急招Account Sales 地点:深圳。 要求 EE背景,Power management 产品相关经验,口语可以交流。简历请发2872128376@qq.com, 微信:170810425,QQ:2872128376,MSN:echo.tao@hotmail.com
Account Sales Position
Location: Shenzhen
• Huntkey
• Megmeet
• Delta Dongguan
• Chicony HK
• Eaton
• Voltronic
• Others
Following are the requirements for the Account Sales:
1) Tertiary Qualification: EE Background
2)Working Experience: Minimum 5 years in the Semiconductor Power Management field in Sales or Marketing or Engineering positions
3)Customers relationship (preferably): Huntkey and Delta will be a plus
4) Able to work independently and with Channel Partners
5) Aggressive and presentable looking
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