【应用笔记】使用I/O控制和寄存器数据保留的MAX II在系统编程升级(MAX II ISP Update with I/O Control & Register Data Retention)
MAX II器件的实时在系统编程(ISP)功能,允许你在器件工作时对其编程。这种功能使得你可以在任何时候,在不影响系统工作的情况下对MAX II器件现场升级。
MAX® II devices support the real-time in-system programmability (ISP)
feature that allows you to program the device while it is still in operation.
This feature enables you to perform in-field updates to the MAX II device
at any time without affecting system operation.an410.pdf
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【应用笔记】使用I/O控制和寄存器数据保留的MAX II在系统编程升级(MAX II ISP Update with I/O Control & Registe
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