【应用手册】AN 545: Design Guidelines and Timing Closure Techniques for HardCopy ASICs
This application note covers topics from a timing closure perspective, for the
successful migration to HardCopy® ASICs from Altera’s FPGAs. The first section
covers metastability, synchronous and asynchronous resets, and synchronizing an
asynchronous reset. This section also describes techniques for passing control and
data signals across clock domains using a handshake mechanism and FIFO.
The next section covers the concept of timing requirements at the system level (I/O
constraints) and describes in detail what you must do to fully and properly constrain
your design (I/O and internal timing constraints). This section focuses on timing
constraints by introducing a few basic commands available in the TimeQuest Timing
Analyzer that are the most critical for any design. This section also describes how you
can properly constrain your design using Altera’s TimeQuest Timing Analyzer
available in the Quartus® II software.an545.pdf
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【应用手册】AN 545: Design Guidelines and Timing Closure Techniques for HardCopy ASICs
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