【应用笔记】AN462:使用ALTMEMPH宏功能模块实现多存储器接口(AN 462: Implementing Multiple Memory Interfaces Using the ALTMEMPHY Megafunction)
Many systems and applications use external memory interfaces as data storage or
buffer mechanisms. As system applications require increasing bandwidth, become
more complex, and devices get more expensive, designers prefer to have multiple
memory interfaces in a single device to save cost and space on the board, along with
removing partitioning complexity. To implement multiple memory interfaces on the
same device that are efficient and optimized for the device architecture, designers
must pay attention to the device and the physical interface (PHY) features.an462.pdf
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【应用笔记】AN462:使用ALTMEMPH宏功能模块实现多存储器接口(AN 462: Implementing Multiple Memory Interfa
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