements over legacy mass storage protocols including command queuing and streamed IO. Of particular interest is the new battery charging specification which provides a standard mechanism allowing devices to draw current in excess of the USB specification when connected to wall chargers or fast charging host controllers. In addition to the traditional data interchange application, the battery charging specification has solidified USB's dominant role as the interface of choice in the portable electronics market.

USB Architecture

USB was initially introduced as a host to peripheral interconnect with the goal of putting most of the intelligence on the host-side. The OTG specification added an optional peer-to-peer capability to devices but had limited adoption to date. So the vast majority of USB devices typically fall into 2 categories:

  • Hosts
    • PCs, Macs and laptops
  • Peripherals
    • All devices designed to attach to a host (examples)

The role of the host controller (plus software) is to provide a uniform view of IO systems for all applications software. For the USB IO subsystem in particular, the host manages the dynamic attach and detach of peripherals. It automatically performs the enumeration stage of device initialization which involves communicating with the peripheral to discover the identity of a device driver that it should load, if not already loaded. It also provides device descriptor information that drivers can use enable specific features on the device. Peripherals add functionality to the host system or may be standalone embedded operation. When operating as a USB device, peripherals act are slaves that obey a defined protocol. They must react to requests sent from the host. It's largely the role of PC software to manage device power without user interaction to minimize overall power consumption. The USB 3.0 specification redefines power management to occur at the hardware level with multiple power states designed to reduce power usage across the IO system.

The Voyager M3 is LeCroy’s 6th generation USB protocol verification system designed for the next evolution of universal serial bus known as SuperSpeed USB. Leveraging LeCroy’s extensive expertise in high-speed serial data analysis, the Voyager provides 100% accurate protocol capture of both USB 2.0 and 3.0 at data rates up to 5 Gb/s.

This multifunction validation platform is available with an integrated exerciser capable of both 2.0 and 3.0 host and device emulation. In addition to error injection and compliance verification, the exerciser provides early adopters with a USB 3.0 link to begin bring-up testing well before commercial hosts are available. Loaded with innovative features that anticipate the needs of early adopters, the Voyager platform is the intelligent choice for "cradle-to-grave" USB 3.0 validation.

Voyager USB 3.0 Introduction series of video demos
  Title Time
Chapter 1: Recording & Triggering 8:01
Chapter 2: Part 1: Advanced Triggering 6:28
Chapter 2: Part 2: Advanced Triggering 6:22
Chapter 3: Troubleshooting Connection Issues 8:09
Chapter 4: Introduction Packet & Header Display Options 8:24
Chapter 5: Compliance Suite - Part 1 8:27
Chapter 6: Compliance Suite - Part 2 9:39


Unmatched Accuracy

The Voyager analyzer front-end leverages custom circuitry from LeCroy’s 5Gb/s PCI Express analyzer to provide fast-locking and uncompromised accuracy for USB 3.0 recording. SuperSpeed USB will implement hardware based power management with devices frequently entering power suspend mode. While in-line, the Voyager system will detect and seamlessly recover from electrical idle while accurately showing all bus and power state transitions time-stamped within the display. It includes full support for spread spectrum clocking (SSC) and data scrambling (LFSR) which can be enabled / disabled for silicon bring-up testing.

Flexible hardware

The front end of the Voyager analyzer features native 3.0 connectors that bifurcate USB 2.0 and 3.0 electrical signals to provide loss-less capture of traffic from both links simultaneously. Concurrent high-speed and SuperSpeed recording allows end-to-end viewing of data transfers across a USB 3.0 hub. The system can operate as a USB 2.0/3.0 analyzer; and is also available in a 2.0-only configuration that is upgradeable to 3.0.

The Voyager M3 platform includes 4GB of recording memory plus USB and Gbe links for uploading recorded traffic to the host PC. Fast access to captured traffic is now possible thanks to sustained data transfers of 600Mbit per second over the Gbe link. Both the analyzer and exerciser can utilize slow clocking (fractional) or external clock sources (as low as 1Mhz) for testing with FPGA-based prototypes or emulators that require ultra low-speed data acquisition. More

The heart of the Voyager verification system is LeCroy’s revolutionary BusEngine? technology. This state-of-the-art protocol processing core incorporates a real-time recording engine and configurable tools to selectively monitor and record SuperSpeed USB traffic. Field upgradeable firmware allows the BusEngine to evolve and support new features or future changes to the USB specification.

Additional innovations include upgradeable hardware components. The USB connectors on the analyzer are mounted on a removable daughter-card allowing the system to be upgraded as improved connectors are available. The analyzer and exerciser also include SMA differential Input/Output lines as an alternate interface for taping between early development boards. This eliminates dependencies on USB 3.0 connectors allowing testing to begin as soon as PHY silicon is available.

6th Generation Analysis Software

The Voyager utilizes the legendary CATC Trace which has become the industry’s de facto standard for USB 2.0 protocol analysis. The trace viewer software uses colors and patterns to train the eye to understand information faster. When recording mixed traffic upstream from a SuperSpeed hub, Legacy 2.0 and 3.0 packets are labeled and interleaved in a single display. Each event is shown on a separate row with every field labeled and color coded.. Traffic from the logical 2.0 & 3.0 channels can be individually filtered, searched or exported from the trace. The USB Transfer level can be expanded and collapsed to show the packet layer including all link management packets (LMPs) and flow control symbols.


Raw Debugging Power

The Voyager includes a special Link Tracker mode that captures every transition and presents raw 10-bit data patterns chronologically with timing resolution of 2ns. Designed to assist with low-level debugging, all ordered sets including training sequences and inter-packet symbols can be displayed in raw 10-bit, 8-bit, scrambled, and unscrambled Hex format. Symbol-to-symbol timing measurements are possible with a single click.


