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2003-02-22 16:45:14     打赏
2月18日,国外权威通信杂志《RCR Wireless News》杂志报道称,高通认为在大唐电信所主导的中国第三代自主知识产权3G标准——TD-SCDMA中部分的使用了美国高通公司的核心专利,并称,如果中国不承认高通对TD-SCDMA的知识产权,他们已准备好为此进行一番抗争。   针对这一报道,新浪科技联系到了大唐移动通信公司总经理杨骅先生,杨先生首先对高通公司所声称的“拥有TD-SCDMA核心专利”进行了全面的否认,并确认大唐电信绝对拥有TD-SCDMA标准的核心技术专利。当时,高通中国公司给新浪科技的答复是,目前还不太清楚,因此对此不方便发表评论。   2月20日,美国高通公司高级副总裁汪静突降北京,以平息媒体上关于该报道的诸多猜测,并就“TD-SCDMA中是否使用了高通公司的核心CDMA技术”一关键问题做了说明,首先汪静确认了原来报道中提到的部分内容,他表示,在本周一的时间,高通确实向中国标准化组织递交了较以往更加详细的专利文件,并进一步肯定了与大唐电信在CDMA技术上的曾经有过的合作关系。   然而,提及“TD-SCDMA中是否拥有高通的核心专利”这一关键问题时,汪静表示,高通从来没有否认过大唐电信在TD-SCDMA中拥有部分专利和核心技术,但高通确实也拥有TD-SCDMA中的部分核心专利。   很显然,在专利争议这一核心问题上,高通丝毫没有做出退步,在肯定对手的同时,高通根本没有放弃自己所坚持的看法和态度。与此相悖的是大唐电信在核心技术专利权的坚持,而这一问题将直接导致TD-SCDMA的知识产权归属。   另外,在昨天高通的记者会后,业界突然出现了所谓“阴谋论”,有报道称,“一个引人怀疑的细节是,这一事件的始作俑者是国内的连宇通信公司,它在日前的一个记者会上抛出了这篇在网上引起“民族主义”声浪的东西。”。对此,连宇通信公司公关部的吕小姐表现的相当轻松,她认为,连宇根本不会恶意的去捏造这种东西,也没有必要,从公司发展关系上来说,连宇与高通、大唐两家一直是抱着合作的态度带对待的,并且LAS-CDMA从技术上而言,同大唐TD-SCDMA也存在着很大的差别,“严格意义上讲,连宇的真正对手是高通,而不是大唐电信”。   据了解,LAS-CDMA是由连宇通信公司创新开发的新一代3G技术标准,并于2002年3月底,经过国家知识产权局专利检索中心确认拥有51项技术专利。然而在之后的发展中,连宇却遭遇了不小的打击,特别是国家重点扶持TD-SCDMA产业化的道路上,LAS-CDMA让人觉得有点冷清。   高通真就没有发表“如果中国不承认高通对TD-SCDMA的知识产权,他们已准备好为此进行一番抗争。”的言论吗?高通对TD-SCDMA声称知识产权真就是第一次提出来的吗?网上的报道真就是个被利用的“阴谋”吗?    目前,国际电联批准的3G标准共有3种:WCDMA,诺基亚、爱立信等公司是主要技术商;CDMA2000,美国高通公司是主要技术支持者;TD - SCDMA,中国大唐电信拥有自主知识产权的标准。在一段时间里,作为CDMA2000的主要技术主持者一直对TD-SCDMA相当冷淡,而是极力推广其专利费昂贵的CDMA2000,而诺基亚、爱立信这几家公司所定下的WCDMA专利权使用费用,也要比高通公司的费用低。   据了解,TD—SCDMA技术是中国政府支持的目前的三个3G标准之一,虽然该技术也是在高通公司的CDMA标准上发展起来的,但中国却拥有完全的知识产权,因此不必向高通公司支付相应的专利使用费用。   去年10月份,信息产业部正式公布了未来中国3G发展的频谱划分方案,在这个方案中,TD-SCDMA被预留了155M的频段,而欧洲的WCDMA标准和美日韩所主导的CDMA2000标准一共仅预留了60M的对称频段,其中CDMA2000标准正是由美国高通公司拥有核心专利的3G标准。   紧接着,10月30日,大唐电信、南方高科、华立、华为、联想、中兴、中国电子、中国普天等国内九家重头手机企业宣布歃血为盟,共推中国的3G产业发展,TD-SCDMA产业联盟宣告成立,这也象征着TD-SCDMA的正式商业化历程走向了正规。   就TD-SCDMA产业联盟成立当天,美国高通公司股票重挫6%,报收于33.69美元,美国证券分析师认为,中国对自主知识产权3G标准的大力扶持,必定将大幅度的影响到高通公司的专利收入。而在此前,高通中国公司总裁张谦悄然隐退,据接近张谦的消息人士称,张谦是不愿意损害国家利益而离开高通。   就在TD-SCDMA产业联盟成立后没几天,2002年的11月高通公司就在海外媒体上言称,TD-SCDMA标准中使用了数项高通公司的核心专利,而此次高通公司在美国权威杂志上的指正无疑加快了侵蚀中国TD-SCDMA的步伐。   在大唐电信对此保持低调的情况下,大唐电信最紧密的战略合作伙伴——德国西门子公司则对高通“拥有TD-SCDMA知识产权”的说法进行了彻底否定,“到目前为止我们并未发现我们的TD-SCDMA手机使用了高通的技术专利”。(文/曹增辉)   附录:《RCR Wireless News》杂志原文   Qualcomm says it holds TD-SCDMA patent rights   by SAM OMATSEYE   February 10, 2003   Qualcomm Inc. says it is ready to flex its patent muscles for TD-SCDMA technology if China fails to recognize Qualcomm's intellectual property rights to the technology.   Although the Chinese government has not issued any IPR statement on the subject, the country's major telecom equipment maker, Datang Telecom Technology Co. Ltd., said the San Diego, Calif.-based company has no patent claims to the technology, triggering a potential showdown with diplomatic, legal, commercial and technological dimensions.   