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HDL Turbo Writer
Turbo Writer is a high performance HDL
syntax directed editor running on the
PC under Windows. It enables the
semi-automatic generation of both VHDL
and Verilog, and offers a fast code
development environment on the PC, fully
compliant with the IEEE 1076, VITAL and
OVI standards.
Turbo Writer automatically generates HDL
skeleton code - colour coded, line
numbered and indented - from a rich set
of templates using the first two letters
of the HDL Key word followed by .
Integration with Model Technology's
V-System VHDL/Verilog compiler and
simulator allows code to be compiled from
within VHDL Turbo Writer,
highlighting any errors found - dramatically
accelerating the compile-edit turn
around time during syntactic debug.
HDL Turbo Writer is low priced, with volume
discounts to encourage wide
VHDL Turbo Writer features:
.Automatic line numbering
.Automatic indentation
.Automatic colour coding
.Rich set of VHDL and Verilog coding templates
.Multiple template styles
.Automatic Testbench generation
.Automatic Component declarations
Fully integrated with Model Technology:
.Compile from within the editor
.Error lines highlighted in edit window
.Fast compile/edit loop
Fully integrated with Renior
.Renoir calls Turbo Writer to view HDL code.
.Turbo Writer calls Renoir to locate the
source diagram for HDL generated
Fully featured Windows based text editor:
.Multi-window/multi-document edit
.Copy between documents
.Unimited undo/redo
.Search and replace across multiple files
.File size limited only by PC memory
.File folding
.Optional Brief and VI emulation
System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 95/NT
IBM PC or compatible
16 Mb memory
关键词: Turbo Writer
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