Key Features
  • CATC Trace Analysis Software System ¨C Expand / Collapse transfer layer for faster interpretation of USB traffic
  • Capture / Analyze 3.0 & 2.0 traffic concurrently ¨C Record 2.0 and SuperSpeed data path to test & debug USB 3.0 host & hub operation
  • Integrated 3.0 analyzer / exerciser (single box) ¨C Multifunction system with 3.0 and 2.0 device or host traffic generation
  • 4GB Recording Capacity - Capture long recording sessions for analysis and problem solving
  • Raw bit Recording / 10-bit error detection ¨C view and correlate low-level 10-bit symbols to higher-level packet structures
  • Detects over 40 Link & Protocol errors ¨C Critical link and timing errors are automatically detected and flagged in the trace
  • 2ns timing resolution - extremely accurate timing resolution allows precise measurement of link layer handshaking
  • External Trigger In / Out ¨C Use the LeCroy Voyager to identify any packet and toggle a scope or logic analyzer (via SMA connectors)
  • Fully supports SSC and Data scrambling - Fast Locking and Accurate capture on 5Gbps signals
  • Hardware Triggering ¨C Trigger on both 2.0 or 3.0 protocol events to isolate important traffic, specific errors or data patterns
  • Comprehensive Device Decoding - SCSI Mass Storage, 3.0 Hub, PTP/Still Image, Printer, PictBridge, Media Transfer Protocol (MTP), and all popular USB device classes
  • Hardware Filtering - Automatically exclude non-essential and redundant symbols including Idles, TS1, TS2, SKPs, and LFPS sequences.
  • Intelligent Reporting - Automatically report event metrics and flag over 20 common USB 3.0 protocol errors
  • Sophisticated Viewing - View TLP messages and headers, plus logical transaction and transfer layers of the USB protocol
  • Gbe or Hi-Speed USB upload ¨C Sustained transfer rates of 600Mbps over Gbe provide instant access to captured data
  • SMA-input differential probing - alternate connector interface allows taping between early development boards if native connectors are unavailable More
  • Slow clock / External clock Input ¨C Adjustable signal frequencies for synchronizing analyzer timing with prototype & validation boards
  • Loopback and Compliance Mode ¨C Exerciser system provides special console for initiating loopback and compliance mode
  • Link Training and Timing Views - LTSSM flow diagram and chronological views linked to trace display
  • Power Tracker? Option - Graphs Power & Current draw for VBus devices synchronized to the trace data
  • 3 Year Hardware Warranty - Protect your investment with industry leading support and warranty
Intelligent Triggering

The Voyager provides hardware triggering to pinpoint protocol events of interest. Trigger events can be specified at the lowest levels including bus states and ordered sets (Link up, SKP, etc¡­) or header fields including route strings or packet types (ACK, EPRDY, etc¡­.). Voyager’s graphical drag-and-drop interface makes setup easy. Users can define trigger logic that monitors multiple sequential event trigger scenarios that include SCSI operations, counters, loops and timers all within a multi-level sequence.


Real Time Filtering

SuperSpeed data transfers at 5 Gb/s can fill memory buffers in an instant making event filtering critical for efficient debug. The Voyager analyzer can filter unwanted traffic from the buffer in real-time by discarding redundant patterns such as SKPs, idles, and training sequences. Filtering logic can also include transaction layer packets with added criteria like direction or port number.

Error Detection

The LeCroy Voyager can detect and flag real protocol errors including logical link and timing errors. At the lower layers, training sequences and link commands are automatically verified for proper formatting. The Spec View displays header fields in hex or binary and also marks errors in red.


Integrated Exerciser Option

A comprehensive exerciser capability with support for both USB 2.0 and 3.0 traffic generation is built in to the Voyager platform. The exerciser option allows users to transmit custom packets over standard USB cables with low-level control of headers, payloads, timing, and link states. Featuring Voyager ReadyLink? and Transaction Engine? the exerciser includes full function link and transaction layer state machines that automatically handle all USB 3.0 handshakes. ReadyLink maintains link synchronization, flow control and header acknowledgements. The Transaction Engine manages NRDY retry conditions allowing the Voyager to operate at full line rate and correctly respond to the DUT as defined by the specification. . Overrides allow these behaviors to be altered such as shortening LFPS and link training signals, or delaying handshake packets. The Exerciser is seamlessly integrated with the Protocol Analyzer, making the Voyager system a complete test and development solution for engineers validating USB protocol. More

USB Device Decoding

The Voyager software performs full decoding of USB device class traffic with both automatic and manual assignment of decodes to individual endpoints. The Voyager offers full support for Bulk Only Transport and USB Attached SCSI operations including command queuing. From OTG, to CCD, to Video class, Voyager provides the most comprehensive decoding available. It also supports vendor specific decoding for developers interested in automatically showing proprietary commands in the trace view.

Complete list of USB Decodes (Click to Expand ¡ý)
  • Mass Storage - SCSI (SPC-2)
  • Mass Storage - ATAPI (MMC-2)
  • Mass Storage - RBC (R10A)
  • Hub Class
  • Hub Notification
  • Printer Class
  • Communication Class
  • Communication Notification
  • Communication Class with AT Command
  • Communication Class with PPP
  • Bluetooth HCI Command
  • Bluetooth HCI Event
  • Bluetooth ACL Packet
  • Bluetooth SCO Packet
  • HID Class
  • Audio Class Descriptor
  • Audio Class Request
  • CCID Class Request
  • CCID - Command
  • CCID - Event
  • CCID - Data/Response
  • CDC - HDLC - Command
  • CDC - 1430 - Command
  • CDC - Q931 - Command
  • CDC - Q921M - Command
  • CDC - Q921 - Command
  • CDC - Trans - Command
  • CDC - V.42bis - Command
  • CDC - Event
  • CDC - Class Descriptor
  • CDC - Class Request
  • Firmware - Class Request
  • Firmware - Class Descriptor
  • HID Class Descriptor
  • HID Class Request
  • Mass Storage Class Request
  • MTP - Class Req.
  • MTP - Command
  • MTP - Data/Resp.
  • MTP - Event
  • PPP - Ethernet Receive
  • PPP - Ethernet Send
  • SCSI- MMC4 - Bulk Only
  • SCSI - MMC4 - CBI
  • SCSI - RBC - CBI
  • SCSI - SBC - Bulk Only
  • SCSI - SBC - CBI
  • SCSI - SPC2- CBI
  • SCSI - SPC3 - Bulk Only
  • SCSI - SPC3 - CBI
  • SCSI - SSC - Bulk Only
  • SCSI - SSC - CBI
  • Still Image (Cmd.Data. Resp)
  • Still Image Class Req.
  • Still Image Command
  • Still Image Data/Response
  • Still Image Event
  • USB Attached SCSI Protocol (UASP)
  • USBTMC - Command
  • USBTMC - Response
  • USBTMC - Event
  • Video - Cameras Terminal - Class Req.
  • Video - Video Streaming - Class Req.
  • Video - Descriptor
  • Video - Event
  • Video Payload Descriptor
  • Video Payload
  • Video Processing Units - Class Request
  • Video Selector Units - Class Req.
  • Video Transport
  • Video - Video Control Interface - Class Req.
  • WUSB - DWA - Descriptor
  • WUSB - HWA - Descriptor
  • WUSB - HWA - DWA Request


