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Name Title
Andy Pabinger VP Europe
Armin Pressler CIO
Brad Murdoch VP Prof Services Division
Christine Parker Senior Director
David Fraser Group Vice-President
Gayle Semrad Senior Director, Corporate Marketing
Jane Bone Sr. Director, Controller, Finance
Jerry Fiddler Chairman
John Brennan Vice President of Human Resources
John Fogelin VP, CTO and Gen. Mang. of the Embedded Technologie
Kamran Sokhanvari Vice President, Global Operations and Services
Marla Stark VP of IP, Legal
Michael Zellner CFO, VP-Fin., Sec.
Narendra Gupta Vice Chairman
Peter Krag Director Services Europe
Scott Morrison VP
Steve Harris Director UK
Steve Kennedy Group VP of Worldwide Sales and Marketing
Thomas St. Dennis Pres, CEO, Director
Tony Tryba VP
关键词: Windriver 老总
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