【应用手册】Implementing 10-Gigabit Ethernet Using Stratix & Stratix GX Devices
Ethernet has evolved to meet ever-increasing bandwidth demands and is
the most prevalent local-area network (LAN) communications protocol.
10-Gigabit Ethernet extends that protocol to higher bandwidth for future
high-speed applications. The accelerated growth of network traffic and
the resulting increase in bandwidth requirements is driving service
providers and enterprise network architects towards high-speed network
solutions. Potential applications for 10-Gigabit Ethernet include private
campus or LAN backbones, high-speed access links between service
providers and enterprises, and aggregation and transport in metropolitan
area networks (MANs).
ch_10_vol_2(Replaces AN220).pdf
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【应用手册】Implementing 10-Gigabit Ethernet Using Stratix & Stratix GX Devices
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