Industry narrowed its lens on the protocol, according to analysts, when the Chinese government allocated spectrum for it. Datang also has signed a series of agreements with major wireless firms to develop TD-SCDMA chipsets.   It would violate World Trade Organization protocol if the Chinese government launches TD-SCDMA service, said Lou Lupin, general counsel and senior vice president at Qualcomm. He explained that if any company rolled out the protocol, Qualcomm would mount a challenge as it has done in the past for its patents around the world, adding that the company has a variety of patents in TD-SCDMA technology.   "Our batting average is extraordinarily good," he said, referring to Qualcomm's past patent victories. "We will prevail."   However, Lupin noted that the technology is still in its development stage, and the company is monitoring the activities involving the protocol. He said it remains to be seen if any company can produce it at reasonable prices and deploy it widely.   Datang Chairman Zhou Huan has been stoking battle flames lately. "We believe that the TD-SCDMA standard in China uses a lot of core IPR that was actually developed by the Chinese themselves," he proclaimed. "TD-SCDMA does not use Qualcomm technology and we welcome Qualcomm to contact us to negotiate."   Lupin said the company planned to make its patent submissions to the Chinese standards body called Chinese Wireless Telecommunications Standards.   Eighteen companies, including Datang, Nokia Corp., Samsung Electronics Inc. and Texas Instruments Inc., have come together to establish a joint venture known as Commit to produce TD-SCDMA chipsets for handsets. Agilent Technologies Inc. and Racom are working on test and measuring equipment for the protocol.   Datang's staunchest partner has been Siemens AG, which has pledged to spend $50 million this year for the technology. Both companies will pool 350 dedicated engineers for the project. Datang has said it seeks more overseas capital to advance the technology.   Qualcomm's Lupin said his company and the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry wanted to negotiate a framework agreement, but later handed over the responsibility to carrier China Unicom.   "The idea was to establish a single framework in material terms for our licenses," said Lupin. "MII came up with a list of 17 companies authorized to develop handsets and about seven for infrastructure."   However, those negotiations only involved IS-95 and cdma2000 1x technology, and took place before China gained membership to the WTO, Lupin said. Membership in WTO forbids the government to enter any negotiations with private companies in regard to technology transfers, commercial agreements and licenses.   "China has been careful to abide by WTO rules," said Lupin.   This leaves the battle in the hands of Datang if it plans to pursue its IPR claims.

关键词: 深度     报道     高通     为何     坚称     拥有     TD-SCDM    

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