Find The Issues Fast

The Voyager software provides many mechanisms to measure and report on USB 2.0 and 3.0 protocol. With the Traffic Summary display, users can evaluate statistical reports at a glance or navigate to individual events. Users may select transaction packets to view ACK/NAK or Device Notification events, then jump to each occurrence with a single keystroke. Reports are available showing link throughput and flow control metrics. Higher level events are also tracked and reported at the logical USB Transfer level. The error report shows a range of protocol violations - from invalid CRCs to framing errors.


The LTSSM View provides an interactive USB 3.0 state machine diagram. Each state change is shown graphically and is hyperlinked to the trace display. The link state timing view shows the same information in a time-line format.


Bus Utilization graphs show data and packet length, bus usage by device in a histogram format. The Bandwidth calculator automatically calculates the time delta between two points in the trace. Fast Search and Find options allow users to navigate to specific packets, errors and any data type within a trace file. The CATC Trace supports filter and hide commands, to temporarily remove irrelevant data from the display for more efficient viewing.


Optimize vBus efficiency with PowerTracker?

The Voyager M3i Power Tracker option offers a unique monitoring capability for Vbus power draw. Power information is sampled and displayed graphically in a time line format and is synchronized to the trace allowing users to verify power state transitions at the protocol and electrical layers. More


Since 1996, LeCroy has been a key provider of tools for the USB ecosystem. The Voyager system leverages countless hours of research in high-speed serial data analysis to create the most reliable and accurate USB 3.0 analyzer system available. Combined with the exerciser option and the CATC Trace expert software, the Voyager platform alleviates developers from tedious byte-level analysis and lets them focus on quick resolution of protocol layer problems.

2012-04-15 11:05:50     打赏


The LeCroy Conquest™ USB Protocol Analyzer System provides comprehensive USB analysis features at an extraordinary price point. Comprehensive USB device level decoding makes it easy to understand and debug transactions occurring at the system level. Designed for easy setup with time saving features like predefined trigger settings, the Conquest is equally suited for both first-time and advanced users.

LeCroy has developed six generations of its industry leading USB protocol verification system since the introduction of USB in 1995. Each successive generation of the LeCroy USB analyzer family has built upon the previous knowledge and expertise. Today, LeCroy offers a broad range of USB test systems with unprecedented functionality, accuracy and user friendliness. The enormous cost of discovering problems after a product is released far outweighs the investment in LeCroy's de-facto standard USB analysis tools. Their use improves the speed and efficiency of the debug, test and verification for USB semiconductor, device, and software vendors. Analyzers or bus "sniffers" also play an essential role in avoiding costly interoperability problems by allowing developers to verify compliance with the USB specification.

Consistent with the growing popularity of digital media, the USB-IF announced USB 3.0 in late 2007 targeting 10X the current USB bandwidth by utilizing two additional high-speed differential pairs for "SuperSpeed" transfer mode. The USB 3.0 specification was released in late 2008 and commercial products began shipping in late 2009. LeCroy has pioneered the development of verifications systems for this new technology. The only company that offers a complete line of USB 3.0 test solutions covering transmitter test to protocol test, and every step in between, LeCroy helps developers achieve their goals of performance, quality, reliability and time-to-market for SuperSpeed technology.

USB Technology Overview:

USB, or Universal Serial Bus, is a connectivity standard that enables computer peripherals and consumer electronics to be connected to a computer without reconfiguring the system or opening the computer box to install interface cards. The USB 1.0 specification was introduced in January 1996. The original USB 1.0 specification had a data transfer rate of 12 Mbit/s The first widely used version of USB was 1.1, which was released in September 1998. It provided 12 Mbps data rate for higher-speed devices such as disk drives, and a lower 1.5 Mbps rate for low bandwidth devices such as joysticks. USB 2.0 specification was released in April 2000 and was ratified by the USB-IF at the end of 2001 to develop a higher data transfer rate, with the resulting specification achieving 480 Mbit/s

USB today provides a fast, bi-directional, low-cost, serial interface that offers easy connectivity to PCs. A hallmark for USB operation has been the ability for the host to automatically recognize devices as they are attached and install the appropriate drivers. With features such as backward compatibility with previous devices and hot "plug-ability", USB has become the de-facto standard interface for various consumer and PC peripheral devices. The USB standard allows up to 127 devices connected to a Host System. USB designates low, full, high-speed connectivity between devices compatible with the 2.0 specification. Most full speed devices include lower bandwidth mice, keyboards, printers, and joysticks. The use of high speed USB has exploded with the rapid growth in digital media in the consumer electronics market including media players, digital cameras, external storage and smart phones.

SuperSpeed USB is designator for links operating at the 5 GHz frequency and compatible with the USB 3.0 specification. SuperSpeed USB provides a high performance connection topology for applications that utilize larger files or require higher bandwidth. SuperSpeed USB is backward compatible with USB 2.0, resulting in a seamless transition process for the end user. SuperSpeed USB offers a compelling opportunity for digital imaging and media device vendors to migrate their designs to higher performance USB 3.0 capable interface.

