【应用笔记】经以太网远程配置Nios II处理器(Remote Configuration Over Ethernet with the Nios II Processor)
Firmware in embedded hardware systems is frequently updated over the Ethernet. For
embedded systems that comprise a discrete microprocessor and the devices it controls, the
firmware is the software image run by the microprocessor. When the embedded system
includes an FPGA, firmware updates include updates of the hardware image on the FPGA. If
the FPGA includes a Nios® II soft processor, you can upgrade both the Nios II processor—as
part of the FPGA image—and the software that the Nios II processor runs, in a single remote
configuration session.an429.pdf
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【应用笔记】经以太网远程配置Nios II处理器(Remote Configuration Over Ethernet with the Nios II Pro
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