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ARM,Realview,ADS1,hotpower 大家来讨论讨论关于ARM Realview比ADS1.2的优点.看了hotpower的
贴子说:static const就能把变量放到FLASH中.这确实不错
答 1:
没什么可讨论的。ADS1。2已经不发展了,而ARM RealView是ARM公司新推出的开发环境。
答 2:
你知道ARM RealView有哪些改进的地方吗!!!要是不知道不会用,那和用ADS1.2有什么区别呢?
答 3:
答 4: 我下的RealView怎么和ADS1.2操作界面一样子. 答 5: 到www.keil.com下载新的realviewWhat's New in RVMDK Version 2.50a
[RealView Compilation Tools]
Added the industry-standard RealView Compilation Tools form ARM as well as numerous program examples. The RealView examples are found in the \KEIL\ARM\RV\EXAMPLES\ folder. Overview information is available from the \KEIL\ARM\HLP\RVI.CHM help file.
[RealView Compilation Tools]
The RealView Compilation Tools fully support C and C++ including templates and namespaces. The µVision Debugger supports debugging of C++ code but may have restrictions with regards to the debug illusion for C++.
Added support for daisy chaining.
Added ARM9 device support.
[Device Support]
Added device support for the STMicroelectronics STR730 series.
[CARM Compiler]
Corrected a problem with loop optimizations and loop counts.
[CARM Compiler]
Corrected the behaviour of the strstr function when the substring to locate is in the middle of the string to search.
答 6: ADS有很多支持,但不知道Realview有没有?ADS有很多支持,但不知道Realview有没有?象简易JTAG,realview上能用吗? 答 7: 大家知道在哪有下载吗?2006年重头戏产品推荐:
Intel XScale IXP425开发板增强版II型
Intel IXP465 XScale网络开发评估板
TMS320DM642开发平台第三版 答 8: RealView的启动代码好用吗? 答 9: 我直接用const,就保存到FLASH里去了。
答 4: 我下的RealView怎么和ADS1.2操作界面一样子. 答 5: 到www.keil.com下载新的realviewWhat's New in RVMDK Version 2.50a
[RealView Compilation Tools]
Added the industry-standard RealView Compilation Tools form ARM as well as numerous program examples. The RealView examples are found in the \KEIL\ARM\RV\EXAMPLES\ folder. Overview information is available from the \KEIL\ARM\HLP\RVI.CHM help file.
[RealView Compilation Tools]
The RealView Compilation Tools fully support C and C++ including templates and namespaces. The µVision Debugger supports debugging of C++ code but may have restrictions with regards to the debug illusion for C++.
Added support for daisy chaining.
Added ARM9 device support.
[Device Support]
Added device support for the STMicroelectronics STR730 series.
[CARM Compiler]
Corrected a problem with loop optimizations and loop counts.
[CARM Compiler]
Corrected the behaviour of the strstr function when the substring to locate is in the middle of the string to search.
答 6: ADS有很多支持,但不知道Realview有没有?ADS有很多支持,但不知道Realview有没有?象简易JTAG,realview上能用吗? 答 7: 大家知道在哪有下载吗?2006年重头戏产品推荐:
Intel XScale IXP425开发板增强版II型
Intel IXP465 XScale网络开发评估板
TMS320DM642开发平台第三版 答 8: RealView的启动代码好用吗? 答 9: 我直接用const,就保存到FLASH里去了。
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