NEC/Renesas was the first chip vendor to introduce host controllers for USB 3.0 (5/18/2009). The first motherboards featuring USB 3.0 ports from Asus and Gigabyte followed in late 2009. In the first half of 2010, dozens of SuperSpeed devices began shipping as vendors rushed to deliver solutions using the 5Gbps signaling speed of USB 3.0. Expect mass adoption into high-bandwidth applications in late 2010.

Why USB?

From its emergence in 1995 as a low-cost connection interface for keyboards and mice, USB has steadily expanded its presence in computing and consumer electronics to become the most popular peripheral interconnect in history. USB continues to be dominant for the following reasons:

  • Mature, proven technology
  • Backward-compatible and low cost
  • Easy plug and play operation
  • Data transfer speeds suitable for a variety of applications

As evidenced by USB popularity, several extensions of the technology have been introduced to try and capitalize on its installed base/ popularity. An example of this extension, which is supported and approved by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), is USB On-The-Go (OTG). Designed to allow portable computing devices, such as cell phones and digital cameras, the ability to connect to other USB devices as either a host or peripheral, OTG promises improved interoperability for an enormous number of USB enabled devices.

In addition, there are now dozens of USB device classes addressing everything from health care systems to isochronous video applications. Mass storage remains one of the most popular USB applications as consumers have embraced all types of digital media. The T10 committee has now finalized USB Attached SCSI (UAS) protocol which enables several significant improvements over legacy mass storage protocols including command queuing and streamed IO. Of particular interest is the new battery charging specification which provides a standard mechanism allowing devices to draw current in excess of the USB specification when connected to wall chargers or fast charging host controllers. In addition to the traditional data interchange application, the battery charging specification has solidified USB's dominant role as the interface of choice in the portable electronics market.

USB Architecture

USB was initially introduced as a host to peripheral interconnect with the goal of putting most of the intelligence on the host-side. The OTG specification added an optional peer-to-peer capability to devices but had limited adoption to date. So the vast majority of USB devices typically fall into 2 categories:

  • Hosts
    • PCs, Macs and laptops
  • Peripherals
    • All devices designed to attach to a host (examples)

The role of the host controller (plus software) is to provide a uniform view of IO systems for all applications software. For the USB IO subsystem in particular, the host manages the dynamic attach and detach of peripherals. It automatically performs the enumeration stage of device initialization which involves communicating with the peripheral to discover the identity of a device driver that it should load, if not already loaded. It also provides device descriptor information that drivers can use enable specific features on the device. Peripherals add functionality to the host system or may be standalone embedded operation. When operating as a USB device, peripherals act are slaves that obey a defined protocol. They must react to requests sent from the host. It's largely the role of PC software to manage device power without user interaction to minimize overall power consumption. The USB 3.0 specification redefines power management to occur at the hardware level with multiple power states designed to reduce power usage across the IO system.

Conquest Pro Protocol Analyzer / Exerciser System

The Conquest Pro provides an all-in-one protocol analysis and exerciser system for a range of USB development applications. In addition to supporting all USB 2.0 bus speeds, this comprehensive test solution includes the easy-to-understand Conquest display of bus traffic, protocol error detection, advanced triggering, traffic generation, plus special timing and DC Compliance measurements. This powerful tool, with an unprecedented array of deep features, is well suited for use by firmware, device, and system engineers in all phases of product development.

System Overview

The Conquest Pro is a multi-function USB 2.0 serial bus analyzer capable of analyzing data transfers of up to 480Mb/s. The Conquest Pro is available with protocol analysis capability only, or it may be configured to capture and analyze data while the exerciser generates traffic on the bus.

In the analyzer mode, the Pro provides one fully non-intrusive recording channel for capture of USB 2.0 traffic, including slower than standard signaling frequencies. OTG traffic capture is fully supported as well. The user is provided with the option to view captured traffic in a Catalyst Trace view, timing view, or both views.

Two modes are provided for operating the analyzer; easy mode and advanced mode. In the easy mode, an extensive list of predefined trigger points are provided, and several convenient filters are available to exclude redundant USB traffic and events. The advanced mode provides a 32-level state sequencer, which allows sophisticated control of the capture and trigger sequence.

Captured USB traffic is displayed in an easy-to-understand Graphical Trace view with collapsible transfer/transaction display to quickly zero in on specific location of the bus traffic. Captured traffic can be saved to various formats, such as binary, text, and NRZI, as well as in Trace view format. An extensive array of USB class decodes is provided for detailed decoding of class-specific transfers. These decodes can be user-edited with Catalyst’s Advanced Script Language (ASL) editor. The ASL editor can also be used to create custom, proprietary decodes.

A detailed statistical report provides instant qualitative and quantitative information on the captured bus traffic, including a fast-search feature whereby the capture instantly jumps to the selected packet or event highlighted in the statistics report.

A data payload report breaks down captured payloads and provides its own statistical summary on this information, including a byte value distribution graph as well as additional quick-search features. Additional features include save-as-text, copy options, quick filters, and various display control and formatting options.

The analyzer can detect and trigger on several different USB protocol errors in real time, along with detection of numerous post-capture protocol errors.

