Building configuration: menu_test - Debug
Updating build tree...
Error[e104]: Failed to fit all segments into specified ranges. Problem
discovered in segment CODE. Unable to place 39 block(s) (0x1c32 byte(s)
total) in 0x1986 byte(s) of memory. The problem occurred while processing the
segment placement command "-P(CODE)CODE=E000-FF7F", where at the moment of
placement the available memory ranges were "CODE:e5fa-ff7f"
Error while running Linker
Total number of errors: 2
Total number of warnings: 0
有奖活动 | |
【有奖活动——B站互动赢积分】活动开启啦! | |
【有奖活动】分享技术经验,兑换京东卡 | |
话不多说,快进群! | |
请大声喊出:我要开发板! | |
【有奖活动】EEPW网站征稿正在进行时,欢迎踊跃投稿啦 | |
奖!发布技术笔记,技术评测贴换取您心仪的礼品 | |
打赏了!打赏了!打赏了! |