How Quantization and Thermal Noise Determine an ADC's Effective Noise Figure
关键词: quantization noise, thermal noise, noise figure, ADC, analog to digital converter, Nyquist ADC, oversampling, signal to noise ratio, SNR, signal to noise and distortion, SINAD, noise power density, RF, receiver, high speed ADCs, analog digital conver
Abstract: The following application note provides an insight into the mathematical definitions of quantization and thermal noise, parameters which can significantly affect the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and signal-to-noise plus distortion (SINAD) specifications of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) in RF receiver applications. It concludes by comparing their impact on the effective noise figure for a Nyquist and oversampling ADC.
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How Quantization and Thermal Noise Determine an ADC's Effective Noise Figure
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