Analyzer Features
  • Protocol error detection
  • Multi-state event triggering
  • Non-standard speed support
  • Time and event counters
  • Transaction/packet/event search and filter functions
  • Payload data report with associated data distribution chart
  • Statistics on packets, events, transactions, transfers, errors, and performance
  • Quick data search
  • Save as text, NRZI, or standard format
  • Export payload or packets/events captured for use by exerciser
  • Upper-level protocol decodes and custom protocol editor interface
  • Over-sampling timing mode
  • 384MB of capture memory
  • In normal recording mode it displays real time performance analysis metrics to help isolate protocol layer problems
  • In performance analyzer mode, throughput, bus utilization and efficiency are monitored in real time
  • Offers special ports for PHY electrical testing including Vbus, Vdroop, inrush, suspend/resume and current measurements (in operating and unconfigured modes)
  • Supports OTG both in protocol capture and device emulation modes
Feature Conquest Standard Conquest Advanced Conquest Pro Conquest Pro  Exerciser
Low Speed (1.5 Mb/s) and Full Speed (12 Mb/s) ? ? ? ?
High Speed (480 Mb/s) ? ? ? ?
Trace Memory Size 128 MB 128 MB 394 MB 394 MB
Upload to Host via USB 2.0 or LAN ? ? ? ?
Global & Raw Bit View ? ? ? ?
View Hex, Decimal or Binary ? ? ? ?
Search on Errors ? ? ? ?
Search within Data Payload ? ? ? ?
Export Text / ASCII / Binary ? ? ? ?
Snapshot Capture ? ? ? ?
Upper-level USB Class Decodes ? ? ? ?
User-defined Decodes ? ? ? ?
Single-level Event Triggering (Easy mode) ? ? ? ?
      Trigger on Protocol Errors ? ? ? ?
      Trigger on Setup / In / Out / Data / Ping ? ? ? ?
Statistical Reports   ? ? ?
Multi-level Event Triggering (Advanced mode)   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Setup Transaction   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Bulk In/Out Transaction   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Interrupt In/Out Transaction   ? ? ?
Trigger on Split Isoch In/Out Transaction   ? ? ?
Filter In / Out specific Address / Endpoints   ? ? ?
Trigger on Data Pattern and Length     ? ?
Trigger on Vbus & Operating Current     ? ?
       Event Counters     ? ?
       Event Timers     ? ?
Slow-clock Capability     ? ?
Auto Run (multiple trace capture)     ? ?
Auto detect Speed     ? ?
Performance Analyzer (Easy \  Adv. Option)     ? ?
OTG Analysis     ? ?
Timing Analysis Display     ? ?
Real Time statistics & throughput     ? ?
DC Compliance measurement     ? ?
Exerciser Graphical User Interface (GUI)       ?
Traffic Generation / Host emulation       ?
Simultaneous Transmit and Record       ?
Find Device VID / PID       ?
Device emulation       ?
OTG Device Emulation       ?
Host Exerciser

The host exerciser enables the user to emulate a USB host for purposes of testing a USB device. Traffic generated by the exerciser is captured and displayed by the analyzer, providing a fully self contained test environment. Custom USB transfers and packets can be constructed with an easy-to-use graphical interface. The user can modify packet fields, loop or iterate specified sequences, and control NAK and error retry characteristics. The exerciser is capable of transmitting large data payloads, automatically breaking them into several transactions to generate a single transfer. An array of error generation features is available to test device reaction to illegal and malformed packets, events, or transfers.

Exerciser Features
  • Automatically spreads large payloads over multiple transactions
  • Record and playback of captured packets and bus events
  • Adjustable bit width of packet fields and other error injection features
  • Automatic retry of failed transactions (fully controllable)
  • Loop selected exerciser sequences or entire sequence
  • Control of host handshakes
  • Replay captured payload data or call pre-defined data blocks
  • One-click auto-build for insertion of complex control transfers
Device Emulation

The device emulation feature simulates standard or non-standard device behavior, which is crucial for testing USB host controllers. An easy-to-use GUI displays device hierarchy for quick configuration or descriptors and other configuration characteristics. Device handshakes are fully controlled, as are all device responses to the host, including pre-programmed errors, payload data, and configuration data.

OTG Exerciser

The Conquest Pro provides complete analysis and exerciser capabilities for OTG. All Details of OTG Sessions are captured and displayed, including HNP and SRP events. The OTG exerciser emulates either the A or B device, including a user-defined traffic sequences, response settings for data line/VBus pulsing, and full suite of error injection functions. Once defined and activated, the device emulator runs independent of other analyzer functions.

Timing Analyzer

The timing analyzer over-samples USB traffic at rates to 1.44GHz and produces a waveform view of the D+ and D- lines to discover various electrically-oriented issues on the bus. Skew, jitter, EOP errors and several other anomalies are quickly identifiable in this mode. Timing captures can optionally be correlated with the protocol view. Triggering the timing analyzer can be done either through the standard analyzer triggers or by direct definition of the states of the D+ and D- lines.

DC Compliance Test Suite

A suite of Automated DC Compliance Tests is provided in both qualitative/quantitative and pass/fail formats, based on up-to-date compliance specifications. For DC current measurements, live values, averages, and peak measurements are graphically displayed. Inrush and VDroop tests are displayed in graph form, with voltage/current measurements displayed over time, along with quantitative and pass/fail displays. The analyzer also provides triggers for both VBus and operating current threshold values.

The DC Compliance Test Suite includes:
  • Operating Current
  • Suspend Current
  • Unconfigured current
  • VBus
  • VDroop
  • Inrush
Protocol Error Detection

The Conquest Pro real-time protocol error detection feature allows the user to detect & trigger on pre-defined protocol violations across all layers of the protocol, in real-time. The user simply selects the error, or errors, to be monitored and executes the capture. Errors detected cause the analyzer to trigger and highlight the error(s) inline with the rest of the packets and events. Once the analyzer is armed with trigger on protocol error(s) it will continue to monitor the bus indefinitely until an error is detected or stopped by the user. Additionally, with every capture, the Conquest Pro software automatically detects and flags more than 20 additional protocol errors.

Performance Analysis

The real-time performance analysis mode provides a graphical "finger-on-the-pulse" indication of bus activity. Metrics include bus utilization, throughput, idle time, average data payload, ACK/NAK ratio and other important characteristics. Custom performance items can be measured by building user-defined performance mathematical expressions

. Performance Characterization

The real-time performance analysis feature can also be operated in conjunction with the exerciser, allowing the user to characterize a design under precisely controlled conditions. For example, the exerciser may be used to loop through an exerciser project of read commands, while the performance analysis utility reports on other useful metrics including average data payload or ACK/NAK ratios.


2012-04-15 11:07:46     打赏
USB Mobile


The USBMobile T2 analyzer is the industry’s smallest hardware-based USB 2.0 test solution with sophisticated analysis features. The USBMobile T2 connects through the PCMCIA port and offers USB 2.0 recording and comprehensive decoding using the intuitive CATC Trace display. Real-time event triggering allows USBMobile T2 to tackle sophisticated analysis tasks in a surprisingly small package.

