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keil,rv,02a,debug 郁闷,新版keil rv 3.02a竟然不能软件debug!
谁有解决方案? 答 1: 那位大虾用过新版keil rv?碰到过这个问题没有? 答 2: ding 答 3: 想办法去注册咯~~~~~~我用2.5A时好象没这个问题。 答 4: 注册了我用3.01a也没问题,升级后才出现问题的。
圈圈可以试一下 答 5: re
答 6: 懒得升级了,一直用着2.5A版的,没发现啥大问题,将就着用吧 答 7: boy123:你是mcu123的版主?有没有解决的办法? 答 8: 我用3.01a也没问题,升级后才出现问题的。没有必要就不升级吧 答 9: 难道只有用3.01a?没有解决的方法? 答 10: 我还用的是3.0A,感觉3.01A,3.02A更改地方对于我来说,用于不大RealView Microcontroller Development Kit – Version 3.02
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Corrected a problem in the RDI Interface with breakpoint setting after go til main has been executed.
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Added device simulation support for STMicroelectronics STR730, STR731, STR735, and STR736 devices.
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Added support for source-level debugging for GNU source code.
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Corrected a problem that occurred when loading some GNU ELF files. An Invalid Line Number Table message was generated because the GNU line number table is partially incorrect. This had the side effect that no line numbers were loaded. Now only the incorrect portion of the line number table is ignored.
[Device Support]
Added header files for the STMicroelectronics STR9 Ethernet controller.
[Device Support]
Added an EasyWEB example for the STMicroelectronics STR9 in the \KEIL\ARM\RV30\BOARDS\KEIL\MCBSTR9\EASYWEB\ folder. This example implements a small TCP/IP server.
[Device Support]
Updated STMicroelectronics STR9 example programs to reflect the current PLL configuration. Previous examples where designed for an earlier device step.
RealView Microcontroller Development Kit – Version 3.01
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Updated device simulation support for the Analog Devices ADuC702x microcontroller series.
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Corrected a problem with the Interrupts Dialog for the STMicroelectronics STR7xx target dialogs.
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Added device support and example projects for the following devices:
Analog Devices ADuC712x
Atmel AT91SAM7X and SAM7XC
Atmel AT91RM9200
Atmel AT91SAM9261
Freescale MAC7100
Luminary LM3S102, LM3S301, LM3S310, LM3S316
Philips LPC3000
ST Microelectronics STR9xx
Corrected a problem with Flash programming for the Analog Devices ADuC703x microcontroller series.
[RealView Compilation Tools]
The RealView Compilation Tools now generate standard ELF/DWARF output files for the full, licensed software. The evaluation version still outputs the Symbolic Object files. 答 11: 再次回帖:老鸟告我windows\system下少MSVCR71.dll文件经过2个电脑的测试,云中月888说得确实没错~~~
我晕~~~有人说不行~~~ 答 12: 只有等新的破解了! 答 13: 回 hotpower你说的是3.01A,我说的是3.02A
3.01A缺少MSVCR71.dll,但3.02A有MSVCR71.dll也不行 答 14: 我也试了,和楼主说的一样。1、新版本改动不大,暂时回3.01的版本
2只有等新的破解出来才能用后续版本,要不我们以后没得升级了。 答 15: 没办法,只有重回3.01 答 16: 51已经到8.05了,ARM到8.02,RTL也到3.02了 答 17: 问题已解决 答 18: 怎么解决的? 答 19: 是也,怎么解决的呀?
谁有解决方案? 答 1: 那位大虾用过新版keil rv?碰到过这个问题没有? 答 2: ding 答 3: 想办法去注册咯~~~~~~我用2.5A时好象没这个问题。 答 4: 注册了我用3.01a也没问题,升级后才出现问题的。
圈圈可以试一下 答 5: re
答 6: 懒得升级了,一直用着2.5A版的,没发现啥大问题,将就着用吧 答 7: boy123:你是mcu123的版主?有没有解决的办法? 答 8: 我用3.01a也没问题,升级后才出现问题的。没有必要就不升级吧 答 9: 难道只有用3.01a?没有解决的方法? 答 10: 我还用的是3.0A,感觉3.01A,3.02A更改地方对于我来说,用于不大RealView Microcontroller Development Kit – Version 3.02
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Corrected a problem in the RDI Interface with breakpoint setting after go til main has been executed.
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Added device simulation support for STMicroelectronics STR730, STR731, STR735, and STR736 devices.
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Added support for source-level debugging for GNU source code.
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Corrected a problem that occurred when loading some GNU ELF files. An Invalid Line Number Table message was generated because the GNU line number table is partially incorrect. This had the side effect that no line numbers were loaded. Now only the incorrect portion of the line number table is ignored.
[Device Support]
Added header files for the STMicroelectronics STR9 Ethernet controller.
[Device Support]
Added an EasyWEB example for the STMicroelectronics STR9 in the \KEIL\ARM\RV30\BOARDS\KEIL\MCBSTR9\EASYWEB\ folder. This example implements a small TCP/IP server.
[Device Support]
Updated STMicroelectronics STR9 example programs to reflect the current PLL configuration. Previous examples where designed for an earlier device step.
RealView Microcontroller Development Kit – Version 3.01
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Updated device simulation support for the Analog Devices ADuC702x microcontroller series.
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Corrected a problem with the Interrupts Dialog for the STMicroelectronics STR7xx target dialogs.
µvision3 ide/debugger/simulator
Added device support and example projects for the following devices:
Analog Devices ADuC712x
Atmel AT91SAM7X and SAM7XC
Atmel AT91RM9200
Atmel AT91SAM9261
Freescale MAC7100
Luminary LM3S102, LM3S301, LM3S310, LM3S316
Philips LPC3000
ST Microelectronics STR9xx
Corrected a problem with Flash programming for the Analog Devices ADuC703x microcontroller series.
[RealView Compilation Tools]
The RealView Compilation Tools now generate standard ELF/DWARF output files for the full, licensed software. The evaluation version still outputs the Symbolic Object files. 答 11: 再次回帖:老鸟告我windows\system下少MSVCR71.dll文件经过2个电脑的测试,云中月888说得确实没错~~~
我晕~~~有人说不行~~~ 答 12: 只有等新的破解了! 答 13: 回 hotpower你说的是3.01A,我说的是3.02A
3.01A缺少MSVCR71.dll,但3.02A有MSVCR71.dll也不行 答 14: 我也试了,和楼主说的一样。1、新版本改动不大,暂时回3.01的版本
2只有等新的破解出来才能用后续版本,要不我们以后没得升级了。 答 15: 没办法,只有重回3.01 答 16: 51已经到8.05了,ARM到8.02,RTL也到3.02了 答 17: 问题已解决 答 18: 怎么解决的? 答 19: 是也,怎么解决的呀?
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