【应用笔记】在APEX器件中使用ClockLock和ClockBoost PLL功能(Using the ClockLock & ClockBoost PLL Features in APEX Devices)
APEX 20k器件具有ClockLock和ClockBoost功能,该功能使用PLL来提高性能并提供时钟频率综合。
APEXTM 20K devices have the ClockLockTM and ClockBoostTM features,
which use phase-locked loops (PLLs) to increase performance and
provide clock-frequency synthesis. The ClockLock feature minimizes
clock delay and clock skew within the device, reducing clock-to-output
and setup times while maintaining zero hold times. The ClockBoost
feature allows designers to run the internal logic of the device at a faster
or slower rate than the input clock frequency. This technique simplifies
board design because the clock tree on the board does not have to
distribute a high-speed signal. Through the use of time-domain
multiplexing, the ClockBoost feature allows the designer to improve
device area efficiency by sharing resources within the device.an115.pdf
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【应用笔记】在APEX器件中使用ClockLock和ClockBoost PLL功能(Using the ClockLock & ClockBoost PLL
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