LeCroy has developed six generations of its industry leading USB protocol verification system since the introduction of USB in 1995. Each successive generation of the LeCroy USB analyzer family has built upon the previous knowledge and expertise. Today, LeCroy offers a broad range of USB test systems with unprecedented functionality, accuracy and user friendliness. The enormous cost of discovering problems after a product is released far outweighs the investment in LeCroy's de-facto standard USB analysis tools. Their use improves the speed and efficiency of the debug, test and verification for USB semiconductor, device, and software vendors. Analyzers or bus "sniffers" also play an essential role in avoiding costly interoperability problems by allowing developers to verify compliance with the USB specification.

Consistent with the growing popularity of digital media, the USB-IF announced USB 3.0 in late 2007 targeting 10X the current USB bandwidth by utilizing two additional high-speed differential pairs for "SuperSpeed" transfer mode. The USB 3.0 specification was released in late 2008 and commercial products began shipping in late 2009. LeCroy has pioneered the development of verifications systems for this new technology. The only company that offers a complete line of USB 3.0 test solutions covering transmitter test to protocol test, and every step in between, LeCroy helps developers achieve their goals of performance, quality, reliability and time-to-market for SuperSpeed technology.

USB Technology Overview:

USB, or Universal Serial Bus, is a connectivity standard that enables computer peripherals and consumer electronics to be connected to a computer without reconfiguring the system or opening the computer box to install interface cards. The USB 1.0 specification was introduced in January 1996. The original USB 1.0 specification had a data transfer rate of 12 Mbit/s The first widely used version of USB was 1.1, which was released in September 1998. It provided 12 Mbps data rate for higher-speed devices such as disk drives, and a lower 1.5 Mbps rate for low bandwidth devices such as joysticks. USB 2.0 specification was released in April 2000 and was ratified by the USB-IF at the end of 2001 to develop a higher data transfer rate, with the resulting specification achieving 480 Mbit/s

USB today provides a fast, bi-directional, low-cost, serial interface that offers easy connectivity to PCs. A hallmark for USB operation has been the ability for the host to automatically recognize devices as they are attached and install the appropriate drivers. With features such as backward compatibility with previous devices and hot "plug-ability", USB has become the de-facto standard interface for various consumer and PC peripheral devices. The USB standard allows up to 127 devices connected to a Host System. USB designates low, full, high-speed connectivity between devices compatible with the 2.0 specification. Most full speed devices include lower bandwidth mice, keyboards, printers, and joysticks. The use of high speed USB has exploded with the rapid growth in digital media in the consumer electronics market including media players, digital cameras, external storage and smart phones.

SuperSpeed USB is designator for links operating at the 5 GHz frequency and compatible with the USB 3.0 specification. SuperSpeed USB provides a high performance connection topology for applications that utilize larger files or require higher bandwidth. SuperSpeed USB is backward compatible with USB 2.0, resulting in a seamless transition process for the end user. SuperSpeed USB offers a compelling opportunity for digital imaging and media device vendors to migrate their designs to higher performance USB 3.0 capable interface.

NEC/Renesas was the first chip vendor to introduce host controllers for USB 3.0 (5/18/2009). The first motherboards featuring USB 3.0 ports from Asus and Gigabyte followed in late 2009. In the first half of 2010, dozens of SuperSpeed devices began shipping as vendors rushed to deliver solutions using the 5Gbps signaling speed of USB 3.0. Expect mass adoption into high-bandwidth applications in late 2010.

Why USB?

From its emergence in 1995 as a low-cost connection interface for keyboards and mice, USB has steadily expanded its presence in computing and consumer electronics to become the most popular peripheral interconnect in history. USB continues to be dominant for the following reasons:

  • Mature, proven technology
  • Backward-compatible and low cost
  • Easy plug and play operation
  • Data transfer speeds suitable for a variety of applications

As evidenced by USB popularity, several extensions of the technology have been introduced to try and capitalize on its installed base/ popularity. An example of this extension, which is supported and approved by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), is USB On-The-Go (OTG). Designed to allow portable computing devices, such as cell phones and digital cameras, the ability to connect to other USB devices as either a host or peripheral, OTG promises improved interoperability for an enormous number of USB enabled devices.

In addition, there are now dozens of USB device classes addressing everything from health care systems to isochronous video applications. Mass storage remains one of the most popular USB applications as consumers have embraced all types of digital media. The T10 committee has now finalized USB Attached SCSI (UAS) protocol which enables several significant improvements over legacy mass storage protocols including command queuing and streamed IO. Of particular interest is the new battery charging specification which provides a standard mechanism allowing devices to draw current in excess of the USB specification when connected to wall chargers or fast charging host controllers. In addition to the traditional data interchange application, the battery charging specification has solidified USB's dominant role as the interface of choice in the portable electronics market.

USB Architecture

USB was initially introduced as a host to peripheral interconnect with the goal of putting most of the intelligence on the host-side. The OTG specification added an optional peer-to-peer capability to devices but had limited adoption to date. So the vast majority of USB devices typically fall into 2 categories:

  • Hosts
    • PCs, Macs and laptops
  • Peripherals
    • All devices designed to attach to a host (examples)

The role of the host controller (plus software) is to provide a uniform view of IO systems for all applications software. For the USB IO subsystem in particular, the host manages the dynamic attach and detach of peripherals. It automatically performs the enumeration stage of device initialization which involves communicating with the peripheral to discover the identity of a device driver that it should load, if not already loaded. It also provides device descriptor information that drivers can use enable specific features on the device. Peripherals add functionality to the host system or may be standalone embedded operation. When operating as a USB device, peripherals act are slaves that obey a defined protocol. They must react to requests sent from the host. It's largely the role of PC software to manage device power without user interaction to minimize overall power consumption. The USB 3.0 specification redefines power management to occur at the hardware level with multiple power states designed to reduce power usage across the IO system.

The USBMobile? T2 is the industry’s smallest, most affordable hardware-based USB 2.0 protocol analyzer family that combines the defacto standard CATC Trace display with powerful analysis features. The USBMobile? fits into a single PCMCIA slot in a laptop computer yet provides much of the same lab quality protocol analysis offered in LeCroy’s top-of-the-line USB analyzers.

USB Device Decoding

Comprehensive USB Device class decoding is included in every model of the USBMobile T2.

Complete list of USB Decodes (Click to Expand ↓)
  • Mass Storage - SCSI (SPC-2)
  • Mass Storage - ATAPI (MMC-2)
  • Mass Storage - RBC (R10A)
  • Hub Class
  • Hub Notification
  • Printer Class
  • Communication Class
  • Communication Notification
  • Communication Class with AT Command
  • Communication Class with PPP
  • Bluetooth HCI Command
  • Bluetooth HCI Event
  • Bluetooth ACL Packet
  • Bluetooth SCO Packet
  • HID Class
  • Audio Class Descriptor
  • Audio Class Request
  • CCID Class Request
  • CCID - Command
  • CCID - Event
  • CCID - Data/Response
  • CDC - HDLC - Command
  • CDC - 1430 - Command
  • CDC - Q931 - Command
  • CDC - Q921M - Command
  • CDC - Q921 - Command
  • CDC - Trans - Command
  • CDC - V.42bis - Command
  • CDC - Event
  • CDC - Class Descriptor
  • CDC - Class Request
  • Firmware - Class Request
  • Firmware - Class Descriptor
  • HID Class Descriptor
  • HID Class Request
  • Mass Storage Class Request
  • MTP - Class Req.
  • MTP - Command
  • MTP - Data/Resp.
  • MTP - Event
  • PPP - Ethernet Receive
  • PPP - Ethernet Send
  • SCSI- MMC4 - Bulk Only
  • SCSI - MMC4 - CBI
  • SCSI - RBC - CBI
  • SCSI - SBC - Bulk Only
  • SCSI - SBC - CBI
  • SCSI - SPC2- CBI
  • SCSI - SPC3 - Bulk Only
  • SCSI - SPC3 - CBI
  • SCSI - SSC - Bulk Only
  • SCSI - SSC - CBI
  • Still Image (Cmd.Data. Resp)
  • Still Image Class Req.
  • Still Image Command
  • Still Image Data/Response
  • Still Image Event
  • USBTMC - Command
  • USBTMC - Response
  • USBTMC - Event
  • Video - Cameras Terminal - Class Req.
  • Video - Video Streaming - Class Req.
  • Video - Descriptor
  • Video - Event
  • Video Payload Descriptor
  • Video Payload
  • Video Processing Units - Class Request
  • Video Selector Units - Class Req.
  • Video Transport
  • Video - Video Control Interface - Class Req.
  • WUSB - DWA - Descriptor
  • WUSB - HWA - Descriptor
  • WUSB - HWA - DWA Request

This allows users to see upper-level mapped protocol events within the trace eliminating the tedious process of manually decoding device specific commands. From mass storage to Communication Device Class (CDC), the USBMobile T2 provides the most complete abstraction of application layer events.

Affordable and Portable

The Mobile T2 leads the industry in affordability with comprehensive USB 2.0 test and analysis solutions. Starting at $799, the USBMobile T2 PC Card design can be used virtually anywhere, extending beyond the lab environment over to the personal workstations of USB developers. Every engineer within a design team (hardware, software, and firmware) will appreciate the benefit of having a personal analyzer to fit their individual needs.

                                        Application Layer Analyzer

The remarkable USBMobile PDQ edition provides a new paradigm in analyzing “application” level USB protocol traffic without the “bits-and-bytes” of the lower layers. USBMobile PDQ captures device class transfers with full application decoding and precise timestamps. It generates all the detailed reports including the error summary and the Data View which shows payloads in Hex or decimal. Ideal for driver and application developers using off-the-shelf USB components, the USBMobile PDQ is fully upgradeable to the Standard or Advanced edition.

More USBMobile PDQ Information ?


Model Name


USBMobile PDQ - $799
USB 2.0 Application Layer Analyzer

  • Application layer capture and analysis
  • Decodes device class I/O activity
  • For debugging driver development issues

USBMobile Standard - $1199 
USB 2.0 Protocol Analyzer

  • Complete protocol capture and analysis
  • View packet & transaction layer data
  • Decodes device class I/O activity
  • For debugging hardware and software development issues

USBMobile Advanced - $1999
USB 2.0 Protocol Analyzer

  • Complete protocol capture and analysis
  • View packet & transaction layer data
  • Decodes device class I/O activity
  • Intelligent Triggering
  • Advanced analysis for debugging of hardware and software development issues

View and Understand USB Protocol

Featuring the industry-leading CATC Trace? expert analysis software, the Mobile T2 system provides an easy-to-use display that graphically decodes logical protocol events. With the Standard or Advanced edition, all protocol levels can be expanded to show the underlying transactions and packets.

Key Features

  • PC Card form factor - Personal analyzer. Low-power, portable operation with any PCMCIA compatible PC
  • CATC Trace Analysis Software System - Faster interpretation and debug of USB traffic
  • Supports USB 2.0 - Capable of capturing all USB speeds
  • OTG (On-The-Go) Support - Record and analyze HNP & SRP, including the capture of VBus and Data line pulses
  • 64 MByte Recording Capacity - Extend capture windows to several minutes with real-time hardware-based filtering
  • 2 Mini AB USB ports and cables - Designed to reduce bulk and maintain portability and compact size
  • Non-intrusive High Impedance Probe - Preserves real-world signal and timing conditions for device under test
  • Advanced Triggering - Isolates important traffic, specific errors or data patterns
  • Extensive Decodes - Mass Storage, Bluetooth HCI, Hub, PTP/Still Image, Printer, Human Interface Devices (HID), Audio and Communication
  • Hardware Filtering - Automatically exclude non-essential and redundant packets from the trace
  • Intelligent Reporting - Quickly identify and track error rates, abnormal bus or timing conditions
  • Sophisticated Viewing – The Standard and Advanced Models provide complete  Packet, Transaction and Transfer layers views of USB protocol
Non-intrusive Analysis Hardware

Completely passive in design, the USBMobile T2 preserves real-world signaling and provides 100% faithful representation of traffic on the bus. Featuring a high-impedance, non-intrusive probe, the USBMobile acts strictly as a "sniffer" and does not re-time or affect amplitude between the host and device. 64MB of physical data recording memory can be extended with filtering and data truncation.

Real Time Triggering
Isolating specific protocol events with real time triggering is essential to resolving intermittent problems. Each USBMobile provides some ability to trigger on events of interest.

  • The USBMobile PDQ can trigger on device request operations or data patterns.
  • The USBMobile Standard adds the ability to trigger on packet headers fields and errors.
  • The USBMobile Advanced offers multi-level triggering that can identify a specific sequence of events. This makes it possible to repeatedly capture unique or intermittent traffic conditions.
Intelligent Error Detection

The USBMobile provides 14 protocol error triggers with auto-detection of additional post-capture errors. Unlike other low-cost analyzers, USBMobile’s ability to trigger & pinpoint error conditions as they occur saves time during testing and debug.

Precision Timing Measurements

The lastest CATC trace software includes a persistent timing display that provides one-click measurements between events. The bandwidth calculator provides full bus utilization metrics for any range of packets you specify.




Find The Issues Fast

USBMobile provides many mechanisms to measure and report on USB traffic. The Bus Utilization graphs data, packet length, and bus usage by device other statistical data. Using the Traffic Summary window, users can evaluate statistical reports at a glance or navigate to individual fields.

Zero Time Search?

Powerful search and reporting options allow users to quickly navigate to specific packets, errors and any data type within a trace file. The CATC Trace also supports filter and hide commands, to remove irrelevant data from the Trace for efficient viewing.

2012-04-15 11:11:27     打赏


The USB package provides a complete acquisition and analysis system for USB 2.0 devices, hosts, and hubs, as specified in the USB-IF USB 2.0 Electrical Test Specification. The test software implements a full set of electrical tests for USB 2.0, including High-, Full-, and Low-speed tests and is supported by LeCroy’s QualiPHY automated test and reporting software.

Key Features
  • Compliant with all real-time oscilloscope tests specified by the USB-IF procedures
  • Support for host, device, and hub testing
  • Simple and easy-to-use automated testing
  • SMA cables used for high-speed upstream signal quality
  • Supports 12 Loads for new higher port hubs
  • 2 boards for ease of connection
  • No dangling cables
  • Support for High-speed, Full-speed, and Low-speed testing included
  • QualiPHY report generation— incorporates all oscilloscope and DVM tests

The USB package provides a complete acquisition and analysis system for USB 2.0 devices, hosts, and hubs, as specified in the USB-IF USB 2.0 Electrical Test Specification. The test software implements a full set of electrical tests for USB 2.0, including High-, Full-, and Low-speed tests and is supported by LeCroy’s QualiPHY automated test and reporting software.

QualiPHY’s connection diagrams provide a visual representation of probe and cable connections making it easy to ensure that the correct connections are made the first time.

The user is prompted when to change the test conditions and as how to interpret the test results. Each measurement is indicated by its designation within the specification, and the allowed values for each parameter are shown, as well as a pass/fail indication.

LeCroy’s TF-USB-B fixture provides sections for Signal Quality (Device & Host), Receiver Sensitivity, TDR (Device & Host), Disconnect, Inrush, Droop and 12 Loads to accommodate new higher port hubs. High-speed, Full-speed, and Low-speed tests are all supported.

QPHY-USB is supported by 2 GHz or higher bandwidth oscilloscopes: WaveRunner?, WavePro?, WaveMaster?, SDA, or DDA.

Compliance Testing for High-, Full-, and Low-speed Devices, Hosts, and Hubs


High-speed upstream signal quality test result.


Eye diagram created using the integrated USB-IF MATLAB? Test scripts.

In addition to QualiPHY, the QPHY-USB option also has easy to use step-by-step instructions embedded in the menu system of the application. These simple, step-bystep, instructions lead the user through the selected test. The user is directed as to the proper connection of probes as well as how to properly use the USB-IF High-speed Electrical Tool. Results, indicating pass or fail, are displayed on the screen. This enables the solution to help with both compliance testing and debug. All Highspeed, Full-speed and Low-speed compliance tests are supported in debug mode for Devices, Hosts and Hubs.


High-speed chirp timing test.


High-speed packet parameter test.


QualiPHY has many preset compliance configurations but also enables users to create their own test and limit sets.

Connection diagram for high-speed signal quality.

QualiPHY has many predefined configurations that allow users to run complete compliance test. (All High-speed Device Tests, All Full-speed Hub Tests, etc.) In addition, users can create their own custom test groups and limit sets. When the tests are complete, QualiPHY will generate a full test report in PDF, HTML, or XML formats (including eye diagrams and other screenshots).

Host Tests
  • HS signal quality
  • HS packet parameters
  • HS chirp timing
  • HS suspend/resume/reset
  • HS disconnect
  • FS downstream signal quality
  • LS downstream signal quality
Device Tests
  • HS signal quality
    • HS far-end for tethered devices
    • HS near-end for untethered devices
  • HS packet parameters
  • HS chirp timing
  • HS suspend/resume/reset
  • HS receiver sensitivity
  • FS upstream signal quality
  • LS upstream signal quality
  • Inrush current
Hub Tests
  • HS signal quality (upstream/downstream)
    • HS far-end for tethered hubs
    • HS near-end for untethered hubs
  • HS packet parameters
  • HS chirp timing
  • HS suspend/resume/reset
  • HS receiver sensitivity
  • HS downstream repeater
  • HS upstream repeater
  • FS signal quality (upstream/downstream)
  • LS signal quality (upstream/downstream)
  • Inrush current

TF-USB-B: Signal integrity board and load board are separate to ease connections.


TF-USB-B is required to test High-, Full-, and Low-speed Devices, Hosts, and Hubs. The accessories include two matched SMA cables, two SMA-BNC adapters, two SMA terminators, USB-A Male to Mini-B Male adapter, USB-A Female to B Female adapter, USB-A Male to Micro AB Female adapter, and ten 6" USB-A to USB-B cables. TF-USB-B contains 12 Loads for new higher port hubs. These Loads are on a separate board to allow for easy connections.

2012-04-15 13:08:32     打赏

2012-04-15 15:49:57     打赏


2012-05-16 15:46:37     打赏

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